Novel Detection Techniques for Ion Beams - Awards

Awards / Prizes / Honors

Student Paper Award - First Prize for Bernadette Hartmann at the IEEE Nuclear Science Conference in Anaheim, CA, USA, 2012
Student Paper Award - First Prize for Bernadette Hartmann at the IEEE Nuclear Science Conference in Anaheim, CA, USA, 2012


  • Rebekka Kirchgässner: Dietrich-Harder Award for the best Master's Thesis entitled "Detection of anatomical changes in an anthropomorphic phantom during carbon-ion radiotherapy by tracking of charged nuclear fragments


  • Luisa Schweins: Christoph-Schmelzer Award for the best Master's Thesis entitled "Implementation and Evaluation of Monte Carlo Simulations for Carbon-Ion Radiotherapy Monitoring", Heidelberg University
  • Margareta Metzner: Travel Fellowship to the International Workshop on Radiation imaging Detectors (IWoRID) in  Olso, Norway from „Verein zur Förderung der Tumortherapie mit schweren Ionen"
  • Rebekka Kirchgässner: Travel Fellowship to the Particle Therapy COoperative Group (PTCOG) symposium in Madrid, Spain from „Verein zur Förderung der Tumortherapie mit schweren Ionen"
  • Margareta Metzner: Travel Fellowship to the Particle Therapy COoperative Group (PTCOG) symposium in Madrid, Spain from „Equal Opportunity Funding" at the Physics Faculty of Heidelberg University
  • Luisa Schweins: Travel Fellowship to the Particle Therapy COoperative Group (PTCOG) symposium in Madrid, Spain from „Verein zur Förderung der Tumortherapie mit schweren Ionen"


  • Pamela Ochoa Parra: Travel Fellowship to the Particle Therapy COoperative Group (PTCOG) symposium in Miami, USA from „Verein zur Förderung der Tumortherapie mit schweren Ionen"
  • Pamela Ochoa Parra: Travel Fellowship to the Particle Therapy COoperative Group (PTCOG) symposium in Miami, USA from „Equal Opportunity Funding" at the Physics Faculty of Heidelberg University
  • Laurent Kelleter: Travel Fellowship to the Particle Therapy COoperative Group (PTCOG) symposium in Miami, USA from „Verein zur Förderung der Tumortherapie mit schweren Ionen"
  • Renato Félix Bautista: Travel Fellowship to the European Conference of Medical Physics (ECMP) in Dublin, Ireland from „Verein zur Förderung der Tumortherapie mit schweren Ionen"
  • Margareta Metzner: Dietrich-Harder Award for the best Master's Thesis entitled "Helium-beam radiography using thin silicon pixel detectors: Establishment of calibration curves and quantitative imaging of an anthropomorphic head phantom", Heidelberg Univesity


  • Laurent Kelleter: Travel Fellowship of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium / Medical Imaging Conference in Yokohama, Japan (online)
  • Margareta Metzner: Travel Fellowship of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium / Medical Imaging Conference in Yokohama, Japan (online)


  • Laura Ghesquière-Diérickx: Trainee Fellowship of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium / Medical Imaging Conference in Boston, USA (online)


  • Laura Ghesquière-Diérickx: Young Fellow Travel Award of the Particle Therapy COoperative Group (PTCOG) symposium in Manchester, UK
  • Renato Félix Bautista: Trainee Fellowship of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium / Medical Imaging Conference in Manchester, UK
  • Laura Ghesquière-Diérickx: Poster Prize of the Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research 2019


  • Tim Gehrke and Ghesquière-Diérickx: Prize of Science-Slam Competition, FSE  General Assembly, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany


  • Tim Gehrke: Young Fellow Travel Award of the Particle Therapy COoperative Group (PTCOG) symposium in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Raya Gallas: Otto-Haxel Award for the best Master's Thesis entitled "A Novel Method for Assessment of Beam-Tissue Interactions in Helium Ion Radiotherapy", Heidelberg University
  • Tim Gehrke: Poster Prize of the Helmholtz International Graduate School for Cancer Research 2016 


  • Tim Gehrke: Travel Fellowship to an ESTRO Course in Paris from „Verein zur Förderung der Tumortherapie mit schweren Ionen“
  • Tim Gehrke: Traineel Award of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium / Medical Imaging Conference in San Diego, CA, USA
  • Merle Reinhart: Christoph-Schmelzer Award for the best Master's Thesis entitled "Secondary Particle Track Yield Measurements and 3D Reconstruction Techniques", Heidelberg University


  • Kathrin Spindeldreier: Young Fellow Travel Award of the Particle Therapy COoperative Group (PTCOG) symposium in Shanghai, China
  • Giulia Aricò: Japan Society for Promotion of Science: Funding of a 5-months scientific stay in the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Chiba, Japan


  • Mária Martišíková: Awarded as one of the Top 20 Referees (from 1283 active referees) of the journal Physics in Medicine and Biology in 2013
  • Giulia Aricò: Young Fellow Travel Award of the Particle Therapy COoperative Group (PTCOG) symposium in Essen, Germany
  • Bernadette Hartmann: Young Fellow Travel Award of the Particle Therapy COoperative Group (PTCOG) symposium in Essen, Germany
  • Bernadette Hartmann: Young Fellow Travel Award of the Particle Therapy COoperative Group (PTCOG) symposium in Essen, Germany
  • Mária Martišíková: Klaus-Georg und Sigrid Hengstberger Prize for Young Scientists at the Heidelberg University


  • Mária Martišíková: Excellence Initiative of the Heidelberg University: Admission to the 'Olympia Morata Programm'
  • Mária Martišíková: Travel Grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to AAPM in Charlotte, USA
  • Bernadette Hartmann: Travel Grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to AAPM in Charlotte, USA
  • Julia Telsemeyer: Student Award of the International Workshop on Portal Imaging (EPi2kx) in Sydney, Australia
  • Bernadette Hartmann: Trainee Award of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium / Medical Imaging Conference in Anaheim, CA, USA
  • Bernadette Hartmann: ”Student Paper Award” - First prize at the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) in Anaheim, CA, USA


  • Julia Engelke: Travel Grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to AAPM in Vacouver, Canada


  • Julia Engelke: Young Fellow Travel Award of the Particle Therapy COoperative Group (PTCOG) symposium in Chiba, Japan
  • Julia Engelke: Young Investigator Award of the International Workshop on Portal Imaging (EPi2kx) in Leuven, Belgium
    Julia Engelke: Trainee Award of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium / Medical Imaging Conference in Knoxville, Tennesse, USA
  • Mária Martišíková:  Young Scientist Award - The Best Oral Presentation at the International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry in Sydney, Australia

Get in touch with us

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Dr. Maria Martisikova
Research Group Leader
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Dr. Tim Gehrke
Deputy Research Group Leader

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