Novel Detection Techniques for Ion Beams - Publications
In peer-reviewed journals
- J. B. Christensen, I. Domingo Muñoz, P. Bilski, V. Conte, P. Olko, L. Bossin, A. Vestergaard, S. Agosteo, A. Rosenfeld, L. Tran, Ž. Knežević, M. Majer, I. Ambrožová, A. Parisi, T. Gehrke, M. Martišíková, N. Bassler. Status of LET assessment with active and passive detectors in ion beams. Radiation Measurements 177, 107252 (2024).
- L. Kelleter, L. Marek, G. Echner, P. Ochoa-Parra, M. Winter, S. Harrabi, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel, J. Debus, M. Martisikova. An in-vivo treatment monitoring system for ion-beam radiotherapy based on 28 Timepix3 detectors. Scientific Reports 14, 15452 (2024).
- R. Félix-Bautista, Y. Hamad, T. Yáñez-González, P. Ochoa-Parra, C. Granja, M. Martišíková, A. Mairani and T. Gehrke. Towards precise LET measurements based on energy deposition of therapeutic ions in Timepix3 detectors. Physics in Medicine and Biology 69 (2024) 12503
- L. Kelleter, S. Schmidt, M. Subramanian, L. Marek, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel, J. Debus and M. Martišíková. Characterisation of a customised 4-chip Timepix3 module for charged-particle tracking. Radiation Measurements 173 (2024) 107086
- M. Metzner, D. Zhevachevska, A. Schlechter, F. Kehrein, J. Schlecker, C. Murillo, S. Brons, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková and T. Gehrke. Energy painting: helium-beam radiography with thin detectors and multiple beam energies. Physics in Medicine & Biology 69 (2024) 055002
- C. Knobloch, M. Metzner, F. Kehrein, C. Schömers, S. Scheloske, S. Brons, R. Hermann, A. Peters, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková and T. Gehrke. Experimental helium-beam radiography with a high-energy beam: Water-equivalent thickness calibration and first image-quality results. Medical Physics 49 (2022) 5347-5362 Editor's Choice
- L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, R. Félix-Bautista, A. Schlechter, L. Kelleter, M. Reimold, G. Echner, P. Soukup, O. Jäkel, T. Gehrke and M. Martišíková. Detecting perturbations of a radiation field inside a head-sized phantom exposed to therapeutic carbon-ion beams through charged-fragment tracking. Medical Physics 29 (2022) 1776-1792 Editor's Choice
- L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, A. Schlechter, R. Félix-Bautista, T. Gehrke, G. Echner, L. Kelleter and M. Martišíková. Investigation of Suitable Detection Angles for Carbon-Ion Radiotherapy Monitoring in Depth by Means of Secondary-Ion Tracking. Frontiers in Oncology 11 (2021) 780221
- R. Félix‐Bautista, L. Ghesquière‐Diérickx, L. Marek, C. Granja, P. Soukup, D. Turecek, L. Kelleter, S. Brons, M. Ellerbrock, O. Jäkel, T. Gehrke and M. Martišíková. Quality assurance method for monitoring of lateral pencil beam positions in scanned carbon‐ion radiotherapy using tracking of secondary ions. Medical Physics 8 (2021) 4411-4424
- C. Amato, M. Martišíková, and T. Gehrke: A technique for spatial resolution improvement in helium‐beam radiography. Medical Physics 5 (2020) 2212-2221
- A. Rosenfeld, S. Alnaghy, M. Petasecca, D. Cutajar, M. Lerch, S. Pospisil, V. Giacometti, R. Schulte, V. Rosso, M. Würl, C. Granja, M. Martišíková and K. Parodi. Medipix detectors in radiation therapy for advanced quality-assurance. Radiation Measurements 130 (2020) 106211
- R. Félix-Bautista, T. Gehrke, L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, M. Reimold, C. Amato, D. Turecek, J. Jakubek, M. Ellerbrock and M. Martišíková: Experimental l verification of a non-invasive method to monitor the lateral pencil beam position in an anthropomorphic phantom for carbon-ion radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology 64 (2019) 175019
- G. Arico, T. Gehrke, R. Gallas, A. Mairani, O. Jäkel and M. Martisikova: Investigation of single carbon ion fragmentation in water and PMMA for hadron therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology 64 (2019) 055018
- C. Granja, J. Jakubek, M. Martisikova, S. Kodaira, S. Polansky, P. Krist, V. Zach and T. Matlocha: Dynamic range and resolving power of the Timepix detector to heavy charged particles. Journal of Instrumentation 13 (2018) C11003
- C. Granja, ..., M. Martišíková: Resolving power of pixel detector Timepix for wide-range electron, proton and ion detection, Nucl. Instrum. Meth A 908 (2018) 60-71
- M. Martišíková, T. Gehrke, S. Berke, G.Aricò and O. Jäkel: Helium ion beam imaging for image guided ion radiotherapy, Radiation Oncology 13(1) (2018) 109
- T. Gehrke, C. Amato and M. Martišíková: Theoretical and experimental comparison of proton and helium-beam radiography using silicon pixel detectors, Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (2018) 035037 Medical Physics Web:
- T. Gehrke, R. Gallas, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Proof of principle of helium-beam radiography using silicon pixel detectors for energy deposition measurement, identification, and tracking of single ions, Medical Physics 45(2) (2018) 817-829
- G. Aricò, T. Gehrke, J. Jakubek, R. Gallas, S. Berke, O. Jäkel, A. Mairani, A. Ferrari and M. Martišíková: Investigation of mixed ion fields in the forward direction for 220.5 MeV/u helium ion beams: comparison between water and PMMA targets, Phys. Med. Biol. 62 (20) (2017) 8003–8
- R. Gallas, G. Arico, L.N. Burigo, T. Gehrke , J.Jakubek, C. Granja, D. Turecek and M. Martišíková: A Novel Method for Assessment of Fragmentation and Beam-Material Interactions in Helium Ion Radiotherapy with a Miniaturized Setup, Physica Medica, 42C (2017) 116-126
- T. Gehrke, L. Burigo, G. Arico, S. Berke, J. Jakubek, D. Turecek, T. Tessonnier, A. Mairani and M. Martišíková: Energy deposition measurements of single 1H, 4He and 12C ions of therapeutic energies in a silicon pixel detector, Journal of Instrumentation 12 (2017) P04025 Citations:
- R. Castriconi, M. Ciocca, A. Mirandola, C. Sini, S. Broggi, M. Schwarz, F. Fracchiolla, M. Martisikova, G. Arico, G. Mettivier and P. Russo: Dose-response of EBT3 radiochromic films to proton and carbon ion clinical beams, Phys. Med. Biol. 62(2) (2017) 377-39
- A.M. Reinhart, C.K. Spindeldreier, J. Jakubek and M. Martišíková: Three dimensional reconstruction of carbon ion beams in phantoms using single secondary ion tracks, Phys. Med. Biol. 62 (12) (2017) 4884-4896
- T. Gaa, A.M. Reinhart, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, P. Soukup, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Visualization of air and metal inhomogeneities in phantoms irradiated by carbon ion beams using prompt secondary ions, Physica Medica 38 (2017) 140-147
- B. Hartmann, K. Gwosch, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: A Novel Method for Fragmentation Studies in Particle Therapy Using a Small Set-Up: Basic Principles, International Journal of Particle Therapy, Vol.3, No.4, (2017) p. 439
- B. Hartmann, P. Soukup, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Distortion of the Per-Pixel Signal in the Timepix detector observed in high energy carbon ion beams, Journal of Instrumentation 9 P09006 (2014)
- J. Telsemeyer, B. Ackermann, S. Ecker, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Experimental verification of ion range calculation in a treatment planning system using a flat-panel detector, Phys. Med. Biol. 59 (2014) p. 3737
- K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, P. Soukup, O Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Noninvasive monitoring of therapeutic carbon ion beams in a homogeneous phantom by tracking of secondary ions, Phys. Med. Biol. 58 (2013) 3755-3773 Medical Physics Web:
- L. Opalka, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková, S. Pospisil and J. Solc: Linear energy transfer and track pattern recognition of secondary radiation generated in hadron therapy beam in a PMMA target, Journal of Instrumentation 8 (2013) C02047
- M. Martišíková, S. Brons, B.M. Hesse and O. Jäkel: High-resolution fluence verification for treatment plan specific QA in ion beam radiotherapy, Phys. Med. Biol. 58 (2013) 1725-1738
- J. Telsemeyer, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Quantitative carbon ion beam radiography and tomography with a flat-panel detector, Phys. Med. Biol. 57 7957-7971 (2012) One of the 19 PMB highlights in 2012. Read more in: Medical Physics Web:
- M. Martišíková, B. Hartmann, B.M. Hesse, S. Brons, B. Ackermann and O. Jäkel: Characterization of a flat-panel detector for ion beam spot measurements, Phys. Med. Biol. 57 485-497 (2012)
- B. Hartmann, J. Telsemeyer, L. Huber, B. Ackermann, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Investigations of a flat-panel detector for quality assurance measurements in ion beam therapy, Phys. Med. Biol. 57 51-68 (2012)
- L.Opalka, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková, S. Pospisil and J.Solc: 3D measurement of the radiation distribution in a water-phantom in a hadron therapy beam, Journal of Instrumentation 7 C01085 (2012)
- J. Jakubek, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková, L. Opalka and S. Pospisil: Selective Detection of Secondary Particles and Neutrons Produced during Ion Beam Therapy with 3D Sensitive Voxel Detector, Journal of Instrumentation 6 C12010 (2011)
- L. Huber, J. Telsemeyer, M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Patient position verification in ion-beam therapy using ion-beam radiography and fiducial markers, Journal of Instrumentation 6 C11008 (2011)
- M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, L. Opálka, S. Pospíšil and O. Jäkel: Measurement of secondary radiation during ion beam therapy with the pixel detector Timepix, Journal of Instrumentation 6 C11014 (2011)
- M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Dosimetric properties of Gafchromic EBT films in medical carbon ion beams, Phys. Med. Biol. 55 5557-67 (2010)
- M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Dosimetric properties of Gafchromic EBT films in monoenergetic medical ion beams, Phys. Med. Biol. 55 3741-51 (2010)
- M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Gafchromic EBT films for ion dosimetry, Radiation Measurements 45 1268-70 (2010)
- B. Hartmann, M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Homogeneity of Gafchromic EBT2 film, Technical note in Med. Phys. 37 1753-6 (2010)
- M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Study of Gafchromic EBT film response over a large dose range, Phys. Med. Biol. 55 N281-90 (2010)
- M. Martišíková, B. M. Hesse and O. Jäkel: Test of an amorphous silicon detector in medical proton beams, Nucl. Instrum. Meth A 633 Supplement 1 S259-61 (2010)
- M. Martišíková: Introduction to ion beam therapy, Proceedings of the 5th International Summer School on Nuclear Physics Methods and Accelerators in Biology and Medicine, American Institute of Physics Conf. Proc. 1204 103-10 (2009)
- M. Martišíková, B. Ackermann, S. Klemm and O. Jäkel: Use of Gafchromic films in heavy ion therapy, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 591 171-3 (2008)
- M. Martišíková, B. Ackermann and O. Jäkel: Analysis of uncertainties in Gafchromic EBT film dosimetry of photon beams, Phys. Med. Biol. 53 7013-27 (2008) Belonged to the 3% of the most downloaded papers among all IOP journals in the first half of 2009
For a full list of articles, theses etc. from the division, see here.
Conference contributions
Oral Presentations
- M. Metzner, A. Schlechter, C. Amato, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková, T. Gehrke. Helium-beam radiography for precise cancer irradiation: Impact of scatter rejection on image quality. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector Conference, Tampa, USA (2024)
- L. Kelleter, R. Kirchgässner, P. Ochoa-Parra, S. Harrabi, P. Schlegel, G. Echner, L. Marek, M. Winter, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel, J. Debus, M. Martišíková. In-vivo carbon-ion radiotherapy monitoring by tracking of charged nuclear fragments: latest patient results. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector Conference, Tampa, USA (2024)
- T. Gehrke , M. Metzner , Y. Xu , S. Schaumann , R. Floca , O. Jäkel , M. Martisikova. Helium-beam radiography (αRAD) in ion-beam therapy. 25th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Lisbon, Portugal (2024)
- M. Saphörster, J. A. Alozy, R. Ballabriga, M. Campbell, P. Christodoulou, M. Fernandez Garcia, T. Gehrke, L. Kelleter, R. Kirchgässer, M. Martišíková, M. Moll, L. Tlustos. Investigating the high energy response of Timepix3 detectors for applications in ion-beam therapy. 25th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Lisbon, Portugal (2024)
- L. Kelleter, P. Ochoa-Parra, R. Kirchgässner, P. Schlegel, G. Echner, L. Marek, S. Harrabi, M. Winter, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel, J. Debus, M. Martišíková. Ion-beam therapy quality monitoring using secondary-ion tracking with Timepix3: first results of the InViMo clinical trial. 25th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Lisbon, Portugal (2024)
- L. Kelleter. An in-vivo monitoring system for ion-beam radiotherapy based on tracking of charged nuclear fragments with 28 Timepix3 detectors. 12th Beam Telescopes and Test Beams (BTTB) Workshop, Invited lecture, Edinburgh, UK (2024)
- P. Schlegel, L. Kelleter, P. Ochoa-Parra, E. Bartelme, R. Kirchgässner, O. Jaekel, J. Debus, M. Martišíková. Carbon-ion radiotherapy monitoring with secondary ions: new data analysis strategies for detecting inter-fractional changes. 62nd PTCOG meeting, Singapore (2024)
- P. Ochoa-Parra, L. Schweins, L. Marek, J. Jakubek, A. Mairani, G. Echner, M. Winter, O. Jäkel, J. Debus, M. Martišı́ková, L. Kelleter. Monte Carlo simulations of in-vivo carbon-ion treatment monitoring with charged nuclear fragments. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector Conference, Vancouver, Canada (2023)
- L. Kelleter, P. Ochoa Parra, S. Schmidt, L. Schweins, R. Kirchgässner, R. Felix Bautista, S. Harrabi, O. Jäkel, J. Debus, M. Martišíková. First patient measurements of carbon-ion therapy monitoring with charged nuclear fragments at the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center. 24th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Oslo, Norway (2023)
- R. Félix-Bautista, T. Gehrke, M. Martišíková. Measuring spill microstructure of medical synchrotron on primary and secondary ion radiation fields using Timepix3 detectors. 24th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Oslo, Norway (2023)
- A. Schlechter, M. Metzner, D. Zhevachevska, O. Jäkel, M. Martisikova, T. Gehrke. 2.5D Imaging: obtaining additional depth information from helium-beam radiographs for applications in ion beam radiotherapy using silicon pixel detectors. 24th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Oslo, Norway (2023)
- M. Metzner, F. Kehrein, C. Knobloch, M. Raza, B. Ackermann, S. Brons, M. Matouš, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková, T. Gehrke. Quantitative helium-beam radiograph of a head and neck model and comparison to X-ray CT projections. 24th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Oslo, Norway (2023)
- L. Kelleter, S. Schmidt, G. Echner, L. Marek, P. Ochoa Parra, L. Schweins, R. Kirchgässner, T. Gehrke, R. Felix Bautista, S. Harrabi, M. Winter, M. Ellerbrock, M. Jakubek, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel, J. Debus, M. Martišíková. Design and characterisation of a treatment monitoring system for carbon-ion radiotherapy based on 28 Timepix3 detectors. 61st PTCOG meeting, Madrid, Spain (2023)
- Y. Xu, M. Metzner, D. Zhevachevska, A. Schlechter, S. Schaumann, R. O. Floca, B. Ackermann, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková, T. Gehrke. Investigation of patient positioning feasibility based on a helium-beam radiograph (αRAD) acquired with thin silicon pixel detectors. 61st PTCOG meeting, Madrid, Spain (2023)
- M. Metzner, F. Kehrein, C. Knobloch, G. Echner, A. Runz, B. Ackermann, S. Brons, O.Jäkel, M. Martišíková, T. Gehrke. Ions instead of X-rays? - Imaging with Helium-ion beams. National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology Retreat, Heidelberg, Germany (2023)
- L. Kelleter, R. Félix-Bautista, P. Ochoa-Parra, G. Echner, M. Winter, O. Jäkel, J. Debus and M. Martišíková. Detection of internal changes in a head model treated by carbon-ion beam radiotherapy using tracking of charged nuclear fragments. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Milan, Italy (2022)
- R. Félix-Bautista, L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, P. Ochoa-Parra, L. Kelleter, M. Winter, G. Echner, J. Debus, O. Jäkel, T. Gehrke and M. Martišíková. Secondary charged fragments for detecting internal changes in patients undergoing radiotherapy with carbon ions. 4th European Conference in Medical Physics, Dublin, Ireland (2022)
- Y. Xu, C. Knobloch, F. Kehrein, M. Metzner, C. Schömers, S. Scheloske, S. Brons, R. Hermann, A. Peters, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková and T. Gehrke. Helium-beam radiography (αRAD): Imaging of an anthropomorphic pelvis phantom using energy painting. 4th European Conference in Medical Physics, Dublin, Ireland (2022)
- R. Félix-Bautista, L. Kelleter, P. Ochoa-Parra, G. Echner, M. Winter, T. Gehrke, J. Debus, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková. Timepix3-based mini-tracker of charged nuclear fragments to detect anatomical changes in radiotherapy with carbon ions. 23th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Riva del Garda, Italy (2022)
- R. Félix Bautista, L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, M. Winter, J. Jakubek, T. Gehrke and M. Martišíková. Precise monitoring of the beam movement during scanned carbon-ion beam therapy. Virtual IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference (2021)
- T. Gehrke, M. Metzner, C. Knobloch, F. Kehrein, R. Hermann, C. Schömers, S. Scheloske, S. Brons, A. Peters, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková. Achievable image quality of helium-beam radiography (αRad) of high-WET objects with a system based on thin silicon pixel detectors. 7th Annual Loma Linda Workshop on Particle Imaging and Radiation Treatment Planning, Online (2021)
- T. Gehrke, C. Knobloch, S. Surla, M. Metzner, F. Kehrein, L. Ghesquiere-Dierickx, C. Schömers, S. Scheloske, S. Brons, A. Peters, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková. Towards quantitative helium-beam radiography (αRad) using thin silicon pixel detectors and energy painting. 59th PTCOG meeting, Online (2021)
- L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, R. Félix-Bautista, T. Gehrke, J. Jakubek, E. Echner, A. Hoess, M. Winter, M. Ellerbrock, O. Jäkel, and M. Martišíková: Towards a clinical application of carbon-ion pencil beam monitoring in depth using prompt secondary-ion detection and tracking. 59th PTCOG Meeting, Online (2021)
- L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, R. Félix-Bautista, T. Gehrke, M. Ellerbrock, D. Turecek, J. Jakubek and M. Martišíková: Measurement of energy loss of secondary charged particles in carbon-ion beam therapy range monitoring using TPX3 Detectors. 21st International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Chania, Crete, Greece (2019)
- R. Félix-Bautista, L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, T. Gehrke, M. Ellerbrock, D. Turecek, J. Jakubek and M. Martišíková: Non-invasive visualization of the pencil beam scanning movement in an irradiated object during a carbon-ion beam therapy delivery. 21st International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Chania, Crete, Greece (2019)
- T. Gehrke, C. Amato, L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, Félix-Bautista, J. Jakubek and M. Martišíková: Ion-beam imaging as a tool in ion-beam therapy – based on the technology of silicon pixel detectors. 21st International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Chania, Crete, Greece (2019)
- T. Gehrke, C. Amato, L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, R. Felix-Bautista, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martisikova. Helium beam radiography (α Rad) based on thin silicon pixel detectors: Pros and cons of the unique detection system. 58th PTCOG meeting, Manchester, United Kingdom (2019)
- C. Amato, T. Gehrke, and M. Martišíková. Spatial Resolution Improvement in Helium-Beam Radiography. Proton Imaging Workshop, Lyon, France (2018)
- R. Félix-Bautista, T. Gehrke, M. Ellerbrock, and M. Martisikova. Intrafractional visualisation of the scanning pencil beam in 12C radiotherapy. 57th PTCOG meeting, Cincinnati, OH, USA (2018)
- T. Gehrke, R. Gallas, S. Berke, G. Arico and M. Martišíková. Hochauflösender Halbleiter-Detektor für die Bildgebung mit Heliumstrahlen. Yearly meeting of the German Society for Medical Physics (DGMP), Würzburg, Germany (2016)
- T. Gehrke, S. Berke, G. Arico, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Helium Beam Radiography Using a Silicon Pixel Detector for Particle Tracking and Identification. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Strasbourg, France (2016) (Joint plenary NSS & MIC)
- T. Gerke, R. Gallas, G. Arico, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Helium Radiography with a compact semiconductor detector - first results. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, CA, USA (2015) (Joint plenary NSS/MIC/RTSD)
- R. Gallas, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Einzelteilchen-Messungen in therapeutischen Helium-Strahlen, Yearly meeting of the German Society for Medical Physics (DGMP), Marburg, Germany (2015)
- T. Gerke, R. Gallas, G. Arico, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková. Helium-Radiografie mit einem kompakten Halbleiterdetektor - erste Messergemisse. Yearly meeting of the German Society for Medical Physics (DGMP), Marburg, Germany (2015)
- M. Martišíková, T. Gaa, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, P. Soukup, C. Granja and O. Jäkel. Visualization of inhomogeneities in carbon ion radiotherapy. 17th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Hamburg, Germany (2015)
- G. Arico, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, N. Matsufuji, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Helium and Carbon Ion Fragmentations in Water and PMMA targets. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Toronto, Canada (2015)
- G. Arico, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, N. Matsufuji, O. Jäkel and M.Martišíková. Secondary Fragments from Carbon Ion Beams in PMMA, Water and Brass Collimators. 54th PTCOG meeting, San Diego, CA, USA (2015)
- C. K. Spindeldreier, B. Hartmann, M. Reinhart, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková. An enhanced approach to beam delivery verification in 12C ion beam therapy based on secondary ion direction and energy loss information. DGMP 3-Ländertagung, Zürich, Switzerland (2014)
- C. K. Spindeldreier, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková. First energy loss and fragmentation measurements of therapeutic 4He ion beams with a small detector. 53th PTCOG meeting, Shanghai, China (2014)
- G. Arico, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková. Analysis of carbon ion fragmentation and angular fragment distribution using Timepix detectors. 53th PTCOG meeting, Shanghai, China (2014)
- M. Martišíková, K. Gwosch, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, T. Gaa, M. Reinhardt and O. Jäkel. Timepix detector for ion beam imaging in patients. Workshop on Physics Instrumentation on Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy, Heidelberg, Germany (2013) (invited talk)
- M. Martišíková, K. Gwosch, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann and O. Jäkel. Non-invasive monitoring of carbon ion radiotherapy using secondary ions. DGMP Symposium, Cologne, Germany (2013)
- B. Hartmann, C. Granja, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková. Study of carbon ion fragmentation in different materials using a highly flexible set-up. Heavy Ion in Therapy and Space Radiation Symposium, Chiba, Japan (2013)
- M. Martišíková, K. Gwosch, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann and O. Jäkel. Experimental investigation of secondary ions for carbon ion therapy monitoring. Heavy Ion in Therapy and Space Radiation Symposium, Chiba, Japan (2013)
- M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, C. Granja, P. Soukup and O. Jäkel. The Timepix Detector for Ion Beam Radiotherapy Applications. Development of High-Resolution Pixel Detectors and their Use in Science and Society, Bad Honef, Germany (2013) (invited talk)
- B. Hartmann, K. Gwosch, C. Granja, P. Soukup, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková. A novel experimental approach to fragment distinction in therapeutic carbon ion beams. 52th PTCOG meeting, Essen, Germany (2013)
- M. Martišíková. Schneller, genauer, flexibler: Neue Techniken zur Strahlungsdetektion in der Ionenstrahltherapie. Physics Colloquium of the Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany (2013) (invited talk)
- B. Hartmann, J. Telsemeyer, B. Ackermann, S. Brons, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková. Meeting the Demands of Highly Precise Ion Beam Therapy - How a Flat-Panel Detector can Improve Conformance Tests. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA (2012)
- B. Hartmann, K. Gwosch, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M.Martišíková. Towards fragment distinction in therapeutic carbon ion beams: A novel experimental approach using the Timepix detector. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA (2012) (First place 'Student Paper Award', Nuclear Science Symposium)
- M. Martišíková, B. Hartmann, K. Gwosch, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, and O. Jäkel. Study of the Capabilities of the Timepix Detector for Carbon Ion Beam Radiotherapy Applications. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA (2012)
- M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, J. Telsemeyer, P. Soukup, C. Granja, L. Opalka, S. Pospisil and O. Jäkel. Monitoring of Ion Beam Therapy Delivery by Tracking of Secondary Ions: First Measurements in a Patient-like Phantom. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA (2012)
- M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, K. Gwosch, J. Telsemeyer, P. Soukup, S. Pospisil and O. Jäkel. New measurement techniques for ion beam therapy purposes. International Conference on Nucleus Nucleus Collisions. San Antonio, TX, USA (2012) (invited talk)
- B. Hartmann, K. Gwosch, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková. Fragmentation Analysis in Heavy Ion Therapy. A Novel Experimental Approach to Measure Lateral Distributions of Secondary Charged Particles. American Association of Physicists in Medicine meeting, Charlotte, NC, USA (2012)
- M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, J. Telsemeyer, P. Soukup, C. Granja, S. Pospisil and O. Jäkel. First Experimental Test of Secondary Ion Tracking for the Assessment of Beam Range in a Patient-Like Phantom. American Association of Physicists in Medicine meeting, Charlotte, NC, USA (2012)
- J. Telsemeyer, L. Huber, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková. Ion Radiography: Measuring High Soft Tissue Contrast and WEPL with An Amorphous Silicon Detector. American Association of Physicists in Medicine meeting, Vancouver, Canada (2011)
- M. Martišíková, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, J. Telsemeyer, L. Huber, S. Brons, S. Pospíšil and O. Jäkel. Two-dimensional silicon-based detectors for ion beam therapy. IX Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications, Quito, Ecuador (2011) (invited talk)
- M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, S. Pospisil and O. Jäkel. Investigation of the Timepix detector for beam range verification in ion beam therapy. Physics for Health in Europe Conference, Geneva, Switzerland (2012)
- J. Telsemeyer, M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel. Measurement of Tissue Specific Parameter for Ion Beam Therapy with a Flat-Panel Detector. 12th EPI2KX conference, Sydney, Australia (2012) (Student Award)
- M. Martišíková, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, L. Huber and O. Jäkel. Perspectives of the Pixel Detector Timepix for Needs of Ion Beam Therapy. 13th International Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics and Detectors for Physics Applications, Como, Italy (2011) (invited talk)
- L. Huber, J, Telsemeyer, M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel. Patient position verification in ion beam therapy using ion-beam radiography and fiducial markers. 13th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Zürich, Switzerland (2011)
- M. Martišíková, S. Brons, B. Hesse, and O. Jäkel. Two-dimensional fluence measurements for ion beam therapy plan verification. 50th PTCOG meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA (2011)
- J. Jakubek, C. Granja, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková and S. Pospíšil. Detection and Track Visualization of Primary and Secondary Radiation in Hadron Therapy Beams with the Pixel Detector Timepix. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA (2010)
- M. Martišíková, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, O. Jäkel and S. Pospíšil. Micro-Scale Visualization and Real-Time 3D Imaging of Dose Deposition of Proton and Carbon Ion Beams for Hadron Therapy. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA (2010)
- M. Martišíková, B. Hartmann, S. Brons, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel. Improving the safety of ion beam therapy by flat-panel imaging. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA (2010)
- M. Martišíková, B. Hartmann, S. Brons, B. Ackermann, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel. Improving QA in ion beams using a flat-panel detector. 41. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Medizinische Physik, Freiburg, Germany (2010)
- M. Martišíková, S. Brons, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel. Novel 2D Dose Imaging for Ion Beam Therapy. 16th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry, Sydney, Australia (2010) (Young Scientist Award – Best Oral Presentation)
- J. Engelke, M. Martišíková, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel. Investigation of an Amorphous Silicon Detector for Ion Radiography. 11th International Workshop on Portal Imaging, Leuven, Belgium (2010) (invited talk, Young Investigator Award)
- B. Hartmann, M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel. 2D detectors for quality assurance in ion beam therapy a comparative study. 49th PTCOG meeting, Gunma, Japan (2010)
- J. Engelke, M. Martišíková, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel. Investigation of an Amorphous Silicon Detector for Ion Radiography. 49th PTCOG meeting, Gunma, Japan (2010)
- B. Hartmann. Performance of Gafchromic EBT2 films in photon and carbon ion beams. 4th Danish Workshop on Proton and Heavy Ion Dosimetry, Aarhus, Denmark (2009)
- M. Martišíková. 2D detectors for ion beam therapy. 4th Danish Workshop on Proton and Heavy Ion Dosimetry, Aarhus, Denmark (2009)
- M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel. Gafchromic EBT films for ion dosimetry. Heavy Ions in Therapy and Space Symposium, Cologne, Germany (2009)
- M. Martišíková. Introduction to ion beam therapy. 5th International Summer School on Nuclear Physics Methods and Accelerators in Biology and Medicine, Bratislava, Slovakia (2009)
- M. Martišíková. Gafchromic EBT films: Dosimetry accuracy and use in heavy ion therapy. 3rd Danish Workshop on Proton and Heavy Ion Dosimetry, Aarhus, Denmark (2008)
- M. Martišíková, B. Ackermann, S. Klemm and O. Jäkel. Use of Gafchromic films in heavy ion therapy. 9th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Erlangen, Germany (2007)
Poster Presentations
- Y. Xu, D. Zhevachevska, M. Metzner, S. Schaumann, R. Floca, R. Hermann, A. Peters, O. Jäkel, M. Martisikova, T. Gehrke. Patient positioning based on a helium-beam radiograph (αRad). 24th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Oslo, Norway (2023)
- P. Ochoa-Parra, L. Schweins, L. Kelleter, L. Ghesquiere-Dierickx, N. Abbani J. Debus, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková. Sensitivity to detector misalignment in carbon-ion treatment monitoring with charged nuclear fragments. 61st PTCOG meeting, Madrid, Spain (2023)
- L. Schweins, P. Ochoa-Parra, L. Kelleter, L. Ghèsquiere-Diérickx, N. Abbani, J. Debus, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková. Improvement of fragmentation-vertex reconstruction in carbon-ion treatment monitoring based on MC simulations. 61st PTCOG meeting, Madrid, Spain (2023)
- R. Kirchgässner, L. Kelleter, G. Echner, O. Jäkel, J. Debus, M. Martišíková. Influence of morphological changes outside of the primary beam path on carbon-ion radiotherapy monitoring with charged nuclear fragments. 61st PTCOG meeting, Madrid, Spain (2023)
- P. Ochoa-Parra, L. Schweins, G. Echner, M. Winter, A. Mairani, O. Jakel, J. Debus, L. Kelleter, M. Martišíková. Monte Carlo simulations of in-vivo carbon-ion treatment monitoring with charged nuclear fragments. National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology Retreat, Heidelberg, Germany (2023)
- R. Hermann, T. Haberer, O. Jäkel, A. Peters, B. Leverington, T. Gehrke. Advancements in the scintillation fiber beam monitorin for low-intensity ion beams at HIT. 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Venice, Italy (2023)
- R. Félix-Bautista, T. Yañez-González, T. Gehrke and M. Martišíková. Energy deposition of therapeutic ions using silicon pixel detectors. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Milan, Italy (2022)
- R. Félix-Bautista, L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, P. Ochoa-Parra, L. Kelleter, M. Winter, G. Echner, O. Jäkel, T. Gehrke and M. Martišíková. Inhomogeneity detection in carbon-ion beam therapy based on nuclear fragmentation tracking. 60th PTCOG meeting, Miami, USA (2022)
- P. Ochoa-Parra, L. Kelleter, L. Schweins, R. Félix-Bautista, J. Debus, O. Jäkel, G. Echner, M. Martišíková. Sensitivity of Carbon-Ion Radiotherapy monitoring using charged nuclear fragments to detector positioning. 60th PTCOG meeting, Miami, USA (2022)
- M. Metzner, M. Raza, F. Kehrein, C. Knobloch, B. Ackermann, S. Brons, O. Jäkel, M. Martisikova, T. Gehrke and L. Kelleter. Helium-beam radiograph of an anthropomorphic head phantom using thin silicon pixel detectors and the assessment of its accuracy. 60th PTCOG meeting, Miami, USA (2022)
- L. Kelleter, P. Ochoa-Parra, M. Subramanian, M. Winter, J. Debus, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková. Sensitivity of treatment monitoring using charged nuclear fragments to patient positioning in carbon-ion radiotherapy. 60th PTCOG meeting, Miami, USA (2022)
- L. Kelleter, M. Subramanian, L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, T. Gehrke, R. Félix-Bautista, G. Echner, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, M. Jakubek, L. Marek, P. Soukup, D. Turecek and M. Martišíková. Characterisation of a double-sized Timepix3 mini-tracker for nuclear fragment detection in carbon-ion radiotherapy. 22nd International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Online (2021)
- L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, R. Félix-Bautista, A. Schlechter, T. Gehrke, L. Kelleter, D. Turecek, P. Soukup, M. Winter, and M. Martišíková. Detection of patient anatomical changes during carbon-ion radiotherapy
- using secondary ion tracking. 22nd International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Online (2021)
- M. Metzner, C. Amato, G. Echner, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková and T. Gehrke. A method for improving the spatial resolution of helium-beam radiography and its consequences for calibrations regarding water-equivalent thickness. 59th PTCOG meeting, Online (2021)
- L. Kelleter, L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, A. Schlechter, R. Félix-Bautista, G. Echner, T. Gehrke, M. Winter, and M. Martišíková. Localisation of air cavities from charged-fragment track distributions in carbon-ion radiotherapy. 59th PTCOG meeting, Online (2021)
- L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, A. Schechter, R. Félix-Bautista, L. Kelleter, G. Echner, M. Winter, T. Gehrke, and M. Martišíková. Detection of 2-mm air cavities in a head phantom using secondary-ion tracking during clinic-likecarbon-ion irradiations. 59th PTCOG meeting, Online (2021)
- L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, R. Félix-Bautista, T. Gehrke, D. Turecek, J. Jakubek, M. Winter, M. Ellerbrock, and M. Martišíková. Towards a Clinical Application of Carbon Ion Beam Monitoring along Depth Using Detection and Tracking of Prompt Secondary Charged Particle. Virtual IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference (2020)
- R. Félix-Bautista, L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, T. Gehrke, D. Turecek, J. Jakubek, M. Ellerbrock, and M. Martišíková. Monitoring method to visualize the lateral pencil beam movement during scanned carbon-ion beam radiotherapy. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Manchester, United Kingdom (2019)
- L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, R. Félix-Bautista, M. Reimold, T. Gehrke, M. Ellerbrock and M. Martišíková. Measurement of energy loss of secondary charged particles for 12C-ion pencil-beam radiotherapy monitoring. 58th PTCOG meeting, Manchester, United Kingdom (2019)
- R. Félix-Bautista, L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, M. Reimold, T. Gehrke, M. Ellerbrock and M. Martišíková: In vivo monitoring using secondary ions: lateral beam scanning. 3rd Heidelberg Symposium on Novel Techniques in Ion Beam Radiotherapy, Heidelberg, Germany (2018)
- L. Ghesquière-Diérickx, R. Félix-Bautista, M. Reimold, T. Gehrke, M. Ellerbrock and M. Martišíková: Energy deposition of secondary ions for carbon-ion radiotherapy monitoring. 3rdHeidelberg Symposium on Novel Techniques in Ion Beam Radiotherapy, Heidelberg, Germany (2018)
- C. Amato, T. Gehrke, and M. Martišíková: Novel technique for spatial resolution improvement in helium-beam radiography. National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology Retreat, Desden, Germany (2018)
- T. Gehrke, G. Arico, S. Berke, R. Gallas, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Helium beam radiography with single particle tracking and identification. Heidelberg Symposium on Novel Techniques in Ion Beam Radiotherapy, Heidelberg, Germany (2016)
- T. Gehrke, G. Arico, S. Berke, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Improving helium beam radiography by employing particle tacking and identification. 55th PTCOG meeting, Prague, Czech Republic (2016)
- T. Gehrke, G. Arico, R. Gallas, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Imaging with helium ion beams using the Timepix detector - first measurements. 17th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Hamburg, Germany (2015)
- T. Gehrke, G. Arico, C.K. Spindeldreier, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Characterization of new Timepix Detectors for Ion Beam Radiography. Heidelberg Symposium on Novel Techniques in Ion Beam Radiotherapy, Heidelberg, Germany (2014)
- T. Gaa, M. Reinhart, G. Arico, B. Hartmann, L. Opalka, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Visualization of inhomogeneities in a phantom irradiated by carbon ion beams using prompt secondary ions. 33th ESTRO Congress, Vienna, Austria (2014)
- M. Reinhart, T. Gaa, G. Arico, L. Opalka, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Direct measurement of the secondary ion track yield during carbon ion and helium irradiation of a PMMA phantom. 33th ESTRO Congress, Vienna, Austria (2014)
- B. Hartmann, C. Granja, P. Soukup, K. Gwosch, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková, Direct particle energy loss measurements in therapeutic ion beams using a small set-up. 52th PTCOG meeting, Essen, Germany (2013)
- M. Martišíková, K. Gwosch, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, C. Granja and O. Jäkel: Experimental studies towards carbon ion therapy monitoring using tracking of secondary ions. 52th PTCOG meeting, Essen, Germany (2013)
- K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, S. Pospisil, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: 3D Beam Monitoring for 12C Radiotherapy by Tracking of Secondary Ions Using the Timepix Detector. Conference record of IEEE NSS/MIC, Anaheim, California, USA (2012)
- K. Gwosch, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, P. Soukup, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Investigations of Secondary Ion Distributions in Carbon Ion Therapy Using the Timepix Detector. Annual meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Charlotte, USA (2012)
- L. Opalka, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, M. Martišíková and J. Solc: Measurement of composition of secondary radiation in hadron therapy using the pixel detector Timepix. Abstract book of the 14th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Figueira da Foz, Portugal (2012)
- B. Hartmann, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Distinguishing between carbon ions and their fragments in therapeutic ion beams using the pixel detector Timepix. Physics for Health in Europe Conference in Geneva (2012)
- B. Hartmann, C. Granja, L. Opalka, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Evaluation of Timepix as dE/dx detector for hadron therapy. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Valencia, Spain (2011)
- M. Martišíková, C. Granja, J. Jakubek, B. Hartmann, J. Telsemeyer, L. Huber, S. Pospíšil and O. Jäkel: Benefit of two-dimensional silicon-based detectors for ion beam therapy. Abstract book of the "3-Länder-Tagung der ÖGMP, DGMP und SGSMP", Vienna, Austria, (2011)
- L. Opalka, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková and S. Pospisil: 3D measurement of radiation distribution in a water-phantom in hadron therapy beam. Abstract book of the 13th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Zürich, Switzerland (2011)
- J. Jakubek, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, O. Jäkel, M. Martišíková, L. Opalka and S. Pospisil: Selective Detection of Secondary Particles and Neutrons produced during ion beam therapy with 3D sensitive voxel detector. Abstract book of the 13th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Zürich, Switzerland (2011)
- M. Martišíková, J. Jakubek, C. Granja, B. Hartmann, L. Opalka, S. Pospisil and O. Jäkel: Measurement of secondary radiation during ion beam therapy with the pixel detector Timepix. Abstract book of the 13th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, Zürich, Switzerland (2011)
- B. Hartmann, C. Granja, L. Opalka, J. Jakubek, O. Jäkel and M. Martišíková: Towards ion spectroscopy for hadron beam therapy - finding optimal settings of the Timepix detector. Abstract book of the 13th International Workshop on Imaging Detectors, Zürich, Switzerland (2011)
- J. Engelke, M. Martišíková, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel: Modulation Transfer Function of a Flat-Panel Detector in Photon and Ion Beams. Presentation at the IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA (2010)
- M. Martišíková, B.M. Hesse, J. Engelke, B. Hartmann and O. Jäkel: Flat-panel detector for quality assurance measurements in therapeutic ion beams. Abstract book of the 3rd Polish-German Cancer Workshop, Heidelberg, Germany (2010)
- M. Martišíková, B. Hesse, J. Engelke, B. Hartmann and O. Jäkel: 2D detectors for scanned ion beams. Abstract book of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group meeting, Gunma, Japan (2010)
- J. Engelke, M. Martišíková, B. Hesse and O. Jäkel: Investigation of an Amorphous Silicon Detector for Ion Radiography. Abstract book of the Physics for Health workshop, CERN (2010)
- B. Hartmann, M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Evaluation of different detectors for homogeneity measurements in scanned ion beams. Abstract book of the Physics for Health workshop, CERN (2010)
- M. Martišíková, B. Hesse, J. Engelke, B. Hartmann and O. Jäkel: Performance of a pixelized amorphous silicon detector in medical ion beams. Abstract book of the Physics for Health workshop, CERN (2010)
- M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Gafchromic EBT film for ion beam dosimetry. Abstract book of the 11th Symposium on Neutron and Ion Dosimetry, Cape Town, South Africa (2009)
- B. Hartmann, M. Martišíková and O. Jäkel: Comparison of GafchromicTM EBT and EBT2 film in photon and carbon ion beams. Abstract book of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group meeting, Heidelberg, Germany (2009)
- M. Martišíková, B. Hesse, O. Nairz and O. Jäkel: Performance of a flat-panel detector in scanned ion beams. Abstract book of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group meeting, Heidelberg, Germany (2009)
- M. Martišíková, B.M. Hesse and O. Jäkel: Test of an amorphous silicon detector in medical proton beams. Abstract book of the 11th International Workshop on Imaging Detectors, Prague, Czech Republic (2009)
- M. Martišíková, B. Ackermann and O. Jäkel: Use of Gafchromic films in heavy ion therapy, Abstract book of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group meeting, Jacksonville, Florida, USA (2008)
- M. Martišíková, B. Ackermann, S. Klemm and O. Jäkel: Use of Gafchromic films in heavy ion therapy. Abstract book of ESTRO meeting on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiation Therapy, Barcelona, Spain (2007)
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