Cells constantly have to respond to damage incurred to their genetic material. Metabolic processes, radiation or DNA copying errors cause millions of defects every day. In each individual case, the cell needs to decide how to respond to it. To do so, it has several biological programs to choose from. If the damage is irreparable, it will opt for programmed cell death (apoptosis) or induce cellular senescence, a state in which the cell division cycle cannot advance any further. If the DNA damage is not grave, a variety of mechanisms for its repair will be started.
DNA damage response protects against the formation of tumors, because the organism thus prevents an accumulation of defective cells that may turn cancerous.
In his work, Thomas Hofmann was able to unravel how cell death triggered by DNA damage is induced. He identified a number of molecular switches which regulate this complex biological program. Many chemotherapies as well as radiation therapy of cancer are based on damaging tumor cell DNA. Therefore, such switches also determine how vulnerable a cancer cell is to such treatment methods. Molecular switches are therefore regarded as promising targets for developing drugs to support the effectiveness of cancer therapies.
Thomas Hofmann, born in 1971, studied biology in Heidelberg and earned his PhD from Heidelberg University with the highest grade, “Summa cum laude", in 2000. He subsequently worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Heinrich Petter Institute of Hamburg University and went on to become a group leader at the German Center for Research on Aging in Heidelberg in 2004. Since 2006, he has led a junior research group at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). Hofmann, jointly with his colleagues, has previously been honored for his research work with the Prize of the Werner Otto Foundation and the Georg-Ernst Konjetzny Award.
The Prize of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities donated by the Monika Kutzner Foundation for the Advancement of Cancer Research is awarded annually for outstanding achievements in cancer research. The prize will be presented on this year’s Einstein Day on November 30 at Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam.