Novel Detection Techniques for Ion Beams - Third Party Funding

Project Funding


PI: Tim Gehrke: German Cancer Aid

Project title: Development of a method for high resolution verification of the beam quality in ion beam radiotherapy



PI: Mária Martišíková: National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT)

Program: Proof-of-concepts Clinical Trials

Project title: In-vivo monitoring of carbon ion radiotherapy delivery (InViMo)


Co-PI: Mária Martišíková: German Research Foundation (DFG)

Project title: Ion radiography with adaptive energy choice for a precise radiotherapy



PI: Mária Martišíková: Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD)

Bonus Program: Third Party



PI: Mária Martišíková: Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD)

Bonus Program: Third Party



PI: Mária Martišíková: Hengstberger Foundation

Grant to host a Symposium



PI: Mária Martišíková: German Research Foundation (DFG) 

Funding program: Klinische Forschergruppe (Clinical research group)

Grant ID: MA 4437/3-1

Project title: Ion radiography for motion detection (within the Clinical Research Group project 'Heavy Ion Therapy' - KFO 214)


PI: Mária Martišíková: German Cancer Aid

Funding program: Klinische Forschung und Kliniknahe Grundlagenforschung (Clinical research and basic research close to clinics)

Grant ID: 110296

Project title: Ion spectroscopy for improvement of the physical beam model for therapy planning in ion beam therapy


PI: Mária Martišíková: Heidelberg University

Funding program: Olympia Morata Program within the Excellence funding program of the University

Project title: New high precision detection techniques for ion radiotherapy - investigation of the Timepix detector for dosimetry and ion radiography


2008 & 2010

PI: Mária Martišíková: German Research Society (DFG) 

Funding Program: Eigene Stelle (Own position)

Grant IDs: MA 4437/1-1 & MA 4437/1-2

Project title: Development and clinical implementation of new methods for dosimetry in radiation therapy with heavy ion beams - investigations of a flat-panel detector


2006 & 2007 

PI: Mária Martišíková: German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

Funding program: Intramural Funding Program

Grant ID: K502

Project title: Clinical implementation of new methods for dosimetry in radiation therapy with heavy ion beams - investigations of radiochromic films

Get in touch with us

Employee image
Dr. Maria Martisikova
Research Group Leader
Employee image
Dr. Tim Gehrke
Deputy Research Group Leader

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