Only a fraction of cancer patients benefit from cancer immunotherapies with so-called immune checkpoint inhibitors. Improving this situation is the goal of research by Felix Hartmann, junior research group leader at DKFZ.
Cellular metabolism has been shown to be a key factor in various immune cell functions, including, for example, the “exhaustion“ of T cells, which can then no longer contribute to tumor defense. However, the exact relationships is not completely understood to date. Hartmann postulates that tumors create spatially defined metabolic environments, so-called “metabolic niches“, in order to suppress immune cells.
To test this, he wants to identify and quantify the metabolic states of cancer and immune cells. Using a method he has developed, such metabolic studies can be performed in individual cells directly in human tumor tissue. Hartmann plans to combine these analyses with other methods, such as multiplex ion beam imaging, which allows him to visualize a large number of proteins in tumor tissue samples. Using tumor organoids, the researcher also wants to uncover the mechanism of metabolic niche formation.
Hartmann's goal is to use these methods to find out how different tumors influence the metabolism of immune cells to modulate their function. Therapeutic targets may emerge from this analysis, allowing different types of cancer to be treated more successfully with immunotherapies.
Felix Hartmann studied molecular biotechnology at the University of Heidelberg. For his doctoral thesis, he conducted research at the University of Zurich from 2012 to 2016 and moved to Stanford University as a postdoc in 2017. Since 2021, Felix Hartmann has headed the DKTK* junior research group Systems Immunology and Single Cell Biology at DKFZ.
Brain tumors are the most common cause of cancer-related deaths in children. High-grade glioma is the most common malignant brain tumor in children. Standard treatment is usually followed by treatment-resistant relapse and the disease progresses. Experts believe that new combination treatments may improve the prognosis of affected children.