Our team
Describe the team, its composition and the main tasks or goals. Give an overview of the focus of the work, e.g. the collaboration between different disciplines or the goals such as data analysis, pattern recognition or the improvement of technologies.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kulozik
Pradeep Baskar
Dorian Dragicevic
Joris Frenz
Stephanie Hoffmann
Dr. Ashok Kumar Jayavelu
Chantal Jekien
Dr. Irmela Jeremias
Ankita Jha
Marianna Kombou
Kristina Kuhbandner
Kanchana Maharjan
Lianghao Mao
Jutta Mattern
Dhruv Mehra
Dr. Lavanya Mokada Gopal
Liliana Mura
Sercan Öz
Zahra Rafiee Pour
Corinne Rossi
Yongjie Wang