Our team
Describe the team, its composition and the main tasks or goals. Give an overview of the focus of the work, e.g. the collaboration between different disciplines or the goals such as data analysis, pattern recognition or the improvement of technologies.

Prof. Dr. med. Ute Bartels
Maximilian Florian Bauer
Pauline Becker
Dr. Juliane Buhl
Lea Joy Digel
Fabienne Engelmann
Emma Fernandez Tendolkar
Charlotte Gatzweiler
Emily Cecilia Hardin
Simon Krost
Amelia Kurti
Anna Loboda
Prof. Dr. Martina Muckenthaler
Leo Nonnenbroich
Elisabeth Pezzuto
Sophia Scheuermann
Annsophie Schmidt
Dr. Christian Seitz
Kyriaki Smyrilli
Kathrin Wolsing
Simon Zeuner