Research Group

Translation Research for Ion Beam Therapy

Dr. Jose Alberto Vedelago

Research Group Leader

Proton and light ion beam therapy is an advanced cancer treatment modality. By improving the potential risk quantification associated with this treatment modality, we intend to increase the number of patients who can benefit from it.


Secondary neutrons are generated during proton and light ion beam and are of particular relevance for pediatric and pregnant patients
Secondary neutrons are generated during proton and light ion beam and are of particular relevance for pediatric and pregnant patients

Our research group mainly focuses on assessing the secondary radiation during proton and light ion beam therapy for cancer treatment. This is particularly relevant for pediatric and pregnant patients since the associated risks of secondary cancer are more relevant compared to other patients (Vedelago et al 2024). Our primary research partner is the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center (HIT) at the Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD), and our main funding institutions are the German Research Foundation (DFG) as well as the Wilhelm Sander Stiftung.

The research activities we work on span from Monte Carlo simulations for characterizing secondary neutron production during ion beam therapy (Vedelago et al 2022a; Geser et al 2024) to the advancement of neutron dosimetry techniques by using Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detectors (FNTDs), with a focus on high-energy neutrons (Becker et al 2022; Schmidt et al 2024). Additionally, we have recently reviewed the update of the International Code of Practice (TRS-398) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for reference dosimetry (Vedelago et al 2022b).

We also have many projects in collaboration with other groups from our department. For instance, the dosimetry for carbon ion radiotherapy in the advanced anthropomorphic phantoms developed by the Medical Engineering Group E0405 (Stengl et al 2023), and we have a joint project for gel dosimetry of carbon ions with the Applied Medical Radiation Physics Group E0402 (Bayer et al 2024). As new projects, we are starting a pilot study about using Machine Learning for neutron dosimetry with FNTDs with the Computational Patient Models Group E0401, and we intend to integrate out-of-field dose models into MatRad in collaboration with the Radiotherapy Optimization Group E0404. Furthermore, in collaboration with the Division of Biomedical Physics in Radiation Oncology, we performed the dosimetry of carbon ion mini-beams (Stengl et al 2024).


Our research extends globally through numerous collaborations at national and international levels, enabling advancements in secondary radiation dosimetry during proton and light ion beam therapy. Our collaboration partners are:


  • Bayer, V., Vedelago, J., Dorsch, S., Beyer, C., Brons, S., Johnen, W., Biegger, P., Weber, U., Runz, A., Karger, C. P. (2024). Carbon ion mono-energetic and spread-out Bragg peak measurements using nanocomposite Fricke gel dosimeters with LET-independent response. Radiation Measurements, 176, 107175.
  • Becker, A., Jäkel, O., Vedelago, J. (2022). Intensity threshold variation method in the post-irradiation analysis of Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detectors for neutron dosimetry. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 200, 110257.
  • Geser, F., Stabilini, A., Christensen, J. B., Muñoz, I. D., Yukihara, E. G., Jäkel, O., Vedelago, J. (2024). A Monte Carlo study on the secondary neutron generation by oxygen ion beams for radiotherapy and its comparison to lighter ions. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 69, 015027.
  • Schmidt, S., Stabilini, A., Thai, L.-Y. J., Yukihara, E. G., Jäkel, O., Vedelago, J. (2024). Converter thickness optimisation using Monte Carlo simulations of Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detectors for neutron dosimetry. Radiation Measurements, 173, 107097.
  • Stengl, C., Arbes, E., Thai, L.-Y. J., Echner, G, Vedelago, J., Jansen, J., Jäkel, O., Seco, J. (2023). Development and characterization of a versatile mini-beam collimator for pre-clinical photon beam irradiation. Medical Physics, 50(8): 5222-5237.
  • Stengl, C., Muñoz, I. D., Arbes, E., Rauth, E., Christensen, J. B., Vedelago, J., Runz, A., Jäkel, O., Seco, J. (2024). Dosimetric study for breathing-induced motion effects in an abdominal pancreas phantom for carbon ion mini-beam radiotherapy. Medical Physics.
  • Vedelago, J., Geser, F., Muñoz, I. D., Stabilini, A., Yukihara, E. G., Jäkel, O. (2022a). Assessment of secondary neutrons in particle therapy by Monte Carlo simulations. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 67, 015008.
  • Vedelago, J., Karger, C. P., Jäkel, O. (2022). A review on reference dosimetry in radiation therapy with proton and light ion beams: status and impact of new developments. Radiation Measurements, 157, 106844.
  • Vedelago, J., Schmidt, S., Stengl, C., Karger, C. P., & Jäkel, O. (2024). Secondary neutrons in proton and light ion beam therapy: a review of current status, needs and potential solutions. Radiation Measurements, 176, 107214. 

For a full list of articles, theses etc. from the division, see here.

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Dr. Jose Alberto Vedelago
Research Group Leader
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