Journal Articles of E040 until end of 2019
Arico G, Gehrke T, Gallas R, Mairani A, Jäkel O, Martisikova M. Investigation of single carbon ion fragmentation in water and PMMA for hadron therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2019;64(5):055018.
Astaburuaga R, Gabrys HS, Sánchez-Nieto B, Floca RO, Klöter S, Schubert K, et al. Incorporation of Dosimetric Gradients and Parotid Gland Migration Into Xerostomia Prediction. Frontiers in Oncology. 2019;9:697.
Bendinger AL, Debus C, Glowa C, Karger CP, Peter J, Storath M. Bolus arrival time estimation in dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of small animals based on spline models. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2019;64(4):045003.
Bendinger AL, Seyler L, Saager M, Debus C, Peschke P, Komljenovic D, et al. Impact of Single Dose Photons and Carbon Ions on Perfusion and Vascular Permeability: A Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Pilot Study in the Anaplastic Rat Prostate Tumor R3327-AT1. Radiation Research. 2019.
Bohoudi O, Lagerwaard FJ, Bruynzeel AME, Niebuhr NI, Johnen W, Senan S, et al. End-to-end empirical validation of dose accumulation in MRI-guided adaptive radiotherapy for prostate cancer using an anthropomorphic deformable pelvis phantom. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2019;141:200-7.
Bostel T, Sachpazidis I, Splinter M, Bougatf N, Fechter T, Zamboglou C, et al. Dosimetric Impact of Interfractional Variations in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy—Implications for Imaging Frequency and Treatment Adaptation. Frontiers in Oncology. 2019;9.
Breedveld S, Bennan ABA, Aluwini S, Schaart DR, Kolkman-Deurloo I-KK, Heijmen BJM. Fast automated multi-criteria planning for HDR brachytherapy explored for prostate cancer. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2019;64:205002.
Burigo LN, Greilich S. Impact of new ICRU 90 key data on stopping-power ratios and beam quality correction factors for carbon ion beams. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2019;64(19):195005.
Burigo LN, Oborn BM. MRI-guided proton therapy planning: accounting for an inline MRI fringe field. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2019;64(21):215015.
Burigo LN, Ramos-Mendez J, Bangert M, Schulte RW, Faddegon B. Simultaneous optimization of RBE-weighted dose and nanometric ionization distributions in treatment planning with carbon ions. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2019;64(1):015015.
de Vera P, Verkhovtsev A, Sushko G, Solov'yov AV. Reactive molecular dynamics simulations of organometallic compound W(CO)6 fragmentation. The European Physical Journal D. 2019;73:1-10.
Dolde K, Naumann P, David C, Kachelriess M, Lomax AJ, Weber DC, et al. Comparing the effectiveness and efficiency of various gating approaches for PBS proton therapy of pancreatic cancer using 4D-MRI datasets. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2019;64(8):085011.
Dolde K, Schneider S, Stefanowicz S, Alimusaj M, Flügel B, Saito N, et al. Comparison of pancreatic respiratory motion management with three abdominal corsets for particle radiation therapy: Case study. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. 2019;20(6):111-9.
Dolde K, Zhang Y, Chaudhri N, David C, Kachelriess M, Lomax AJ, et al. 4DMRI-based investigation on the interplay effect for pencil beam scanning proton therapy of pancreatic cancer patients. Radiation Oncology (London, England). 2019;14(1):30.
Dorsch S, Mann P, Elter A, Runz A, Klöter S, Karger CP. Polymer gel-based measurements of the isocenter accuracy in an MR-LINAC. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2019;1305:12007.
Dorsch S, Mann P, Elter A, Runz A, Spindeldreier CK, Kluter S, et al. Measurement of isocenter alignment accuracy and image distortion of an 0.35 T MR-Linac system. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2019;64(20):205011.
Elter A, Dorsch S, Mann P, Runz A, Johnen W, Karger CP. Compatibility of 3D printing materials and printing techniques with PAGAT gel dosimetry. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2019;64(4):04nt2.
Elter A, Dorsch S, Mann P, Runz A, Johnen W, Spindeldreier CK, et al. End-to-end test of an online adaptive treatment procedure in MR-guided radiotherapy using a phantom with anthropomorphic structures. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2019;64(22):225003.
Felix-Bautista R, Gehrke T, Ghesquiere-Dierickx L, Reimold M, Amato C, Turecek D, et al. Experimental verification of a non-invasive method to monitor the lateral pencil beam position in an anthropomorphic phantom for carbon-ion radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2019;64(17):175019.
Gillmann C, Jäkel O, Karger CP. RBE-weighted doses in target volumes of chordoma and chondrosarcoma patients treated with carbon ion radiotherapy: Comparison of local effect models I and IV. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2019.
Glowa C, Peschke P, Brons S, Debus J, Karger CP. Intrinsic and extrinsic tumor characteristics are of minor relevance for the efficacy of split-dose carbon ion irradiation in three experimental prostate tumors. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2019;133:120-4.
Hartmann GH, Hensley F, Kapsch RP, Poppe B, Sauer O, Würfel J, et al. Ermittlung der Wasser-Energiedosis nach der Sondenmethode gemäß DIN 6800 Teil 1: Vorschlag für eine Erweiterung der Grundgleichung. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik. 2019.
Jäkel O. Physical advantages of particles: protons and light ions. The British Journal of Radiology. 2019:20190428.
Jäkel O, Ackermann B, Ecker S, Ellerbrock M, Heeg P, Henkner K, et al. Methodology paper: a novel phantom setup for commissioning of scanned ion beam delivery and TPS. Radiation Oncology (London, England). 2019;14(1):77.
Johnen W, Echner G, Runz A, Homolka N, Niebuhr N, Beuthien-Baumann B, et al. Update ADAM-pelvis phantom: New possibilities to simulate treatment scenarios in radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 2019;133:S920-1.
Lühr A, Burigo LN, Gantz S, Schellhammer SM, Hoffmann AL. Proton beam electron return effect: Monte Carlo simulations and experimental verification. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2019;64(3):035012.
Magallanes L, Meyer S, Gianoli C, Kopp B, Voss B, Jäkel O, et al. Upgrading an Integrating Carbon Ion Transmission Imaging System with Active Scanning Beam Delivery towards Low Dose Ion Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences. 2019:1-.
Mann P, Schwahofer A, Karger CP. Absolute dosimetry with polymer gels - a TLD reference system. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2019;64(4):045010.
Nguyen D, Gross T, Jäkel O, Reilly J, Dobson P, Steinitz M, et al. Battle of the elements: readers' choice. Physics World. 2019;32(7):15-6.
Niebuhr NI, Johnen W, Echner G, Runz A, Bach M, Stoll M, et al. The ADAM-pelvis phantom - an anthropomorphic, deformable and multimodal phantom for MRgRT. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2019.
Rosenfeld A, Alnaghy S, Petasecca M, Cutajar D, Lerch M, Pospisil S, et al. Medipix detectors in radiation therapy for advanced quality-assurance. Radiation Measurements. 2019:106211.
Rossomme S, Delor A, Lorentini S, Vidal M, Brons S, Jaekel O, et al. Three-voltage linear method to determine ion recombination in proton and light-ion beams. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2019.
Schneider S, Dolde K, Engler J, Hoffmann A, Pfaffenberger A. Commissioning of a 4D MRI phantom for use in MR-guided radiotherapy. Med Phys. 2019;46(1):25-33.
Seitz PK, Baumann B, Johnen W, Lissek C, Seidel J, Bendl R. Development of a robot-assisted ultrasound-guided radiation therapy (USgRT). International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology Surgery. 2019.
Severine R, Antoine D, Stefano L, Marie V, Stephan B, Oliver J, et al. Three-voltage linear method to determine ion recombination in proton and light-ion beams. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2019.
Splinter M, Bostel T, Sachpazidis I, Fechter T, Zamboglou C, Jäkel O, et al. Dosimetric Impact of Interfractional Variations for Post-prostatectomy Radiotherapy to the Prostatic Fossa—Relevance for the Frequency of Position Verification Imaging and Treatment Adaptation. Frontiers in Oncology. 2019;9.
Yudhistiara B, Zwicker F, Weber KJ, Huber PE, Ruehle A, Brons S, et al. The influence of a magnetic field on photon beam radiotherapy in a normal human TK6 lymphoblastoid cell line. Radiation Oncology. 2019;14(1):11.
Zhu H, Chen Y, Sung W, McNamara AL, Tran LT, Burigo LN, et al. The microdosimetric extension in TOPAS: development and comparison with published data. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2019;64(14):145004.
Batista V, Richter D, Chaudhri N, Naumann P, Herfarth K, Jäkel O: Significance of intra-fractional motion for pancreatic patients treated with charged particles. Radiation Oncology 13 (1), 120, 2018.
Bendinger AL, Glowa C, Peter J, Karger C: Photoacoustic imaging to assess pixel-based sO2 distributions in experimental prostate tumors. Journal of Biomedical Optics 23 (3), 1-11, 2018.
Bostel T, Pfaffenberger A, Delorme S, Dreher C, Echner G, Haering P, Lang C, Splinter M, Laun F, Müller M, Jäkel O, Debus J, Huber PE, Sterzing F, Nicolay NH: Prospective feasibility analysis of a novel off-line approach for MR-guided radiotherapy. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 194 (5), 425-434, 2018.
Burigo LN, Ramos-Mendez J, Bangert M, Schulte RW, Faddegon B: Simultaneous optimization of RBE-weighted dose and nanometric ionization distributions in treatment planning with carbon ions. Physics in Medicine and Biology 64, 015015, 2018.
Dolde K, Naumann P, David C, Gnirs R, Kachelriess M, Lomax AJ, Saito N, Weber DC, Pfaffenberger A, Zhang Y: 4D dose calculation for pencil beam scanning proton therapy of pancreatic cancer using repeated 4DMRI datasets. Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (16), 165005, 2018.
Dolde K, Schneider S, Pfaffenberger A, Hoffmann A: 3D motion validation with clinically used cine-MRI and an MR-LINAC phantom. Radiotherapy and Oncology 127, 511-512, 2018.
Dorsch S, Mann P, Lang C, Haering P, Runz A, Karger CP: Feasibility of polymer gel-based measurements of radiation isocenter accuracy in magnetic fields. Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (11), 11NT02, 2018.
El Shafie RA, Czech M, Kessel KA, Habermehl D, Weber D, Rieken S, Bougatf N, Jäkel O, Debus J, Combs SE: Clinical outcome after particle therapy for meningiomas of the skull base: toxicity and local control in patients treated with active raster scanning. Radiation Oncology 13 (1), 54, 2018.
El Shafie RA, Czech M, Kessel KA, Habermehl D, Weber D, Rieken S, Bougatf N, Jäkel O, Debus J, Combs SE: Evaluation of particle radiotherapy for the re-irradiation of recurrent intracranial meningioma. Radiation Oncology 13 (1), 86, 2018.
Emmerich J, Laun FB, Pfaffenberger A, Schilling R, Denoix M, Maier F, Sterzing F, Bostel T, Straub S: Technical Note: On the size of susceptibility-induced MR image distortions in prostate and cervix in the context of MR-guided radiation therapy. Medical Physics 45 (4), 1586-1593, 2018.
Fossati P, Matsufuji N, Kamada T, Karger CP: Radiobiological issues in prospective carbon ion therapy trials. Medical Physics 45 (11), e1096-e1110, 2018.
Gabrys HS, Buettner F, Sterzing F, Hauswald H, Bangert M: Design and Selection of Machine Learning Methods Using Radiomics and Dosiomics for Normal Tissue Complication Probability Modeling of Xerostomia. Frontiers in Oncology (3), 2018.
Gago-Arias A, Sánchez-Nieto B, Espinoza I, Karger CP, Pardo-Montero J.: Impact of different biologically-adapted radiotherapy strategies on tumor control evaluated with a tumor response model. PLoS ONE 13 (4), 1-18, 2018.
Gehrke T, Amato C, Berke S, Martisikova M: Theoretical and experimental comparison of proton and helium-beam radiography using silicon pixel detectors. Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (3), 035037, 2018.
Gehrke T, Gallas RR, Jäkel O, Martisikova M: Proof of principle of helium-beam radiography using silicon pixel detectors for energy deposition measurement, identification, and tracking of single ions. Medical Physics 45 (2), 817-829, 2018.
Gillmann C, Lomax AJ, Weber DC, Jäkel O, Karger CP: Dose-response curves for MRI-detected radiation-induced temporal lobe reactions in patients after proton and carbon ion therapy: Does the same RBE-weighted dose lead to the same biological effect?. Radiotherapy and Oncology 128 (1), 109-114, 2018.
Granja C, Jakubek J, Martisikova M, Kodaira S, Polansky S, Krist P, Zach V, Matlocha T: Dynamic range and resolving power of the Timepix detector to heavy charged particles. Journal of Instrumentation 13, 2018.
Granja C, Jakubek J, Polansky S, Zach V, Krist P, Chvatil D, Stursa J, Sommer M, Ploc O, Kodaira S, Martisikova M: Resolving power of pixel detector Timepix for wide-range electron, proton and ion detection. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research / A, Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 908, 60-71, 2018.
Greilich S, Jansen J, Neuholz A, Stadler A, Mescher H, Klimpki G: Evaluation of additional track parameters from fluorescent nuclear track detectors to determine the LET of individual ions. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 180 (1-4), 206-209, 2018.
Hartmann GH, Andreo P: Fluence calculation methods in Monte Carlo dosimetry simulations. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 2018.
Hartmann GH, Zink K: Decomposition of the dose conversion factor based on fluence spectra of secondary charged particles: Application to lateral dose profiles in photon fields. Medical Physics 45 (9), 4246-4256, 2018.
Hoffmans D, Bohoudi O, Niebuhr N, Pfaffenberger A, Battum L, Slotman B, Palacios M, Bruynzeel A, Lagerwaard F: A film-based end-to-end test for MR-guided online adaptive radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology 127, 209-210, 2018.
Karger CP, Peschke P: RBE and related modeling in carbon-ion therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (1), 01TR02, 2018.
Kelada OJ, Decker RH, Nath SK, Johung KL, Zheng MQ, Huang Y, Gallezot JD, Liu C, Carson RE, Oelfke U, Carlson DJ: High Single Doses of Radiation May Induce Elevated Levels of Hypoxia in Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Tumors. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 102 (1), 174-183, 2018.
Martisikova M, Gehrke T, Berke S, Arico G, Jäkel O: Helium ion beam imaging for image-guided ion radiotherapy. Radiation Oncology 13 (1), 109, 2018.
Mattke M, Vogt K, Bougatf N, Welzel T, Oelmann-Avendano J, Hauswald H, Jensen A, Ellerbrock M, Jäkel O, Haberer T, Herfarth K, Debus J, Uhl M: High control rates of proton- and carbon-ion-beam treatment with intensity-modulated active raster scanning in 101 patients with skull base chondrosarcoma at the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center. Cancer 124 (9), 2036-2044, 2018.
Möhler C, Russ T, Wohlfahrt P, Elter A, Runz A, Richter C, Greilich S: Experimental verification of particle-range prediction in biological tissue by single- and dual-energy computed tomography. Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (2), 2018.
Möhler C, Wohlfahrt P, Richter C, Greilich S: On the equivalence of image-based dual-energy CT methods for the determination of electron density and effective atomic number in radiotherapy. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 5, 108-110, 2018.
Möhler C, Russ T, Wohlfahrt P, Elter A, Runz A, Richter C, Greilich S: Experimental verification of stopping-power prediction from single- and dual-energy computed tomography in biological tissues. Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (2), 025001, 2018.
Möhler C, Wohlfahrt P, Richter C, Greilich S: Reply to "Comment on Methodological accuracy of image-based electron density assessment using dual-energy computed tomography" [Med. Phys. 44, 2429-2437 (2017)]. Medical Physics 45 (5), 2349-2350, 2018.
Niebuhr N, Pfaffenberger A: On the impact of dose variations in contrast to mean dose on EQDx and alpha/beta estimation. Radiotherapy and Oncology 127, 1090-1091, 2018.
Perik TJ, Kaas JJ, Greilich S, Wolthaus JWH, Wittkamper FW: The characterization of a large multi-axis ionization chamber array in a 1.5 T MRI linac. Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (22), 225007, 2018.
Ramos-Méndez J, Burigo L, Schulte R, Chuang C, Faddegon B: Fast calculation of nanodosimetric quantities in treatment planning of proton and ion therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (23), 2018.
Saager M, Peschke P, Brons S, Debus J, Karger CP: Determination of the proton RBE in the rat spinal cord: Is there an increase towards the end of the spread-out Bragg peak?. Radiotherapy and Oncology 128 (1), 115-120, 2018.
Saager M, Peschke P, Welzel T, Huang L, Brons S, Grün R, Scholz M, Debus J, Karger CP: Late normal tissue response in the rat spinal cord after carbon ion irradiation. Radiation Oncology 13 (1), 5, 2018.
Saito N, Schmitt D, Bangert M: Correlation between intrafractional motion and dosimetric changes for prostate IMRT: Comparison of different adaptive strategies. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 19 (4), 87-97, 2018.
Schrenk O, Spindeldreier CK, Burigo LN, Bangert M, Pfaffenberger A: The effect of density overrides on treatment planning for MRLinacs. Radiotherapy and Oncology 127 (Suppl. 1), 209-209, 2018.
Schrenk O, Spindeldreier CK, Roeder F, Bangert M, Burigo LN, Pfaffenberger A: The effect of density overrides on magnetic resonance-guided radiation therapy planning for lung cancer. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 8, 23-27, 2018.
Schwahofer A, Jäkel O: [Planning target volume : Management of uncertainties, immobilization, image guided and adaptive radiation therapy]. Radiologe 58 (8), 736-745, 2018.
Sprave T, Verma V, Sterzing F, Bruckner T, Hees K, Land B, Jäkel O, Herfarth K, Debus J, Uhl M: Cost-Effectiveness of Carbon Ion Radiation Therapy for Skull Base Chordoma Utilizing Long-Term (10-Year) Outcome Data. Anticancer Research 38 (8), 4853-4858, 2018.
Stade F, Dittmar JO, Jäkel O, Kratochwil C, Haberkorn U, Debus J, Combs SE: Influence of (68)Ga-DOTATOC on sparing of normal tissue for radiation therapy of skull base meningioma: differential impact of photon and proton radiotherapy. Radiation Oncology 13 (1), 58, 2018.
Unkelbach J, Alber M, Bangert M, Bokrantz R, Chan TCY, Deasy JO, Fredriksson A, Gorissen BL, van Herk M, Liu W, Mahmoudzadeh H, Nohadani O, Siebers JV, Witte M, Xu H: Robust radiotherapy planning. Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (22), 22TR02, 2018.
Unkelbach J, Bangert M, De Amorim Bernstein K, Andratschke N, Guckenberger M: Optimization of combined proton-photon treatments. Radiotherapy and Oncology 128 (1), 133-138, 2018.
Unkelbach J, Alber M, Bangert M, Bokrantz R, Chan TCY, Deasy JO, Fredriksson A, Gorissen BL, van Herk M, Liu W, Mahmoudzadeh H, Nohadani O, Siebers JV, Witte M, Xu H: Robust radiotherapy planning. Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (22), 2018.
Verhaegen F, Dubois L, Gianolini S, Hill MA, Karger CP, Lauber K, Prise KM, Sarrut D, Thorwarth D, Vanhove C, Vojnovic B, Weersink R, Wilkens JJ, Georg D: ESTRO ACROP: Technology for precision small animal radiotherapy research: Optimal use and challenges. Radiotherapy and Oncology 126 (3), 471-478, 2018.
Wahl N, Hennig P, Wieser HP, Bangert M: Analytical incorporation of fractionation effects in probabilistic treatment planning for intensity-modulated proton therapy. Medical Physics 45 (4), 1317-1328, 2018.
Wahl A, Hennig P, Wieser HP, Bangert M: Analytical probabilistic models for dose quality metrics and optimization objectives. Radiotherapy and Oncology 127, 486-487, 2018.
Wahl N, Wieser HP, Hennig P, Bangert M: Smooth animations of the probabilistic analog to worst-case dose distributions. Radiotherapy and Oncology 127, 1028-1029, 2018.
Wieser HP, Wahl N, Gabrys HS, Müller LR, Pezzano G, Winter J, Ulrich S, Burigo L, Jäkel O, Bangert M: MATRAD - An open-source treatment planning toolkit for educational purposes. Medical Physics 6 (1), 119-127, 2018.
Wieser HP, Wahl N, Hennig P, Bangert M: Simultaneous consideration of biological and physical uncertainties in robust ion therapy plannings. Radiotherapy and Oncology 127, 46-47, 2018.
Wohlfahrt P, Möhler C, Richter C, Greilich S: Evaluation of stopping-power prediction by dual- and single-energy computed tomography in an anthropomorphic ground-truth phantom. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 100 (1), 244-253, 2018.
Arico G, Gehrke T, Jakubek J, Gallas R, Berke S, Jäkel O, Mairani A, Ferrari A, Martisikova M: Investigation of mixed ion fields in the forward direction for 220.5 MeV/u helium ion beams: comparison between water and PMMA targets. Physics in Medicine and Biology 62 (20), 8003-8024, 2017.
Bartelheimer K, Teske H, Bendl R, Giske K: Tissue-specific transformation model for CT-images. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 3 (2), 525-528, 2017.
Batista V, Chaudhri N, Richter D, Herfarth K, Jäkel O: Internal target volume margins for liver tumors treated with gated scanned carbon-ion radiotherapy. Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express 3 (1), 2017.
Batista V, Richter D, Combs SE, Jäkel O: Planning strategies for inter-fractional robustness in pancreatic patients treated with scanned carbon therapy. Radiation Oncology 12 (1), 94, 2017.
Castriconi R, Ciocca M, Mirandola A, Sini C, Broggi S, Schwarz M, Fracchiolla F, Martisikova M, Arico G, Mettivier G, Russo P: Dose-response of EBT3 radiochromic films to proton and carbon ion clinical beams. Physics in Medicine and Biology 62 (2), 377-393, 2017.
Dewey S, Burigo L, Pshenichnov I, Mishustin I, Bleicher M: Lateral variations of radiobiological properties of therapeutic fields of H-1, He-4, C-12 and O-16 ions studied with Geant4 and microdosimetric kinetic model. Physics in Medicine and Biology 62 (14), 5884-5907, 2017.
Dreher C, Habermehl D, Jäkel O, Combs SE: Effective radiotherapeutic treatment intensification in patients with pancreatic cancer: higher doses alone, higher RBE or both?. Radiation Oncology 12 (1), 203, 2017.
Emmerich J, Laun FB, Pfaffenberger A, Schilling R, Denoix M, Maier F, Sterzing F, Bostel T, Straub S: On the size of susceptibility-induced MR image distortions in prostate and cervix in the context of MR-guided radiation therapy. Medical Physics 45(4), 1586-1593, 2018.
Fossati P, Matsufuji N, Kamada T, Karger CP: Radiobiological issues in prospective carbon ion therapy trials. Medical Physics 45(11), e1096-e1110, 2017.
Gaa T, Reinhart M, Hartmann B, Jakubek J, Soukup P, Jäkel O, Martisikova M: Visualization of air and metal inhomogeneities in phantoms irradiated by carbon ion beams using prompt secondary ions. Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics 38, 140-147, 2017.
Gabrys HS, Buettner F, Sterzing F, Hauswald H, Bangert M: Parotid gland mean dose as a xerostomia predictor in low-dose domains. Acta Oncologica 56 (9), 1197-1203, 2017.
Gallas RR, Arico G, Burigo LN, Gehrke T, Jakubek J, Granja C, Turecek D, Martisikova M: A novel method for assessment of fragmentation and beam-material interactions in helium ion radiotherapy with a miniaturized setup. Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics 42, 116-126, 2017.
Gehrke T, Burigo L, Arico G, Berke S, Jakubek J, Turecek D, Tessonnier T, Mairani A, Martisikova M: Energy deposition measurements of single H-1, He-4 and C-12 ions of therapeutic energies in a silicon pixel detector. Journal of Instrumentation 12, 2017.
Gehrke T, Gallas RR, Jäkel O, Martisikova M: Proof of principle of helium-beam radiography using silicon pixel detectors for energy deposition measurement, identification, and tracking of single ions. Medical Physics 45(2), 817-829, 2017.
Glowa C, Peschke P, Brons S, Neels OC, Kopka K, Debus J, Karger CP: Carbon ion radiotherapy: impact of tumor differentiation on local control in experimental prostate carcinomas. Radiation Oncology 12 (1), 174, 2017.
Greilich S, Jansen J, Neuholz A, Stadler A, Mescher H, Klimpki G: Evaluation of additional track parameters from fluorescent nuclear track detectors to determine the LET of individual ions. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2017.
Häring P, Lang C, Splinter M: Machine record parameters or Epid based data for ART QA. A comparison of two scenarios. Radiotherapy and Oncology 123 (1), 800, 2017.
Hartmann B, Granja C, Jakubek J, Gehrke T, Gallas R, Pospisil S, Jäkel O, Martisikova M: A Novel Method for Fragmentation Studies in Particle Therapy: Principles of Ion Identification. International Journal of Particle Therapy 3 (4), 2017.
Heusser T, Mann P, Rank CM, Schäfer M, Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss A, Schlemmer HP, Hadaschik BA, Kopka K, Bachert P, Kachelriess M, Freitag MT: Investigation of the halo-artifact in Ga-68-PSMA-11-PET/MRI. PLoS ONE 12 (8), e0183329, 2017.
Jung E, Osswald M, Blaes J, Wiestler B, Sahm F, Schmenger T, Solecki G, Deumelandt K, Kurz FT, Xie R, Weil S, Heil O, Thome C, Gommel M, Syed M, Häring P, Huber PE, Heiland S, Platten M, von Deimling A, Wick W, Winkler F: Tweety-Homolog 1 Drives Brain Colonization of Gliomas. Journal of Neuroscience 37 (29), 6837-6850, 2017.
Karger CP, Peschke P: RBE and related modeling in carbon-ion therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology 63 (1), 01TR02, 2018.
Kelada OJ, Rockwell S, Zheng MQ, Huang YY, Liu YF, Booth CJ, Decker RH, Oelfke U, Carson RE, Carlson DJ: Quantification of Tumor Hypoxic Fractions Using Positron Emission Tomography with [F-18]Fluoromisonidazole ([F-18]FMISO) Kinetic Analysis and Invasive Oxygen Measurements. Molecular Imaging and Biology 19 (6), 893-902, 2017.
Klein C, Dokic I, Mairani A, Mein S, Brons S, Häring P, Haberer T, Jäkel O, Zimmermann A, Zenke F, Blaukat A, Debus J, Abdollahi A: Overcoming hypoxia-induced tumor radioresistance in non-small cell lung cancer by targeting DNA-dependent protein kinase in combination with carbon ion irradiation. Radiation Oncology 12 (1), 208, 2017.
Kraus K, Jäkel O, Niebuhr N, Pfaffenberger A: Generation of synthetic CT data using patient-specific daily MR image data and image registration. Physics in Medicine and Biology 62 (4), 1358-1377, 2017.
Kraus KM, Pfaffenberger A, Jäkel O, Debus J, Sterzing F: Evaluation of Dosimetric Robustness of Carbon Ion Boost Therapy for Anal Carcinoma. International Journal of Particle Therapy 3 (3), 382-391, 2017.
Mairani A, Dokic I, Magro G, Tessonier T, Bauer J, Boehle T, Ciocca M, Ferrari A, Sala P, Jäkel O, Debus J, Haberer T, Abdollahi A, Parodi K: A phenomenological relative biological effectiveness approach for proton therapy based on an improved description of the mixed radiation field. Physics in Medicine and Biology 62 (4), 1378-1395, 2017.
Mann P, Witte M, Moser T, Lang C, Runz A, Johnen W, Berger M, Biederer J, Karger CP: 3D dosimetric validation of motion compensation concepts in radiotherapy using an anthropomorphic dynamic lung phantom. Physics in Medicine and Biology 62 (2), 573-595, 2017.
Mann P, Saito N, Lang C, Runz A, Johnen W, Witte M, Schmitt D, Karger CP: Validation of 4D dose calculation using an independent motion monitoring by the calypso tracking system and 3D polymer gel dosimetry. Journal of Physics / Conference Series 847, 2017.
Mescher H, Ulrich S, Bangert M: Coverage-based constraints for IMRT optimization. Physics in Medicine and Biology 62 (18), N460-N473, 2017.
Meyerhof E, Splinter M, Lang C, Debus J, Nicolay NH: Vergleich der Dosiseffekte durch interfraktionelle Variabilitäten von Tumor und Risikoorganen bei der Bestrahlung von Prostatakarzinomen. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 193 (1), 136, 2017.
Möhler C, Wohlfahrt P, Richter C, Greilich S: Methodological accuracy of image-based electron density assessment using dual-energy computed tomography. Medical Physics 44(6), 2429-2437, 2017.
Möhler C, Russ T, Wohlfahrt P, Elter A, Runz A, Richter C, Greilich S: Experimental verification of stopping-power prediction from single- and dual-energy computed tomography in biological tissues. Physics in Medicine and Biology 14, 2017.
Möhler C, Wohlfahrt P, Richter C, Greilich S: Methodological accuracy of image-based electron density assessment using dual-energy computed tomography. Medical Physics 44(6), 2429-2437, 2017.
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Niklas M, Henrich M, Jäkel O, Engelhardt J, Abdollahi A, Greilich S: STED microscopy visualizes energy deposition of single ions in a solid-state detector beyond diffraction limit. Physics in Medicine and Biology 62 (9), N180-N190, 2017.
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Schwahofer A, Feist H, Georg H, Häring P, Schlegel W: Experimental determination of the photon-energy dependent dose-to-water response of TLD600 and TLD700 (LiF:Mg,Ti) thermoluminescence detectors. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 27(1):13-20, 2017.
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Spindeldreier CK, Schrenk O, Ahmed MF, Shrestha N, Karger CP, Greilich S, Pfaffenberger A, Yukihara EG: Feasibility of dosimetry with optically stimulated luminescence detectors in magnetic fields. Radiation Measurements 106, 346-351, 2017.
Spindeldreier CK, Schrenk O, Bakenecker A, Kawrakow I, Burigo L, Karger CP, Greilich S, Pfaffenberger A: Radiation dosimetry in magnetic fields with Farmer-type ionization chambers: determination of magnetic field correction factors for different magnetic field strengths and field orientations. Physics in Medicine and Biology 62(16):6708-6728, 2017.
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Teske H, Bartelheimer K, Bendl R, Stoiber EM, Giske K: Handling images of patient postures in arms up and arms down position using a biomechanical skeleton model. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 3(2):469-472, 2017.
Teske H, Bartelheimer K, Meis J, Bendl R, Stoiber EM, Giske K: Construction of a biomechanical head and neck motion model as a guide to evaluation of deformable image registration. Physics in Medicine and Biology 62(12):N271-N284, 2017.
Ulrich S, Wieser HP, Cao W, Mohan R, Bangert M: Impact of respiratory motion on variable relative biological effectiveness in 4D-dose distributions of proton therapy. Acta Oncologica 56(11):1420-1427, 2017.
Verhaegen F, Dubois L, Gianolini S, Hill MA, Karger CP, Lauber K, Prise KM, Sarrut D, Thorwarth D, Vanhove C, Vojnovic B, Weersink R, Wilkens JJ, Georg D: ESTRO ACROP: Technology for precision small animal radiotherapy research: Optimal use and challenges. Radiotherapy and Oncology 126(3):471-478, 2017.
Wahl N, Hennig P, Wieser HP, Bangert M: Efficiency of analytical and sampling-based uncertainty propagation in intensity-modulated proton therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology 62(14):5790-5807, 2017.
Wieser HP, Cisternas E, Wahl N, Ulrich S, Stadler A, Mescher H, Mueller LR, Klinge T, Gabrys H, Burigo L, Mairani A, Ecker S, Ackermann B, Ellerbrock M, Parodi K, Jäkel O, Bangert M: Development of the open-source dose calculation and optimization toolkit matRad. Medical Physics 44(6):2556-2568, 2017.
Wieser HP, Hennig P, Wahl N, Bangert M: Analytical probabilistic modeling of RBE-weighted dose for ion therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology 62(23):8959-8982, 2017.
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Wohlfahrt P, Möhler C, Hietschold V, Menkel S, Greilich S, Krause M, Baumann M, Enghardt W, Richter C: Clinical Implementation of Dual-energy CT for Proton Treatment Planning on Pseudo-monoenergetic CT scans. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 97(2):427-434, 2017.
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Wohlfahrt P, Möhler C, Stützer K, Greilich S, Richter C: Dual-energy CT based proton range prediction in head and pelvic tumor patients. Radiotherapy and Oncology 125(3):526-533, 2017.
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Jensen AD, Poulakis M, Nikoghosyan AV, Welzel T, Uhl M, Federspil PA, Freier K, Krauss J, Hüss A, Haberer T, Jäkel O, Münter MW, Schulz-Ertner D, Huber PE, Debus J: High-LET radiotherapy for adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck: 15 years' experience with raster-scanned carbon ion therapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 118 (2) (2016) 272-280.
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Habermehl D, Naumann P, Bendl R, Oelfke U, Nill S, Debus J, Combs SE: Evaluation of inter- and intrafractional motion of liver tumors using interstitial markers and implantable electromagnetic radiotransmitters in the context of image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) - the ESMERALDA trial. Radiation Oncology, 10 (2015) Art. Nr. 143.
Habermehl D, Wagner M, Ellerbrock M, Büchler MW, Jäkel O, Debus J, Combs SE: Reirradiation Using Carbon Ions in Patients with Locally Recurrent Rectal Cancer at HIT: First Results. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 22 (6) (2015) 2068-2074.
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Bretschi M, Fränzle A, Merz M, Hillengass J, Semmler W, Bendl R, Bäuerle T: Assessing Treatment Response of Osteolytic Lesions by Manual Volumetry, Automatic Segmentation, and RECIST in Experimental Bone Metastases. Academic Radiology, 21 (2014) 1177-1184.
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Franz AM, Schmitt D, Seitel A, Chatrasingh M, Echner G, Oelfke U, Nill S, Birkfellner W, Maier-Hein L: Standardized accuracy assessment of the calypso wireless transponder tracking system. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59 (22) (2014) 6797-6810.
Fränzle A, Sumkauskaite M, Hillengass J, Bäuerle T, Bendl R: Fully automated shape model positioning for bone segmentation in whole-body CT scans. Journal of Physics / Conference Series, 489 (2014) Art. Nr.: 012029.
Gillmann C, Jäkel O, Schlampp I, Karger CP: Temporal lobe reactions after carbon ion radiation therapy: Comparison of Relative Biological Effectiveness-weighted tolerance doses predicted by Local Effect Models I and IV. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 88 (5) (2014) 1136-1141.
Greilich S, Hahn U, Kiderlen M, Andersen CE, Bassler N: Efficient calculation of local dose distributions for response modeling in proton and heavier ion beams. The European Physical Journal D, 68 (2014) 327.
Hartmann B, Soukup P, Granja C, Jakubek J, Pospisil S, Jäkel O, Martisikova M: Distortion of the per-pixel signal in the Timepix detector observed in high energy carbon ion beams. Journal of Instrumentation, 9 (2014) Art. Nr. P09006.
Heinrich H, Ziegenhein P, Kamerling CP, Froening H, Oelfke U: GPU-accelerated ray-tracing for real-time treatment planning. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 489 (2014) Art. Nr.: 012050.
Hoffmann C, Krause S, Stoiber EM, Mohr A, Rieken S, Schramm O, Debus J, Sterzing F, Bendl R, Giske K: Accuracy quantification of a deformable image registration tool applied in a clinical setting. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 15 (1) (2014) 237-245.
Hüss A, Lampe C, Panse R, Ackermann B, Naumann J, Jäkel O: First experiences with the implementation of the European standard EN 62304 on medical device software for the quality assurance of a radiotherapy unit. Radiation Oncology, 9 (2014) Art. Nr. 79.
Hünemohr N, Krauss B, Tremmel C, Ackermann B, Jäkel O, Greilich S: Experimental verification of ion stopping power prediction from dual energy CT data in tissue surrogates. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59 (1) (2014) 83-96.
Hünemohr N, Niebuhr N, Greilich S: Reply to 'Comment on "Experimental verification of ion stopping power prediction from dual energy CT data in tissue surrogates" '. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59 (22) (2014) 7085-7087.
Hünemohr N, Paganetti H, Greilich S, Jäkel O, Seco J: Tissue decomposition from Dual Energy CT data for MC based dose calculation in particle therapy. Medical Physics, 41 (2014) Art. Nr. 061714.
Kamerling CP, Ziegenhein P, Heinrich H, Oelfke U: A 3D isodose manipulation tool for interactive dose shaping. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 489 (2014) Art. Nr.: 012052.
Karger CP, Scholz M, Huber PE, Debus J, Peschke P: Photon and carbon ion irradiation of a rat prostate carcinoma: Does a higher fraction number increase the metastatic rate? Radiation Research, 181 (2014) 623-628.
Kelada OJ, Carlson DJ: Molecular imaging of tumor hypoxia with positron emission tomography. Radiation Research, 181 (4) (2014) 335-349.
Kessel KA, Bohn C, Engelmann U, Oetzel D, Bougatf N, Bendl R, Combs SE: Five-year experience with setup and implementation of an integrated database system for clinical documentation and research. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 114 (2) (2014) 206-217.
Klüter S, Schubert K, Lissner S, Sterzing F, Oetzel D, Debus J, Schlegel W, Oelfke U, Nill S: Independent calculation of dose distributions for helical tomotherapy using a conventional treatment planning system. Medical Physics, 48 (8) (2014) Art. Nr. 081709.
März K, Franz AM, Seitel A, Winterstein A, Bendl R, Zelzer S, Nolden M, Meinzer H-P, Maier-Hein L: MITK-US: real-time ultrasound support within MITK. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 9 (3) (2014) 411-420.
März K, Franz AM, Seitel A, Winterstein A, Hafezi M, Saffari A, Bendl R, Stieltjes B, Meinzer, H-P, Mehrabi A, Maier-Hein L: Interventional real-time ultrasound imaging with an integrated elctromagnetic field generator. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 9 (5) (2014) 759-768.
Osinga J-M, Ambroožová I, a Pachnerová Brabcová KP, Akselrod MS, Jäkel O, e Davídková M, Greilich S: Single track coincidence measurements of fluorescent and plastic nuclear track detectors in therapeutic carbon beams. Journal of Instrumentation, 9 (2014) Art. Nr. P04013.
Osinga J-M, Brons S, Bartz JA, Akselrod MS, Jäkel O, Greilich S: Absorbed dose in ion Beams: Comparison of ionisation- and fluence-based measurements. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 161 (1-4) (2014) 387-392.
Pfaffenberger A, Oelfke U: Application of dose warping for MR-Linac dose calculations, Abstract selected for publication in ESTRO Report 33 (Physics section), (2014) in press.
Qamhiyeh S, Wysocka-Rabin A, Jäkel O: Monte Carlo calculated CT numbers for improved heavy ion treatment planning. Nukleonika, 59 (1) (2014) 15-23
Richter D, Saito M, Chaudhri N, Härtig M, Ellerbrock M, Jäkel O, Combs SE, Habermehl D, Herfarth K, Durante M, Bert C: Four-Dimensional Patient Dose Reconstruction for Scanned Ion Beam Therapy of Moving Liver Tumors. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 89 (1) (2014) 175-181.
Rinaldi I, Brons S, Jäkel O, Voss B, Parodi K: Experimental investigations on carbon ion scanning radiography using a range telescope. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59 (12) (2014) 3041-3057.
Rinaldi I, Brons S, Jäkel O, Voss B, Parodi K: A method to increase the nominal range resolution of a stack of parallel-plate ionization chambers. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59 (18) (2014) 5501-5515.
Saager M, Glowa C, Peschke P, Brons S, Scholz M, Huber PE, Debus J, Karger CP: Carbon ion irradiation of the rat spinal cord: Dependence of the relative biological effectiveness on linear energy transfer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 90 (1) (2014) 63-70.
Schlegel W: Professor Dr. Fridtjof Nüsslin zum 75. Geburtstag. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 190 (2014) 973-974.
Schwarz M, Teske H, Stoll M, Bendl R: Improving accuracy of markerless tracking of lung tumours in fluoroscopic video by incorporating diaphragm motion. Journal of Physics / Conference Series, 489 (2014) Art. Nr.: 012082.
Serduc R, Bouchet A, Pouyatos B, Renaud L, Bräuer-Krisch E, Le Duc G, Laissue JA, Bartzsch S, Coquery N, van de Looij Y: Synchrotron X Ray Induced Axonal Transections in the Brain of Rats Assessed by High-Field Diffusion Tensor Imaging Tractography. PLoS ONE, 9 (2) (2014) e88244
Stoiber EM, Schwarz M, Debus J, Bendl R, Giske K: An optimised IGRT correction vector determined from a displacement vector field: A proof of principle of a decision-making aid for re-planning. Acta Oncologica, 53(1) (2014) 33-39.
Stoll M, Giske K, Debus J, Bendl R, Stoiber EM: The frequency of re-planning and its variability dependent on the modification of the re-planning criteria and IGRT correction strategy in head and neck IMRT. Radiation Oncology 9, (2014) Art. Nr. 175.
Stoll M, Giske K, Stoiber EM, Schwarz M, Bendl R: Target point correction optimised based on the dose distribution of each fraction in daily IGRT. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 489 (2014) Art. Nr.: 012081.
Suwelack S, Stoll M, Schalck S, Schoch N, Dillmann R, Bendl R, Heuveline V, Speidel S: The Medical Simulation Markup Language - simplifying the biomechanical modeling workflow. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 196 (2014) 394-400.
Telsemeyer J, Ackermann B, Ecker S, Jäkel O, Martisikova M: Experimental verification of ion range calculation in a treatment planning system using a flat-panel detector. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 59 (14) (2014) 3737-3747.
Uhl M, Edler L, Jensen AD, Habl G, Oelmann J, Röder F, Jäkel O, Debus J, Herfarth K: Randomized phase II trial of hypofractionated proton versus carbon ion radiation therapy in patients with sacrococcygeal chordoma-the ISAC trial protocol. Radiation Oncology, 9 (1) (2014) Art. Nr. 100.
Uhl M, Mattke M, Welzel T, Roeder F, Oelmann J, Habl G, Jensen A, Ellerbrock M, Jäkel O, Haberer T, Herfarth K, Debus J: Highly Effective Treatment of Skull Base Chordoma With Carbon Ion Irradiation Using a Raster Scan Technique in 155 Patients: First Long-Term Results. Cancer, 120 (21) (2014) 3410-3417.
Ziegenhein P, Kamerling CP, Oelfke U: Interactive dose shaping - Efficient strategies for CPU-based Real-Time Treatment Planning. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 489 (2014) Art. Nr. 012066.
Ableitinger A, Vatnitsky S, Herrmann R, Bassler N, Palmans H, Sharpe P, Ecker S, Chaudhri N, Jäkel O, Georg D: Dosimetry auditing procedure with alanine dosimeters for light ion beam therapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 108 (1) (2013) 99-106.
Amelio D, Winter M, Habermehl D, Jäkel O, Debus J, Combs SE: Analysis of inter- and intrafraction accuracy of a commercial thermoplastic mask system used for image-guided particle radiation therapy. Journal of Radiation Research, 54 (Suppl 1) (2013) i69-i76.
Bangert M, Hennig P, Oelfke U: Analytical probalistic modeling for radiation therapy treatment planning. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58 (16) (2013) 5401-5419.
Bangert M, Ziegenhein P, Oelfke U: Comparison of beam angle selection strategies for intracranial IMRT. Medical Physics, 40 (1) (2013) 011716-1 : 011716-11.
Bartzsch S, Oelfke U: A new concept of pencil beam dose calculation for 40-200 keV photons using analytical dose kernels. Medical Physics, 40 (11) (2013) Art. Nr. 111714.
Berg A, Wieland M, Naumann J, Jäkel O: High resolution dosimetry in monoenergetic proton beam therapy on a normoxic polymer gel: the importance of high spatial resolution for reduced Bragg-Peak-quenching. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 444 (2013) Art. Nr. 012054.
Cabal GA, Jäkel O: Dynamic Target Definition: A novel approach for PTV definition in ion beam therapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 107 (2) (2013) 227-233.
Combs SE, Habermehl D, Kieser M, Dreher C, Werner J, Haselmann R, Jäkel O, Jäger D, Büchler MW, Debus J: Phase I study evaluating the treatment of patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer with carbon ion radiotherapy: the PHOENIX-01 trial. BMC Cancer, 13 (2013) Art. Nr. 419.
Combs SE, Kessel K, Habermehl D, Haberer T, Jäkel O, Debus J: Proton and carbon ion radiotherapy for primary brain tumors and tumors of the skull base. Acta Oncologica, 52 (7) (2013) 1504-1509.
Combs SE, Welzel T, Habermehl D, Rieken S, Dittmar J-O, Kessel K, Jäkel O, Haberkorn U, Debus J: Prospective evaluation of early treatment outcome in patients with meningiomas treated with particle therapy based on target volume definition with MRI and 68Ga-DOTATEC-PET. Acta Oncologica, 52 (3) (2013) 514-520.
Espinoza I, Peschke P, Karger CP: A model to simulate the oxygen distribution in hypoxic tumors for different vascular architectures. Medical Physics, 40 (8) (2013) Art. Nr. 081703.
Fast MF, Teymurazyan A, Pang G, Oelfke U, Rowlands JA: Finding an improved amorphous-silicon x-ray flat-panel detector configuration for the in-line geometry. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58 (7) (2013) 2305-2324.
Fast MF, Wisotzky E, Oelfke U, Nill S: Actively triggered 4d cone-beam CT acquisition. Medical Physics, 40 (9) (2013) Art. Nr. 091909.
Fernandez-Palomo C, Brauer-Krisch E, Trippel M, Schroll C, Requardt H, Bartzsch S, Nikkhah G, Schultke E: DANN double strand breaks in the acute phase after synchrotron pencilbeam irradiation. Journal of Instrumentation, 8 (2013) Art. Nr. C07005.
Fränzle A, Bretschi M, Bäuerle T, Giske K, Hillengass J, Bendl R: A quantification strategy for missing bone mass in case of osteolytic bone lesions. Medical Physics, 40 (12) (2013) Art. Nr. 123501.
Glowa C, Peschke P, Karger CP, Hahn EW, Huber PE, Debus J, Ehemann V: Flow cytometric characterization of tumor subpopulations in 3 sublines of the Dunning R3327 rat prostate tumor model. The Prostate, 73 (2013) 1710-1720.
Greilich S, Osinga J-M, Niklas M, Lauer FM, Klimpki G, Bestvater F, Bartz JA, Akselrod MS, Jäkel O: Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detectors as a Tool for Ion-Beam Therapy Research. Radiation Measurements, 56 (2013) 267-272.
Gwosch K, Hartmann B, Jakubek J, Granja C, Soukup P, Jäkel O, Martisikova M: Non-invasive monitoring of therapeutic carbon ion beams in a homogeneous phantom by tracking of secondary ions. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58 (11) (2013) 3755 -3773.
Habermehl D, Debus J, Ganten T, Ganten M-K, Bauer J, Brecht IC, Brons S, Haberer T, Haertig M, Jäkel O, Parodi K, Welzel T, Combs SE: Hypofractionated carbon ion therapy delivered with scanned ion beams for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma - feasibility and clinical response. Radiation Oncology, 8 (1) (2013) Art. Nr. 59.
Habermehl D, Henkner K, Ecker S, Jäkel O, Debus J: Combs SE: Evaluation of different fiducial markers for image-guided radiotherapy and particle therapy. Journal of Radiation Research, 54 (Suppl 1) (2013) i61-i68.
Hub M, Karger CP: Estimation of the uncertainty of elastic image registration with the demons algorithm. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58 (9) (2013) 3023-3036.
Hünemohr N, Krauss B, Dinkel J, Gillmann C, Ackermann B, Jäkel O, Greilich S: Ion range estimation by using dual energy computed tomography. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 23 (4) (2013) 300-313.
Jäkel O, Smith AR, Orton CG: The more important heavy charged particle radiotherapy of the future is more likely to be with heavy ions rather than protons. Medical Physics, 40 (9) (2013) Art. Nr. 090601.
Karger CP, Peschke P, Scholz M, Huber PE, Debus J: Relative biological effectiveness of carbon ions in a rat prostate carcinoma in-vivo: comparison of 1, 2 and 6 fractions. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 86 (3) (2013) 450-455.
Kessel KA, Habermehl D, Jäger A, Floca RO, Zhang L, Bendl R, Debus J, Combs SE: Development and validation of automatic tools for interactive recurrence analysis in radiation therapy: optimization of treatment algorithms for locally advanced pancreatic cancer. Radiation Oncology, 8 (2013) Art. Nr. 138.
Klimpki G, Osinga J-M, Herrmann R, Akselrod MS, Jäkel O, Greilich S: Ion Range Measurements using Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detectors. Radiation Measurements, 56 (2013) 342-346.
Laissue JA, Bartzsch S, Blattmann H, Brauer-Krisch E, Bravin A, Dallery D, Djonov V, Hanson AL, Hopewell JW, Kaser-Hotz B, Keyrilainen J, Laissue PP, Miura M, Serduc R, Siegbahn AE, Slatkin DN: Response of the rat spinal cord to X-ray microbeams. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 106 (1) (2013) 106-111.
Martisikova M, Brons S, Hesse BM, Jäkel O: High-resolution fluence verification for treatment plan specific QA in ion beam radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58 (6) (2013) 1725-1738.
Moser T, Habl G, Uhl M, Schubert K, Sroka-Perez G, Debus J, Herfarth K, Karger CP: Clinical Evaluation of a Laser Surface Scanning System in 120 Patients for Improving Daily Setup Accuracy in Fractionated Radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 85 (3) (2013) 846-853.
Nairz O, Winter M, Heeg P, Jäkel O: Accuracy of robotic patient positioners used in ion beam therapy. Radiation Oncology, 8 (2013) Art. Nr. 124.
Niklas M, Abdollahi A, Akselrod MS, Debus J, Jäkel O, Greilich S: Subcellular Spatial Correlation of Particle Traversal and Biological Response in Clinical Ion Beams. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 87 (5) (2013) 1141-1147.
Niklas M, Bartz JA, Akselrod MS, Abdollahi A, Jäkel O, Greilich S: Ion track reconstruction using alumina-based fluorescent nuclear track detectors. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58 (18) (2013) N251-N266.
Niklas M, Greilich S, Melzig C, Akselrod MS, Debus J, Jäkel O, Abdollahi A: Engineering cell- fluorescent ion track hybrid detectors. Radiation Oncology, 8 (1) (2013) Art. Nr. 141.
Niklas M, Melzig C, Abdollahi A, Bartz JA, Akselrod MS, Debus J, Jäkel O, Greilich S: Spatial correlation between traversal and cellular response in ion radiotherapy - Towards single track spectroscopy. Radiation Measurements, 56 (2013) 285-289.
Opalka L, Granja C, Hartmann B, Jakubek J, Jäkel O, Martisikova M, Pospisil S, Solc J: Linear energy transfer and track pattern recognition of secondary radiation generated in hadron therapy beam in a PMMA target. Journal of Instrumentation, 8 (2013) Art. Nr. C02047.
Osinga J-M, Akselrod MS, Herrmann R, Hable V, Dollinger G, Jäkel O, Greilich S: High-Accuracy Fluence Determination in Ion Beams using Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detectors. Radiation Measurements, 56 (2013) 294-298.
Rank CM, Hünemohr N, Nagel AM, Röthke MC, Jäkel O, Greilich S: MRI-based simulation of treatment plans for ion radiotherapy in the brain region. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 109 (3) (2013) 414-418.
Rank CM, Tremmel C, Hünemohr N, Nagel AM, Jäkel O, Greilich S: MRI-based treatment plan simulation and adaptation for ion radiotherapy using a classification-based approach. Radiation Oncology, 8 (2013) Art. Nr. 51
Richter D, Schwarzkopf A, Trautmann J, Krämer M, Durante M, Jäkel O, Bert C: Upgrade and benchmarking of a 4D treatment planning system for scanned ion beam therapy. Medical Physics, 40 (5) (2013) Art. Nr. 051722.
Rinaldi I, Brons S, Gordon J, Panse R, Voss B, Jäkel O, Parodi K: Experimental characterization of a prototype detector system for carbon ion radiography and tomography. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58 (3) (2013) 413-427.
Rink C, Oelfke U, Fiederle M, Zuber M, Koenig T: Investigating the feasibility of photon-counting K-edge imaging at high x-ray fluxes using nonlinearity corrections. Medical Physics, 40 (10) (2013) Art. Nr. 101908.
Rink K, König T, Zuber M, Zwerger A, Fauler A, Fiederle M, Oelfke U: Saturation effects of CdTe photon counting detectors under high photon fluxes. Journal of Instrumentation, 8 (2013) Art. Nr. C01026.
Rochet N, Hauswald H, Stoiber EM, Hensley FW, Becker HD, Debus J, Lindel K: Primary radiotherapy with endobronchial jigh-dose-rate brachytherapy boost for inoperable lung cancer: long term results. Tumori, 99 (2) (2013) 183-190.
Rucinski A, Bauer J, Campbell P, Brons S, Unholtz D, Habl G, Herfarth K, Debus J, Bert C, Parodi K, Jäkel O, Haberer T: Preclinical investigations towards the first spacer gel application in prostate cancer treatment during particle therapy at HIT. Radiation Oncology, 8 (1) (2013) Art. Nr. 134.
Sanchez-Parcerisa D, Gemmel A, Jäkel O, Rietzel E, Parodi K: Influence of the delta ray production threshold on water-to-air stopping power ratio calculations for carbon ion beam radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58 (1) (2013) 145-158.
Schmid AI, Laistler E, Sieg J, Dymerska B, Wieland M, Naumann J, Jäkel O, Berg A: Monomer consumption in MAGIC-type polymer gels in the Bragg-peak of proton beams observed by volume selective 1H MR-spectroscopy (MRS): proof of principle for high resolution MRS-methodology with a sensitive rf-detector. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 444 (2013) Art. Nr. 012096.
Schultke E, Trippel M, Brauer-Krisch E, Renier M, Bartzsch S, Requardt H, Dobrossy MD, Nikkhah G: Pencilbeam irradiation technique for whole brain radiotherapy: technical and biological challenges in a small animal model. PLoS ONE, 8 (1) (2013) e54960.
Stefanowicz S, Latzel H, Lindvold LR, Andersen CE, Jäkel O, Greilich S: Dosimetry in clinical static magnetic fields using plastic scintillation detectors. Measurements, 56 (2013) 357-360.
Steiner E, Stock M, Kostresevic B, Ableitinger A, Jelen U, Prokesch H, Santiago A, Trnkova P, Wolf A, Wittig A, Lomax A, Jäkel O, Baroni G, Georg D: Imaging dose assessment for IGRT in particle beam therapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 109 (3) (2013) 409-413.
Stoiber EM, Schwarz M, Huber PE, Debus J, Bendl R, Giske K: Comparison of two IGRT correction strategies in postoperative head-and-neck IMRT patients. Acta Oncologica, 52 (1) (2013) 183-186.
Stoiber EM, Schwarz M, Debus J, Huber PE, Bendl R, Giske K: Regional cumulative maximum dose to the spinal cord in head-and-neck cancer: Considerations for re-irradiation. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 106 (1) (2013) 96-100.
Zhang L, Hub M, Mang S, Thieke C, Nix O, Karger CP, Floca RO: Software for quantitative analysis of radiotherapy: Overview, requirement analysis and design solutions. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 110 (2013) 528-537.
Zhang L, Hub M, Thieke C, Floca RO, Karger CP: A method to visualize the uncertainty of the prediction of radiobiological models. Physica Medica, 29 (5) (2013) 556-561.
Ziegenhein P, Kamerling CP, Bangert M, Kunkel J, Oelfke U: Peformance-optimized clinical IMRT planning on modern CPUs. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58 (11) (2013) 3705-3715.
Altenstein G, Nill S, Heller J, Heid O, Oelfke U: A novel 2D binary collimator for IMRT dose delivery: dosimetric characterization using Monte Carlo simulations. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (19) (2012) N345- N364.
Andersson J, Kaiser FJ, Gomez F, Jäkel O, Pardo-Montero J, Tölli H: A comparison of different experimental methods for general recombination correction for liquid ionization chambers. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (21) (2012) 7161-7175.
Avanzo M, Stancanello J, Trovo M, Jena R, Roncadin M, Trovo MG, Capra E: Complication probability model for subcutaneous fibrosis based on published data of partial and whole breast irradiation. Physica Medica, 28 (4) (2012) 296-306.
Bangert M, Ziegenhein P, Oelfke U: Characterizing the combinatorial beam angle selection problem. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (20) (2012) 6707-6723.
Biegun AK, Seravalli E, Lopes PC, Rinaldi I, Pinto M, Oxley DC, Dendooven P, Verhaegen F, Parodi K, Crespo P, Schaart DR: Time-of-flight neutron rejection to improve prompt gamma imaging for proton range verification: a simulation study. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (20) (2012) 6429-6444.
Combs SE, Kessel KA, Herfarth K, Jensen A, Oertel S, Blattmann C, Ecker S, Hoess A, Martin E, Witt O, Jäkel O, Kulozik AE, Debus J: Treatment of pediatric patients and young adults with particle therapy at the Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center (HIT): establishment of workflow and initial data. Radiation Oncology, 7 (2012) Art. Nr. 170.
Combs SE, Kieser M, Habermehl D, Weitz J, Jäger D, Fossati P, Orecchia R, Engenhart-Cabillic R, Pötter R, Dosanjh M, Jäkel O, Büchler MW, Debus J: Phase I/II trial evaluation carbon ion radiotherapy for the treatment of recurrent rectal cancer: the PANDORA-01 trial. BMC Cancer, 12 (2012) Art. Nr. 137.
Doerner E, Hartmann GH: Development and validation of a BEAMnrc component module for a miniature multileaf collimator. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (10) (2012) 3093-3105.
Fast MF, Krauss A, Oelfke U, Nill S: Position detection accuracy of a novel linac-mounted intrafractional x-ray imaging system. Medical Physics, 39 (1) (2012) 109-118.
Fast MF, Koenig T, Oelfke U, Nill S: Performance characteristics of a novel megavoltage cone-beam-computed tomography device. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (3) (2012) N15-N24.
Franz AM, März K, Hummel J, Birkfellner W, Bendl R, Delorme S, Schlemmer H-P, Meinzer H-P, Maier-Hein L: Electromagnetic tracking for US-guided interventions: standardized assessment of a new compact field generator. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 7 (6) (2012) 813-818.
Frese MC, Yu VK, Stewart RD, Carlson DJ: A Mechanism-Based Approach to Predict the Relative Biological Effectiveness of Protons and Carbon Ions in Radiation Therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 83 (1) (2012) 442-450.
Grün R, Friedrich T, Elsässer T, Krämer M, Zink K, Karger CP, Durante M, Engenhart-Cabillic R, Scholz M: Impact of enhancements in the local effect model (LEM) on the predicted RBE-weighted target dose distribution in carbon ion therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (22) (2012) 7261-7274.
Hartmann B, Telsemeyer J, Huber L, Ackermann B, Jäkel O, Martisikova M: Investigations of a flat-panel detector for quality assurance measurements in ion beam therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (1) (2012) 51-68.
Hub M, Thieke C, Kessler ML, Karger CP: A stochastic approach to estimate the uncertainty of dose mapping caused by uncertainties in b-spline registration. Medical Physics, 39 (2012) 2186-2192.
Jensen AD, Nill S, Huber PE, Bendl R, Debus J, Muenter MW: A clinical concept for Interfractional Adaptive Radiation Therapy in the treatment of head and neck cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 82 (2) (2012) 590-596.
Kaiser F-J, Bassler N, Tölli H, Jäkel O: Initial recombination in the track of heavy charged particles: Numerical solution for air filled ionization chambers. Acta Oncologica, 51 (3) (2012) 368-375.
Kessel KA, Habermehl D, Bohn C, Jäger A, Floca RO, Zhang L, Bougatf N, Bendl R, Debus J, Combs SE: Datenbankbasierte digitale retrospektive Auswertung von Patientenkollektiven in der Radioonkologie. Etablierung eines Workflows am Beispiel des Pankreaskarzinoms. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 188 (12) (2012) 1119-1124.
Kessel KA, Bougatf N, Bohn C, Habermehl D, Oetzel D, Bendl R, Engelmann U, Orecchia R, Fossati P, Pötter R, Dosanjh M, Debus J, Combs SE: Connection of European particle therapy centers and generation of a common particle database system within the European ULICE-framework. Radiation Oncology, (7) (2012) Art.Nr. 115.
Koenig T, Ziegenheim P, Oelfke U: A survey of target materials and orientations suitable for the production of coherent bremsstrahlung in megavoltage imaging. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (8) (2012) 2411-2423.
Koenig T, Schulze J, Zuber M, Rink K, Butzer J, Hamann E, Cecilia A, Zwerger A, Fauler A, Fiederle M, Oelfke U: Imaging properties of small-pixel spectroscopic x-ray detectors based on cadmium telluride sensors. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (21) (2012) 6743-6759.
Kosaki K, Ecker S, Habermehl D, Rieken S, Jäkel O, Herfarth K, Debus J, Combs SE: Comparison of intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) with intensity modulated particle therapy (IMPT) using fixed beams or an ion gantry for the treatment of patients with skull base meningiomas. Radiation Oncology, (7) (2012) Art.Nr. 44.
Krauss A, Fast MF, Nill S, Oelfke U: Multileaf collimator tracking integrated with a novel x-ray imaging system and external surrogate monitoring. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (8) (2012) 2425-2439.
Legrand C, Hartmann GH, Karger CP: Experimental determination of the effective point of measurement for cylindrical ionization chambers in 60Co gamma radiation. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (11) (2012) 3463-3475.
Legrand C, Hartmann GH, Karger CP: Experimental determination of the effective point of measurement and the displacement correction factor for cylindrical ionization chambers in a 6 MV photon beam. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (21) (2012) 6869-6880.
Lühr A, Hansen DC, Teiwes R, Sobolevsky N, Jäkel O, Bassler N: The impact of modeling nuclear fragmentation on delivered dose and radiobiology in ion therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (16) (2012) 5169-5185.
Martisikova M, Hartmann B, Hesse BM, Brons S, Ackermann B, Jäkel O: Characterization of a flat-panel detector for ion beam spot measurements. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (2) (2012) 485-497.
Menten MJ, Guckenberger M, Herrmann C, Krauß A, Nill S, Oelfke U, Wilbert J: Comparison of a multileaf collimator tracking system and a robotic treatment couch tracking system for organ motion compensation during radiotherapy. Medical Physics, 39 (11) (2012) 7032-7041.
Milker-Zabel S, Kopp-Schneider A, Wiesbauer H, Schlegel W, Huber P, Debus J, Zabel-du Bois A: Proposal for a New Prognostic Score for Linac-Based Radiosurgery in Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 83 (2) (2012) 525-532.
Opalka L, Granja C, Hartmann B, Jakubek J, Jäkel O, Martisikova M, Pospisil S, Solc J: 3D measurement of the radiation distribution in a water phantom in a hadron therapy beam. Journal of Instrumentation, 7 (2012) Art.Nr. C01085.
Parodi K, Mairani A, Brons S, Hasch BG, Sommerer F, Naumann J, Jäkel O, Haberer T, Debus J: Monte Carlo simulations to support start-up and treatment planning of scanned proton and carbon ion therapy at a synchrotron-based facility. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (12) (2012) 3759-3784.
Placht S, Stancanello J, Schaller C, Balda M, Angelopoulou E: Fast time-of-flight camera based surface registration for radiotherapy patient positioning. Medical Physics, 39 (1) (2012) 4-17.
Rieken S, Habermehl D, Haberer T, Jäkel O, Debus J, Combs SE: Proton and carbon ion radiotherapy for primary brain tumors delivered with active raster scanning at the Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center (HIT): early treatment results and study concepts. Radiation Oncology, (7) (2012) Art.Nr. 41.
Sanchez-Doblado F, Domingo C, Gomez F, Sanchez-Nieto B, Muniz JL, Garcia-Fuste MJ, Exposito MR, Barquero R, Hartmann G, Terron JA, Pena J, Mendez R, Gutierrez F, Guerre FX, Rosello J, Nunez L, Brualla-Gonzalez L, Manchado F, Lorente A, Gallego E, Capote R, Planes D, Lagares JI, Gonzalez-Soto X, Sansaloni F, Colmenares R, Amgarou K, Morales E, Bedogni R, Cano JP, Fernandez F: Estimation of neutron-equivalent dose in organs of patients undergoing radiotherapy by the use of a novel online digital detector. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (19) (2012) 6167-6191.
Sanchez-Parcerisa D, Gemmel A, Jäkel O, Parodi K, Rietzel E: Experimental study of the water-to-air stopping power ratio of monoenergetic carbon ion beams for particle therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (11) (2012) 3629-3641.
Schwarz M, Giske K, Stoll A, Nill S, Huber PE, Debus J, Bendl R, Stoiber EM: IGRT versus non-IGRT for postoperative head-and-neck IMRT patients: dosimetric consequences arising from a PTV margin reduction. Radiation Oncology, (7) (2012) Art.Nr.133.
Siggel M, Ziegenhein P, Nill S, Oelfke U: Boosting runtime-performance of photon pencil beam algorithms for radiotherapy treatment planning. Physica Medica, 28 (4) (2012) 273-280.
Telsemeyer J, Jäkel O, Martisikova M: Quantitative carbon ion beam radiography and tomography with a flat-panel detector. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (23) (2012) 7957-7971
Vasquez A, Runz A, Echner G, Sroka-Perez G, Karger CP: Comparison of two respiration monitoring systems for 4D-CT imaging using a new deformable breathing phantom. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (9) (2012) N131-N143.
Zabel-du Bois A, Nill S, Ulrich S, Oelfke U, Rhein B, Häring P, Milker-Zabel S, Schwahofer A: Dosimetric integration of daily mega-voltage cone-beam CT for image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 188 (2) (2012) 120-126.
Zuber M, König T, Hamann E, Butzer J, Cecilia A, Fiederle M, Oelfke U: Synchrotron measurements of the energy response functions of CdTe Medipix2 MXR detectors with pixel pitches of 110 and 165 mu m. Journal of Instrumentation 7, (2012) Art. Nr. C12018.
Andersen CE, Damkjaer SMS, Kertzschera G, Greilich S, Aznar MC: Fiber-coupled radioluminescence dosimetry with saturated Al2O3:C crystals: Characterization in 6 and 18 MV photon beams. Radiation Measurements, 46 (2011) 1090-1098.
Combs SE, Habermehl D, Ganten T, Schmidt J, Edler L, Burkholder I, Jäkel O, Haberer T, Debus J: Phase I study evaluating the treatment of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with Carbon Ion Radiotherapy. The PROMETHEUS-01 Trial. BMC Cancer, 11 (1) (2011) Artikel Nr. 67-8 pages.
Combs SE, Kalbe A, Nikoghosyan A, Ackermann B, Jäkel O, Haberer T, Debus J: Carbon ion radiotherapy performed as re-irradiation using active beam delivery in patients with tumors of the brain, skull base and sacral region. Radiotherapy and Oncology, (2011) 63-67.
Frese MC, Wilkens JJ, Huber PE, Jensen AD, Oelfke U, Taheri-Kadkhoda Z: Application of constant versus variable relative biological effectiveness in treatment planning of intensity modulated proton therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 79 (1) (2011) 80-88.
Giske K, Stoiber EM, Schwarz M, Stoll A, Muenter MW, Timke C, Roeder F, Debus J, Huber PE, Thieke C, Bendl R: Local setup errors in Image-Guided radiotherapy for head and neck cancer patients immobilized with a custom-made device. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 80 (2) (2011) 582-589.
Grzanka L, Greilich S, Korcyl M, Jäkel O, Waligorski M, Olko P: The Application of Amorphous Track Models to Study Cell Survival in Heavy Ions Beams. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 143 (2-4) (2011) 232-236.
Hauswald H, Milker-Zabel S, Sterzing F, Schlegel W, Debus J, Zabel-du Bois A: Repeated linac-based radiosurgery in high-grade cerebral arteriovenous-malformations (AVM) Spetzler-Martin grade III to IV previously treated with radiosurgery. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 98 (2011) 217-222.
Heath E, Tessier F, Kawrakow I: Investigation of voxel warping and energy mapping approaches for fast 4D Monte Carlo dose calculations in deformed geometries using VMC++. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56 (16) (2011) 5187-5202.
Herrmann R, Greilich S, Grzanka L, Bassler N: Amorphous track predictions in 'libamtrack' for alanine relative effectiveness in ion beams. Radiation Measurements, 46 (12) (2011) 1551-1553.
Herrmann R, Jäkel O, Palmans H, Sharpe P, Bassler N: Dose response of alanine detectors irradiated with carbon ion beams. Medical Physics, 38 (4) (2011) 1859-1866.
Huber L, Telsemeyer J, Martisikova M, Jäkel O: Patient position verification in ion-beam therapy using ion-beam radiography and fiducial markers. Journal of Instrumentation, 6 (2011) Art. Nr. C11008.
Jakubek J, Granja C, Hartmann B, Jäkel O, Martisikova M, Opalka L, Pospisil S: Selective detection of secondary particles and neutrons produced in ion beam therapy with 3D sensitive voxel detector. Journal of Instrumentation, 6 (2011) Art.Nr. C12010.
Jensen AD, Nill S, Rochet N, Bendl R, Harms W, Huber PE, Debus J, Münter MW: Whole-abdominal IMRT for advanced ovarian carcinoma: Planning issues and feasibility. European Journal of Medical Physic (Physica Medica), 27 (4) (2011) 194-202.
Klein FA, Greilich S, Andersen CE, Lindvold LR, Jäkel O: A thin layer fiber-coupled luminescence dosimeter based on Al2O3:C. Radiation Measurements, 46 (12) (2011) 1607-1609.
Knopf A-C, Parodi K, Paganetti H, Bortfeld T, Daartz J, Engelmann M, Liebsch N, Shih H: Accuracy of proton beam range verification using post-treatment positron emission tomography/computed tomography as function of treatment site. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 79 (1) (2011) 297-304.
Koenig T, Zuber M, Zwerger A, Schuenke P, Nill S, Fauler A, Fiederle M, Oelfke U: A comparison of various strategies to equalize the lower energy thresholds of a CdTe Medipix2 hexa detector for X-ray imaging applications, Journal of Instrumentation, 6 (1) (2011) Art.-Nr. C01074.
Koenig T, Zwerger A, Zuber M, Schuenke P, Nill S, Guni E, Fauler A, Fiederle M, Oelfke U: On the energy response function of a CdTe Medipix2 Hexa detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 648 (1) (2011) S265-S268.
Krauss A, Nill S, Tacke M, Oelfke U: Electromagnetic real-time tumor position monitoring and dynamic multileaf collimator tracking using a siemens 160 MLC: Geometric and dosimetric accuracy of an integrated system. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, (2011) 579-587.
Krauss A, Nill S, Oelfke U: The comparative performance of four respiratory motion predictors for real-time tumour tracking. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56 (16) (2011) 5303-5317.
Kraus KM, Heath E, Oelfke U: Dosimetric consequences of tumour motion due to respiration for a scanned proton beam. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56 (20) (2011) 6563-6581.
Lühr A, Hansen DC, Jäkel O, Sobolevsky N, Bassler N: Analytical expressions for water-to-air stopping-power ratios relevant for accurate dosimetry in particle therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56 (8) (2011) 2515-2533.
Martisikova M, Hesse BM, Nairz O, Jäkel O: Test of an amorphous silicon detector in medical proton beams. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research / A, Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 633 (Suppl.1) (2011) S259-S261.
Martisikova M, Jakubek J, Granja C, Hartmann B, Opalka L, Pospisil S, Jäkel O: Measurement of secondary radiation during ion beam therapy with the pixel detector Timepix. Journal of Instrumentation, 6 (2011) Art. Nr. C11014.
Moser T, Fleischhacker S, Schubert K, Sroka-Perez G, Karger CP: Technical performance of a commercial laser surface scanning system for patient setup verification in radiotherapy. European Journal of Medical Physic (Physica Medica), 27 (2011) 224-232.
Nikoghosyan AV, Schulz-Ertner D, Herfarth K, Didinger B, Muenter MW, Jensen AD, Jäkel O, Hoess A, Haberer T, Debus J: Acute toxicity of combined photon IMRT and carbon ion boost for intermediate-risk prostate cancer - Acute toxicity of 12C for PC. Acta Oncologica, 50 (6) (2011) 784-790.
Peschke P, Karger CP, Scholz M, Debus J, Huber PE: Relative biological effectiveness of carbon ions for local tumor control of radioresistant prostate carcinoma in the rat. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 79 (1) (2011) 239-246.
Rieken S, Habermehl D, Nikoghosyan A, Jensen A, Haberer T, Jäkel O, Muenter MW, Welzel T, Debus J, Combs SE: Assessment of early toxicity and response in patients treated with proton and carbon ion therapy at the Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center using the raster scanning technique. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 81 (5) (2011) e793-e801.
Rinaldi I, Ferrari A, Mairani A, Paganetti H, Parodi K, Sala P: An integral test of FLUKA nuclear models with 160 MeV proton beams in multi-layer Faraday cups. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56 (13) (2011) 4001-4011.
Schlampp I, Karger CP, Jäkel O, Scholz M, Didinger B, Nikoghosyan A, Hoess A, Kraemer M, Edler L, Debus J, Schultz-Ertner D: Temporal lobe reactions after radiotherapy with carbon ions: incidence and estimation of the relative biological effectiveness by the local effect model. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 80 (3) (2011) 815-823.
Schlegel W, Debus J, Jäkel O: Postgraduate, distance learning European Masters Program: Advanced Physical Methods in Radiotherapy at Heidelberg University, Germany. European Medical Physics News, Summer 2011 (2011) 24-25.
Stoiber EM, Giske K, Schubert K, Sterzing F, Habl G, Uhl M, Herfarth K, Bendl R, Debus J: Local setup reproducibility of the spinal column when using intensity-modulated radiation therapy for craniospinal irradiation with patient in supine position. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 81 (5) (2011) 1552-1559.
Wysocka-Rabin AM, Qamhiyeh S, Jäkel O: Simulation of computed tomography (CT) images using Monte Carlo approach. Nukleonika, 56 (4) (2011) 299-304.
Wysocka-Rabin AM, Hartmann GH: Monte Carlo study on a new concept of a scanning photon beam system for IMRT. Nukleonika, 56 (4) (2011) 291-297.
Yates ES, Balling P, Petersen JBB, Christensen MN, Skyt PS, Bassler N, Kaiser FJ, Muren LP: Characterization of the optical properties and stability of Presage (TM) following irradiation with photons and carbon ions. Acta Oncologica, 50 (6) (2011) 829-834.
Zwicker F, Roeder F, Hauswald H, Thieke C, Timke C, Schlegel W, Debus J, Muenter MW, Huber PE: Reirradiation with intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in recurrent head and neck cancer: outcome and toxicity. Head Neck: Journal for the Sciences and Specialities of the Head and Neck, 33 (12) (2011) 1695-1702.
Askoxylakis V, Zabel-du Bois A, Schlegel W, Debus J, Huber P, Milker-Zabel S: Patterns of failure after stereotactic radiotherapy of intracranial meningioma. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 98 (3) (2010) 367-372.
Bangert M, Oelfke U: Spherical cluster analysis for beam angle optimization in intensity-modulated radiation therapy treatment planning. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55 (19) (2010) 6023-6037.
Bassler N, Kantemiris I, Karaiskos P, Engelke J, Holzscheiter MH, Petersen JB: Comparison of optimized single and multifield irradiation plans of antiproton, proton and carbon ion beams. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 95 (1) (2010) 87-93.
Bassler N, Jäkel O, Sondergaard CS, Petersen JB: Dose- and LET-painting with particle therapy. Acta Oncologica, 49 (7) (2010) 1170-1176.
Blattmann C, Oertel S, Schulz-Ertner D, Rieken S, Haufe S, Ewerbeck V, Unterberg A, Karapanagiotou-Schenkel I, Combs SE, Nikoghosyan A, Bischof M, Jäkel O, Huber P, Kulozik AE, Debus J: Non-randomized therapy trial to determine the safety and efficacy of heavy ion radiotherapy in patients with non-resectable osteosarcoma. BMC Cancer, 10 (2010) Artikel Nr. 96.
Combs SE, Burkholder I, Edler L, Rieken S, Habermehl D, Jäkel O, Haberer T, Haselmann R, Unterberg A, Wick W, Debus J: Randomised Phase I/II Study to Evaluate Carbon Ion Radiotherapy versus Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy in Patients with Recurrent or Progressive Gliomas: The CINDERELLA Trial. BMC Cancer, 10 (1) (2010) Artikel Nr. 533.
Combs SE, Edler L, Burkholder I, Rieken S, Habermehl D, Jäkel O, Haberer T, Unterberg A, Wick W, Debus J, Haselmann R: Treatment of patients with atypical meningiomas Simpson grade 4 and 5 with a carbon ion boost in combination with postoperative photon radiotherapy: The MARCIE Trial. BMC Cancer, 10 (1) (2010) Artikel Nr. 615-19 pages.
Combs SE, Ellerbrock M, Haberer T, Habermehl D, Hoess A, Jäkel O, Jensen A, Klemm S, Münter M, Naumann J, Nikoghosyan A, Oertel S, Parodi K, Rieken S, Debus J: Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center (HIT): Initial clinical experience in the first 80 patients. Acta Oncologica, 49 (7) (2010) 1132-1140.
Combs SE, Hartmann C, Nikoghosyan A, Jäkel O, Karger CP, Haberer T, von Deimling A, Muenter MW, Huber PE, Debus J, Schultz-Ertner D: Carbon ion radiation therapy for high-risk meningiomas. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 95 (1) (2010) 54-59.
Combs SE, Jäkel O, Haberer T, Debus J: Particle therapy at the Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center (HIT) - Integrated research-driven university-hospital-based radiation oncology service in Heidelberg, Germany. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 95 (1) (2010) 41-44.
Combs SE, Kieser M, Rieken S, Habermehl D, Jäkel O, Haberer T, Nikoghosyan A, Haselmann R, Unterberg A, Wick W, Debus J: Randomized phase II study evaluating a carbon ion boost applied after combined radiochemotherapy with temozolomide versus a proton boost after radiochemotherapy with temozolomide in patients with primary glioblastoma: the CLEOPATRA trial. BMC Cancer, 10 (2010) Artikel Nr. 478.
Domingo C, Garcia-Fuste MJ, Morales E, Amgarou K, Terron JA, Rosello J, Brualla L, Nunez L, Colmenares R, Gomez F, Hartmann GH, Sanchez-Doblado F, Fernandez F: Neutron spectrometry and determination of neutron ambient dose equivalents in different LINAC radiotherapy rooms. Radiation Measurements, 45 (10) (2010) 1391-1397.
Domingo C, Gomez F, Sanchez-Doblado F, Hartmann GH, Amgarou K, Garcia-Fuste MJ, Romero MT, Boettger R, Nolte R, Wissmann F, Zimbal A, Schuhmacher H: Calibration of a neutron detector based on single event upset of SRAM memories. Radiation Measurements, 45 (10) (2010) 1513-1517.
Greilich S, Grzanka L, Bassler N, Andersen CE, Jäkel O: Amorphous track models: a numerical compariuson study. Radiation Measurements, 45 (10) (2010) 1406-1409.
Harting C, Peschke P, Karger CP: Computer simulation of tumour control probabilities after irradiation for varying intrinsic radio-sensitivity using a single cell based model. Acta Oncologica, 49 (8) (2010) 1354-1362.
Hartmann B, Martisikova M, Jäkel O: Technical Note: Homogeneity of GafchromicR EBT2 film. Medical Physics, 37 (4) (2010) 1753-1756.
Herrmann R, Carl J, Jäkel O, Bassler N, Petersen JB: Investigation of the dosimetric impact of a Ni-Ti fiducial marker in carbon ion and proton beams. Acta Oncologica, 49 (7) (2010) 1160-1164.
Hof H, Zgoda J, Nill S, Hoess A, Kopp-Schneider A, Herfarth K, Debus J, Plathow C: Time- and dose-dependency of radiographic normal tissue changes of the lung after stereotactic radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 77 (5) (2010) 1369-1374.
Huang Y, Willomitzer C, Zakaria GA, Hartmann GH: Experimental determination of the effective point of measurement of cylindrical ionization chambers for high-energy photon and electron beams. Physica Medica, 26 (3) (2010) 126-131.
Kaiser FJ, Bassler N, Jäkel O: COTS Silicon diodes as radiation detectors in proton and heavy charged particle radiotherapy. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 49 (3) (2010) 365-371.
Kaiser FJ, Bassler N, Tölli H, Jäkel O: Ionization chambers for LET determination. Radiation Measurements, 45 (10) (2010) 1109-1111.
Kantemiris I, Angelopoulos A, Bassler N, Giokaris N, Holzscheiter MH, Karaiskos P, Kalogeropoulos TE, AD-4/ACE Collaboration: Real-time imaging for dose evaluation during antiproton irradiation. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55 (5) (2010) N123-N131.
Karger CP, Jäkel O, Palmans H, Kanai T: Dosimetry for ion beam radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55 (21) (2010) R193-R234.
Karger CP, Schwenger V, Sommerer C, Zeier M: Synergistic effect of cinacalcet and active vitamin D in a dialysis patient with secondary hyperparathyroidism. Dialysis and Transplantation, 39 (2010) 69-71.
Knopf A-C, Bert C, Heath E, Nill S, Kraus K, Richter D, Hug E, Perdoni E, Safai S, Albertini F, Zenklusen S, Boye D, Soehn M, Soukup M, Sobotta B, Lomax A: Special report: Workshop on 4D-treatment planning in actively scanned particle therapy - Recommendations, technical challenges, and future research directions. Medical Physics, 37 (9) (2010) 4608-4614.
Koenig T, Oelfke U: Single crystal targets may improve soft-tissue contrast in megavoltage imaging by means of coherent bremsstrahlung. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55 (5) (2010) 1327-1341.
Korreman S, Rasch C, McNair H, Verellen D, Oelfke U, Maingon P, Mijnheeer B, Khoo V: The European Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology-European Institute of Radiotherapy (ESTRO-EIR) report on 3D CT-based in-room image guidance systems: A practical and technical review and guide. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 94 (2010) 129-144.
Martisikova M, Jäkel O: Dosimetric properties of GafchromicR EBT films in medical carbon ion beams. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55 (18) (2010) 5557-5567.
Martisikova M, Jäkel O: Dosimetric properties of GafchromicR EBT films in monoenergetic medical ion beams. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55 (13) (2010) 3741-3751.
Martisikova M, Jäkel O: Study of GafchromicR EBT film response over large dose range. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55 (10) (2010) N281-N290.
Martisikova M, Jäkel O: GafchromicR EBT films for ion dosimetry. Radiation Measurements, 45 (10) (2010) 1268-1270.
Rottmann J, Aristophanous M, Chen A, Court L, Berbeco R: A multi-region algorithm for markerless beam's-eye view lung tumor tracking. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55 (18) (2010) 5585-5598.
Schell S, Wilkens JJ, Oelfke U: Radiobiological effect based treatment plan optimization with the linear quadratic model. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 20 (3) (2010) 188-196.
Schlegel W: If you can't see it, you can miss it: the role of biomedical imaging in radiation oncology. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 139 (1-3) (2010) 321-326.
Tacke MB, Nill S, Krauss A, Oelfke U: Real-time tumor tracking: Automatic compensation of target motion using the Siemens 160 MLC. Medical Physics, 37 (2) (2010) 753-761.
Zabel-du Bois A, Nikoghosyan A, Schwahofer A, Huber P, Schlegel W, Debus J, Milker-Zabel S: Intensity modulated radiotherapy in the management of sacral chordoma in primary versus recurrent disease. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 97 (3) (2010) 408-412.
Zwicker F, Hauswald H, Nill S, Rhein B, Thieke C, Roeder F, Timke C, Zabel-du Bois A, Debus J, Huber PE: New Multileaf Collimator with a leaf width of 5 mm improves plan quality compared to 10 mm in step-and-shoot IMRT of HNC using integrated boost procedure. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 186 (6) (2010) 334-343.
Askoxylakis V, Zabel-du Bois A, Schlegel W, Debus J, Huber P, Milker-Zabel S: Patterns of failure after stereotactic radiotherapy of intracranial meningioma. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 98 (3) (2009) 367-372.
Bassler N, Holzscheiter M: Calculated LET Spectrum from Antiproton Beams Stopping in Water. Acta Oncologica, 48 (2) (2009) 223-226.
Biederer J, Dinkel J, Remmert G, Jetter S, Nill S, Moser T, Bendl R, Thierfelder C, Fabel M, Oelfke U, Bock M, Plathow C, Bolte H, Welzel T, Hoffmann B, Hartmann G, Schlegel W, Debus J, Heller M, Kauczor H-U: 4D-Imaging of the lung: reproducibility of lesion size and displacement on helical CT, MRI, and Cone Beam CT in a ventilated ex vivo system. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 73 (3) (2009) 919-926.
Caprile P, Hartmann GH: Development and validation of a beam model applicable to small fields. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54 (10) (2009) 3257-3268.
Combs SE, Nikoghosyan A, Jäkel O, Karger CP, Haberer T, Münter MW, Huber PE, Debus J, Schultz-Ertner D: Carbon ion radiotherapy for pediatric patients and young adults treated for tumors of the skull base. Cancer, 115 (6) (2009) 1348-1355.
Daartz J, Bangert M, Bussiere MR, Engelsman M, Kooy HM: Characterization of a mini-multileaf collimator in a proton beamline. Medical Physics, 36 (5) (2009) 1886-1894.
Echner GG, Kilby W, Lee M, Earnst E, Sayeh S, Schlaefer A, Rhein B, Dooley JR, Lang C, Blanck O, Lessard E, Maurer Jr CR, Schlegel W: The design, physical properties and clinical utility of an iris collimator for robotic radiosurgery. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54 (18) (2009) 5359-5380.
Fahimian BP, DeMarco JJ, Keyes R, Bassler N, Iwamoto KS, Zankl M, Holzscheiter MH: Antiproton radiotherapy: peripheral dose from secondary neutrons. Hyperfine Interactions, 194 (2009) 313-318.
Fuchs T, Szymanowski H, Oelfke U, Glinec Y, Rechatin C, Faure J, Malka V: Treatment planning for laser-accelerated very-high energy electrons. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54 (11) (2009) 3315-3328.
González-Castaño DM, Hartmann GH, Sánchez-Doblado F, Gómez F, Kapsch R-P, Pena J, Capote R: The determination of beam quality correction factors: Monte Carlo simulations and measurements. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54 (15) (2009) 4723-4741.
Hartmann GH, Zakaria GA: Status and perspectives of medical physics education for cancer treatment in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Physics, 7 & 8 (2009) 141-152.
Heath E, Unkelbach J, Oelfke U: Incorporating uncertainties in respiratory motion into 4D treatment plan optimization. Medical Physics, 36 (7) (2009) 3059-3071.
Henkner K, Bassler N, Sobolevsky N, Jäkel O: Monte Carlo simulations on the water-to-air stopping power ratio for carbon ion dosimetry. Medical Physics, 36 (4) (2009) 1230-1235.
Henkner K, Sobolevsky N, Jäkel O, Paganetti H: Test of the nuclear interaction model in SHIELD-HIT and comparison to energy distributions from GEANT4. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54 (22) (2009) N509-N517.
Hof H, Rhein B, Häring P, Kopp-Schneider A, Debus J, Herfarth K: 4D-CT-based target volume definition in stereotactic radiotherapy of lung tumours: Comparison with a conventional technique using individual margins. Radiotherapy & Oncology, 93 (3) (2009) 419-423.
Huang Y, Willomitzer C, Zakaria GA, Hartmann GH: Experimental determination of the effective point of measurement of cylindrical ionization chambers for high-energy photon and electron beams. Physica Medica, 26 (3) (2009) 126-131.
Hub M, Kessler ML, Karger CP: A stochastic approach to estimate the uncertainty involved in B-spline image registration. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 28 (11) (2009) 1708-1716.
Jäkel O: Medical physics aspects of particle therapy Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 137 (1-2) (2009) 156-166.
Kantemiris I, Petrokokkinos L, Angelopoulos A, Bassler N, Seimenis I, Karaiskos P: Carbon beam dosimetry using VIP polymer gel and MRI. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 164 (2009) 5 S. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/164/012055.
Knopf A, Parodi K, Bortfeld T, Shih HA, Paganetti H: Systematic analysis of biological and physical limitations of proton beam range verification with offline PET/CT scans. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54 (14) (2009) 4477-4495.
Kovacevic S, Bassler N, Hartley O, Knudsen H, Vranjes S, Garaj-Vrhovac V, Holzscheiter M: V-79 Chinese Hamster cells irradiated with antiprotons, a study of peripheral damage due to medium and long range components of the annihilation radiation. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 85 (12) (2009) 1148-1156.
Milker-Zabel S, Huber P, Schlegel W, Debus J, Zabel-du Bois A: Fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy in the management of primary optic nerve sheath meningiomas. Journal of Neuro-Oncology (2009) DOI: 10.1007/s11060-009-9874-8.
Palmowski M, Peschke P, Huppert J, Hauff P, Reinhardt M, Maurer M, Karger CP, Scholz M, Semmler W, Huber PE, Kiessling FM: Molecular ultrasound imaging of early vascular response in prostate tumors irradiated with carbon ions. Neoplasia, 11 (9) (2009) 856-863.
Pfaffenberger A, Schneider U, Poppe B, Oelfke U: Phenomenological modelling of second cancer incidence for radiation treatment planning. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 19 (4) (2009) 236-250.
Reitz I, Hesse BM, Nill S, Tucking T, Oelfke U: Enhancement of image quality with a fast iterative scatter and beam hardening correction method for kv CBCT. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 19 (3) (2009) 158-172.
Spalke T, Craft D, Bortfeld T: Analyzing the main trade-offs in multiobjective radiation therapy treatment planning databases. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54 (12) (2009) 3741-3754.
Sterzing F, Stoiber EM, Nill S, Bauer H, Huber P, Debus J, Münter MW: Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in the treatment of children and adolescents - a single institution’s experience and a review of the literature. Radiation Oncology 4 (1) (2009) doi: 10.1186/1748-717X-4-37.
Stoiber EM, Lechsel G, Giske K, Muenter MW, Hoess A, Bendl R, Debus J, Huber PE, Thieke C: Quantitative Assessment of Image-Guided Radiotherapy for Paraspinal Tumors. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 75 (3) (2009) 933-940.
Ulrich S, Sterzing F, Nill S, Schubert K, Herfarth KK, Debus J, Oelfke U: Comparison of arc-modulated cone beam therapy and helical tomotherapy for three different types of cancer. Medical Physics, 36 (10) (2009) 4702-4710.
Weschke C, Thieke C: Partnerships Between Research Institutes and Industry: Information and Communication the Cornerstones of Success. Imaging Management 8 (5) (2009) 16-17.
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Bassler N, Alsner J, Beyer G, DeMarco JJ, Doser M, Hajdukovic D, Hartley O: Iwamoto KS, Jäkel O, Knudsen HV, Kovacevic S, Møller SP, Overgaard J, Petersen JB, Solberg TD, Sørensen BS, Vranjes S, Wouters BG, Holzscheiter MH: Antiproton radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 86 (1) (2008) 14-19.
Bassler N, Hansen JW, Palmans H, Holzscheiter MH, Kovacevic S, AD-4/ACE Collaboration: The antiproton depth-dose curve measured with alanine detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 266(6) (2008) 929-936.
Bassler N, Holzscheiter M, Jäkel O, Knudsen HV, Kovacevic S, AD-4/ACE Collaboration: The antiproton depth-dose curve in water. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53(3) (2008) 793-805.
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González-Castaño D, Pena J, Sánchez-Doblado F, Hartmann GH, Gómez F, Leal A: The change of response of ionization chambers in the penumbra and transmission regions: impact for IMRT verification. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 46(4) (2008) 373-380.
Jäkel O: The relative biological effectiveness of proton and ion beams. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 18 (4) (2008) 276-285.
Jäkel O, Karger CP, Debus J: The future of heavy ion radiotherapy. Medical Physics, 35 (12) (2008) 5653-5663.
Kang JH, Wilkens JJ, Oelfke U: Non-uniform depth scanning for proton therapy systems employing active energy variation. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53(9) (2008) N149-N155.
Karger CP, Jäkel O, Scholz M, Peschke P, Debus J: Letter to the editor: What is the clinically relevant relative biologic effectiveness? A warning for fractionated treatments with high linear energy transfer radiation: In regard to Dasu and Toma-Dasu. (Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2008, 70:867-874). International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 70(5) (2008) 1614.
Kashani R, Hub M, Balter JM, Kessler ML, Dong L, Zhang L, Xing L, Xie Y, Hawkes D, Schnabel JA, McClelland J, Joshi S, Chen Q, Lu W: Objective assessment of deformable image registration in radiotherapy: A multi-institution study. Medical Physics, 35 (12) (2008) 5944-5953.
Knopf A, Parodi K, Paganetti H, Cascio E, Bonab A, Bortfeld T: Quantitative assessment of the physical potential of proton beam range verification with PET / CT. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53(15) (2008) 4137-4151.
Knudsen HV, Holzscheiter MH, Bassler N, Alsner J, Beyer G, DeMarco JJ, Doser M, Hajdukovic D, Hartley O, Iwamoto KS, Jäkel O, Kovacevic S, Møller SP, Overgaard J, Petersen JB, Ratib O, Solberg TD, Vranjes S, Wouters BG, The CERN ACE Collaboration: Antiproton therapy. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 266(3). Low Energy Positron and Positronium Physics Proceedings of the XIV International Workshop on Low Energy Positron and Positronium Physics, (2008) 530-534.
Li P, Malsch U, Bendl R: Combination of intensity-based image registration with 3D simulation in radiation therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53 (17) (2008) 4621-4637.
Martisikova M, Ackermann B, Jäkel O: Analysis of uncertainties in Gafchromic - EBT film dosimetry of photon beams. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53 (24) (2008) 7013-7027.
Martisikova M, Ackermann B, Klemm S, Jäkel O: Use of Gafchromic - EBT films in heavy ion therapy. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A Accelerators, Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 591(1) (2008) 171-173.
Merchant TE, Hua C, Shukla H, Ying X, Nill S, Oelfke U: Proton versus photon radiotherapy for common pediatric brain tumors: comparison of models of dose characteristics and their relationship to cognitive function. Pediatric Blood Cancer, 51(1) (2008) 110-117 .
Moser T, Biederer J, Nill S, Remmert G, Bendl R: Detection of respiratory motion in fluoroscopic images for adaptive radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53(12) (2008) 3129-3145.
Pflugfelder D, Wilkens JJ, Oelfke U: Worst case optimization: a method to account for uncertainties in the optimization of intensity modulated proton therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53(6) (2008) 1689-1700.
Pflugfelder D, Wilkens JJ, Nill S, Oelfke U: A comparison of three optimization algorithms for intensity modulated radiation therapy. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 18(2) (2008) 111-119 .
Rau AW, Nill S, Eidens RS, Oelfke U: Synchronized tumour tracking with electromagnetic transponders and kV x-ray imaging: evaluation based on a thorax phantom. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53(14) (2008) 3789-3805.
Schlegel W: EFOMP: Die europäische Dachgesellschaft der Medizinischen Physik EFOMP: The European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, (2008) 1-3.
Stützel J, Oelfke U, Nill S: A quantitative image quality comparison of four different image guided radiotherapy devices. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 86 (1) (2008) 20-24.
Tacke MB, Nill S, Häring P, Oelfke U: 6 MV dosimetric characterization of the 160 MLCTM, the new Siemens multileaf collimator. Medical Physics, 35(5) (2008) 1634-1642.
Taheri-Kadkhoda Z, Bjork-Eriksson T, Nill S, Wilkens JJ, Oelfke U, Johansson K-A, Huber PE, Muenter MW: Intensity-modulated radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A comparative treatment planning study of photons and protons. Radiation Oncology, 3:4 (2008) doi: 10.1186/1748-717X-3-4.
Weichsel J, Fuchs T, Lefebvre E, d'Humières E, Oelfke U: Spectral features of laser-accelerated protons for radiotherapy applications. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53(16) (2008) 4383-4397.
Wilkens J, Oelfke U: Direct comparison of biologically optimized spread-out Bragg peaks for protons and carbon ions. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 70(1) (2008) 262-266.
Ziegenhein P, Wilkens JJ, Nill S, Ludwig T, Oelfke U: Speed optimized influence matrix processing in inverse treatment planning tools. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53(9) (2008) N157-N164.
Combs SE, Thilmann C, Huber PE, Hoess A, Debus L, Schulz-Ertner D: Achievement of long-term local control in patients with craniopharyngiomas using high precision stereotactic radiotherapy. Cancer, 109(11) (2007) 2308-2314.
Harting C, Peschke P, Borkenstein K, Karger CP: Single-cell-based computer simulation of the oxygen-dependent tumour response to irradiation. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52(16) (2007) 4775-4789.
Hof H, Muenter M, Oetzel D, Hoess A, Debus J, Herfarth K: Stereotactic single-dose radiotherapy (radiosurgery) of early stage nonsmall-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Cancer, 110(1) (2007) 148-155.
Hof H, Hoess A, Oetzel D, Debus J, Herfarth K: Stereotactic single-dose radiotherapy of lung metastases. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 183(12) (2007) 673-678.
Jäkel O, Reiss P: The influence of metal artefacts on the range of ion beams. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52(3) (2007) 635-644.
Jäkel O, Land B, Combs SE, Schulz-Ertner D, Debus J: On the cost-effectiveness of Carbon ion radiation therapy for skull base chordoma. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 83(2) (2007) 133-138.
Jäkel O, Schulz-Ertner D, Debus J: Specifying carbon ion dose for radiotherapy: the Heidelberg approach. Journal of Radiation Research, 48(Suppl.A) (2007) A87-A95.
Kang JH, Wilkens JJ, Oelfke U: Demonstration of scan path optimization in proton therapy. Medical Physics, 34(9) (2007) 3457-3464.
Kapsch RP, Bruggmoser G, Christ G, Dohm OS, Hartmann GH, Schüle E: Experimental determination of pCo perturbation factors for plane-parallel chambers. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52(23) (2007) 7167-7181.
Karger CP, Jäkel O: Current status and new developments in ion therapy. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 183(6) (2007) 295-300.
Kashani R, Hub M, Kessler ML, Balter JM: Technical note: A physical phantom for assessment of accuracy of deformable alignment algorithms. Medical Physics, 34(7) (2007) 2785-2788.
Kyas I, Hof H, Debus J, Schlegel W, Karger CP: Prediction of radiation-induced changes in the lung after stereotactic body radiation therapy of non-small-cell lung cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 67(3) (2007) 768-774.
Milker-Zabel S, Zabel-du Bois A, Huber P, Schlegel W, Debus J: Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy for Complex-Shaped Meningioma of the Skull Base: Long-term Experience of a Single Institution. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 68(3) (2007) 858-863.
Münter MW, Hoffner S, Hof H, Herfarth KK, Haberkorn U, Rudat V, Huber P, Debus J, Karger CP: Changes in salivary gland function after radiotherapy of head and neck tumors measured by quantitative pertechnetate scintigraphy: comparison of intensity-modulated radiotherapy and conventional radiation therapy with and without amifostine. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 67(3) (2007) 651-659.
Münter MW, Jensen AD, Karger CP: In response to Dr. Samuels (Letter to the editor). International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 69(1) (2007) 318-319.
Münter MW, Jensen AD, Karger CP: In reply to Dr. Messerschmidt and Dr. Oleka (Letter to the editor). International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 69(5) (2007) 1652.
Paul H, Geithner O, Jäkel O: The ratio of stopping powers of water and air for dosimetry applications in tumor therapy. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 256(1) (2007) 561-564.
Pena J, Gonzalez-Castano DM, Gomez F, Sanchez-Doblado F, Hartmann GH: Automatic determination of primary electron beam parameters in Monte Carlo simulation. Medical Physics, 34(3) (2007) 1076-84.
Pflugfelder D, Wilkens JJ, Szymanowski H, Oelfke U: Quantifying lateral tissue heterogeneities in hadron therapy. Medical Physics, 34(4) (2007) 1506-1513.
Remmert G, Biederer J, Lohberger F, Fabel M, Hartmann GH: Four-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging for the determination of tumour movement and its evaluation using a dynamic porcine lung phantom. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52(18) (2007) N401-N415.
Sanchez-Doblado F, Hartmann GH, Pena J, Capote R, Paiusco M, Rhein B, Leal A, Lagares JI: Uncertainty estimation in intensity-modulated radiotherapy absolute dosimetry verification. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 68(1) (2007) 301-310.
Sanchez-Doblado F, Hartmann GH, Pena J, Rosello JV, Russiello G, Gonzalez-Castano DM: A new method for output factor determination in MLC shaped narrow beams. Physica Medica, 23(2) (2007) 58-66.
Schlegel W: Imaging and radiotherapy: getting closer all the time., Jun 15, (2007).
Schlegel W: EFOMP: the European roof for medical physics. Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal, 3(3):e32 (2007) doi: 10.2349/biij.3.3.e32.
Schöffel PJ, Harms W, Sroka-Pérez G, Schlegel W, Karger CP: Accuracy of a commercial optical 3D surface imaging system for realignment of patients for radiotherapy of the thorax. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52(13) (2007) 3949-3963.
Schulz-Ertner D, Nikoghosyan A, Hof H, Didinger B, Combs SE, Jäkel O, Karger CP, Edler L, Debus J: Carbon ion radiotherapy of skull base chondrosarcomas. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 67(1) (2007) 171-177.
Schulz-Ertner D, Karger CP, Feuerhake A, Nikoghosyan A, Combs SE, Jäkel O, Edler L, Scholz M, Debus J: Effectiveness of carbon ion radiotherapy in the treatment of skull base chordomas. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 68(2) (2007) 449-457.
Tacke M, Nill S, Oelfke U: Real-time tracking of tumor motions and deformations along the leaf travel direction with the aid of a synchronized dynamic MLC leaf sequencer. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52(22) (2007) N505-N512.
Thieke C, Küfer K-H, Monz M, Scherrer A, Alonso F, Oelfke U, Huber PE, Debus J, Bortfeld T: A new concept for interactive radiotherapy planning with multicriteria optimization: First clinical evaluation. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 85(2) (2007) 292-298.
Ulrich S, Nill S, Oelfke U: Development of an optimization concept for arc-modulated cone beam therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52(14) (2007) 4099-4119.
Wilkens JJ, Alaly JR, Zakarian K, Thorstad WL, Deasy JO: IMRT treatment planning based on prioritizing prescription goals. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52(6) (2007) 1675-1692.
Zabel-du Bois A, Milker-Zabel S, Huber P, Schlegel W, Debus J: Risk of hemorrhage and obliteration rates of LINAC-based radiosurgery for cerebral arteriovenous malformations treated after prior partial embolization. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 68(4) (2007) 999-1003.
Anderson JW, Symonds-Tayler R, Hartmann G, Echner G, Lang C, Schlegel W, Webb S: Comparative efficiency of the multi-leaf collimator and variable-aperture collimator in intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(7) (2006) 1725-1736.
Dietrich L, Jetter S, Tücking T, Nill S, Oelfke U: Linac-integrated 4D cone beam CT: first experimental results. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51 (2006) 2939-2952.
Geithner O, Andreo P, Sobolevsky N, Hartmann G, Jäkel O: Calculation of stopping power ratios for carbon ion dosimetry. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(9) (2006) 2279-2292.
Glinec Y, Faure J, Malka V, Fuchs T, Szymanowski H, Oelfke U: Radiotherapy with laser-plasma accelerators: Monte Carlo simulation of dose deposited by an experimental quasimonoenergetic electron beam. Medical Physics, 33(1) (2006) 155-162.
Jäkel O: Ranges of ions in metals for use in particle treatment planning. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(9) (2006) N173-N177.
Jensen AD, Münter MW, Bischoff H, Haselmann R, Timke C, Krempien R, Sterzing F, Nill S, Heeger S, Hoess A, Haberkorn U, Huber PE, Steins M, Thomas M, Debus J, Herfarth KK: Treatment of non-small cell lung cancer with intensity-modulated radiation therapy in combination with cetuximab: the NEAR protocol (NCT00115518). BMC Cancer, 6:122 (2006) doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-6-122.
Karger CP, Höss A, Bendl R, Canda V, Schad L: Accuracy of device-specific 2D and 3D image distortion correction algorithms for magnetic resonance imaging of the head provided by a manufacturer. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51 (2006) N253-N261.
Karger CP, Peschke P, Sanchez-Brandelik R, Scholz M, Debus J: Radiation tolerance of the rat spinal cord after 6 and 18 fractions of photons and carbon ions: experimental results and clinical implications. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 66(5) (2006) 1488-1497.
Maleike D, Unkelbach J, Oelfke U: Simulation and visualization of dose uncertainties due to interfractional organ motion. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(9) (2006) 2237-2252.
Malsch U, Thieke C, Huber PE, Bendl R: An enhanced block matching algorithm for fast elastic registration in adaptive radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(19) (2006) 4789-4806.
Malsch U, Thieke C, Bendl R: Fast elastic registration for adaptive radiotherapy. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 9(Pt 2) (2006) 612-619.
Marnitz S, Cordini D, Bendl R, Lemke A-J, Heufelder J, Simiantonakis I, Kluge H, Bechrakis NE, Foerster MH, Hinkelbein W: Proton Therapy of Uveal Melanomas. Intercomparison of MRI-Based and Conventional Treatment Planning. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 182(7) (2006) 395-399.
Milker-Zabel S, Zabel-Du Bois A, Henze M, Huber P, Schulz-Ertner D, Höss A, Haberkorn U, Debus J: Improved target volume definition for fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in patients with intracranial meningiomas by correlation of CT, MRI, and [(68)Ga]-DOTATOC-PET. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 65(1) (2006) 222-227.
Milker-Zabel S, Zabel-Du Bois A, Huber P, Schlegel W, Debus J: Fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy in the management of benign cavernous sinus meningiomas. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 182(11) (2006) 635-640.
Münter MW, Schulz-Ertner D, Hof H, Nikoghosyan A, Jensen A, Nill S, Huber P, Debus J: Inverse planned stereotactic intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in the treatment of incompletely and completely resected adenoid cystic carcinomas of the head and neck: Initial clinical results and toxicity of treatment. Radiation Oncology, 1:17 (2006) doi: 10.1186/1748-717X-1-17.
Oelfke U, Tücking T, Nill S, Seeber A, Hesse B, Huber P, Thilmann C: Linac-integrated kV-cone beam CT: Technical features and first applications. Medical Dosimetry, 31(1) (2006) 62-70.
Schulz-Ertner D, Jäkel O, Schlegel W: Radiation therapy with charged particles. Seminars in Radiation Oncology, 16(4) (2006) 249-259.
Tacke MB, Szymanowski H, Oelfke U, Schulze C, Nuss S, Wehrwein E, Leidenberger S: Assessment of a new multileaf collimator concept using GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulations. Medical Physics, 33(4) (2006) 1125-1132.
Thieke C, Malsch U, Schlegel W, Debus J, Huber P, Bendl R, Thilmann C: Kilovoltage CT using a linac-CT scanner combination. British Journal of Radiology, 79 (2006) S79-S86.
Thilmann C, Nill S, Tücking T, Höss A, Hesse B, Dietrich L, Bendl R, Rhein B, Häring P, Thieke C, Oelfke U, Debus J, Huber P: Correction of patient positioning errors based on in-line cone beam CTs: clinical implementation and first experiences. Radiation Oncology, 24,1:16 (2006) 9 S.
Thilmann C, Häring P, Thilmann L, Unkelbach J, Rhein B, Nill S, Huber P, Janisch E, Thieke C, Debus J: The influence of breathing motion on intensity modulated radiotherapy in the step-and-shoot technique: phantom measurements for irradiation of superficial target volumes. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(6) (2006) N117-N126.
Thilmann C, Oelfke U, Huber P, Debus J: Intensitätsmodulierte Strahlenbehandlung - neue Perspektiven für die Tumortherapie. Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 103(48) (2006) A 3268-A 3273.
Unkelbach J, Oelfke U: Relating two techniques for handling uncertainties in IMRT optimization. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(23) (2006) N423-N427.
Wilkens JJ, Oelfke U: Fast multifield optimization of the biological effect in ion therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51 (2006) 3127-3140.
Zabel-Du Bois A, Milker-Zabel S, Huber P, Schlegel W, Debus J: Pediatric cerebral arteriovenous malformations: the role of stereotactic linac-based radiosurgery. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 65(4) (2006) 1206-1211.
Zabel-Du Bois A, Milker-Zabel S, Huber P, Schlegel W, Debus J: Linac-based Radiosurgery or Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Large Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 64(4) (2006) 1049-1054.
Zabel-Du Bois A, Milker-Zabel S, Huber P, Schlegel W, Debus J: Stereotactic linac-based radiosurgery in the treatment of cerebral arteriovenous malformations located deep, involving corpus callosum, motor cortex, or brainstem. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 64(4) (2006) 1044-1048.
Dietrich L, Tücking T, Nill S, Oelfke U: Compensation for respiratory motion by gated radiotherapy: an experimental study. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 50(10) (2005) 2405-2414.
Hub M, Liebler T, Sanner C, Barthold-Bess S, Schlegel W, Lübbert U: Evaluierung und Optimierung eines Differenzbildverfahrens zur Analyse der Repositioniergenauigkeit von Patientinnen mit Mammakarzinom. [Evaluation and optimization of an image-subtraction method for the analysis of the repositioning accuracy of female patients with breast cancer]. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 15(3) (2005) 192-198.
Jäkel O, Schulz-Ertner D, Karger CP, Heeg P, Debus J: Experience with carbon ion radiotherapy at GSI. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, (2005) 717-720.
Karger CP: Mobile phones and health: A literature overview. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik (2005) 73-85.
Krämer M, Jäkel O: Biological dose optimization using ramp-like dose gradients in ion irradiation fields. Physica Medica 21(3) (2005) 107-111.
Krempien R, Münter MW, Huber PE, Nill S, Friess H, Timke C, Didinger B, Büchler P, Heeger S, Herfarth KK, Abdollahi A, Buchler MW, Debus J: Randomized phase II - study evaluating EGFR targeting therapy with Cetuximab in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy for patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer - PARC: study protocol [ISRCTN56652283]. BMC Cancer, 5:131 (2005) 11 S.
Milker-Zabel S, Zabel A, Schulz-Ertner D, Schlegel W, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in patients with benign or atypical intracranial meningioma: Long-term experience and prognostic factors. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 61(3) (2005) 809-816.
Mu X, Björk-Eriksson T, Nill S, Oelfke U, Johansson KA, Gagliardi G, Johansson L, Karlsson M, Zackrisson B: Does electron and proton therapy reduce the risk of radiation induced cancer after spinal irradiation for childhood medulloblastoma? A comparative treatment planning study. Acta Oncologica, 44(6) (2005) 554-562.
Münter MW, Thieke C, Nikoghosyan A, Nill S, Debus J: Inverse planned stereotactic intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in the palliative treatment of malignant mesothelioma of the pleura: The Heidelberg experience. Lung Cancer, 49(Suppl.1) (2005) S83-S86.
Münter MW, Thieke C, Nikoghosyan A, Nill S, Debus J: Inverse planned stereotactic intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in the palliative treatment of malignant mesothelioma of the pleura: The Heidelberg experience (vol 49S1, pg S83, 2005). Lung Cancer, 50(3) (2005) 423.
Neff T, Kiessling F, Brix G, Baudendistel K, Zechmann C, Giesel FL, Bendl R: An optimized workflow for the integration of biological information into radiotherapy planning: experiences with T1w DCE-MRI. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 50(17) (2005) 4209-4223.
Newhauser W, Ding X, Giragosian D, Nill S, Titt U: Neutron radiation area monitoring system for proton therapy facilities. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 115(1-4) (2005) 149-153.
Nill S, Tücking T, Münter MW, Oelfke U: Intensity modulated radiation therapy with multileaf collimators of different leaf widths: a comparison of achievable dose distributions. Radiotherapy and Oncolgy, 75(1) (2005) 106-111.
Nill S, Unkelbach J, Dietrich L, Oelfke U: Online correction for respiratory motion: evaluation of two different imaging geometries. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 50(17) (2005) 4087-4096.
Nioutsikou E, Webb S, Panakis N, Bortfeld T, Oelfke U: Reconsidering the definition of a dose-volume histogram. (Letter to the editor). Physics in Medicine and Biology, 50(11) (2005) L17-L19.
Plathow C, Zimmermann H, Fink C, Umathum R, Schöbinger M, Huber P, Zuna I, Debus J, Schlegel W, Meinzer H-P, Semmler W, Kauczor H-U, Bock M: Influence of different breathing maneuvers on internal and external organ motion: use of fiducial markers in dynamic MRI. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 62(1) (2005) 238-245.
Sánchez-Doblado F, Capote R, Leal A;Roselló JV, Lagares JI, Arráns R, Hartmann GH: Microionization chamber for reference dosimetry in IMRT verification: clinical implications on OAR dosimetric errors. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 50(5) (2005) 959-970.
Sánchez-Doblado F, Capote R, Leal A, Roselló JV, Lagares JI, Arráns R, Hartmann GH: Micro ionization chamber dosimetry in IMRT verification: Clinical implications of dosimetric errors in the PTV. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 75 (2005) 342-348.
Schäfer M, Münter M, Sterzing f, Häring P, Rhein B, Debus J: Measurements of Characteristics of Time Pattern in Dose Delivery in Step-and-Shoot IMRT. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 181(9) (2005) 587-594.
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Sterzing F, Münter MW, Schäfer M, Häring P, Rhein B, Thilmann C, Debus J: Radiobiological investigation of dose-rate effects in intensity-modulated radiation therapy. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 181(1) (2005) 42-48.
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Zabel A, Milker-Zabel S, Huber P, Schulz-Ertner D, Schlegel W, Debus J: Treatment outcome after linac-based radiosurgery in cerebral arteriovenous malformations: Retrospective analysis of factors affecting obliteration. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 77 (2005) 105-110.
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Eudaldo T, Huizenga H, Lamm I-L, McKenzie A, Milano F, Schlegel W, Thwaites D, Heeren G: Guidelines for education and training of medical physicists in radiotherapy. Recommendations from an ESTRO/EFOMP working group. Radiotherapy and Oncolgy, 70(2) (2004) 125-135.
Haberer Th, Debus J, Eickhoff H, Jäkel O, Schulz-Ertner D, Weber U: The Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 73(Suppl.2) (2004) S186-S190.
Heeg P, Eickhoff H, Haberer Th: The concept of the ion beam therapy facility HICAT in Heidelberg. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 14(1) (2004) 17-24.
Jäkel O, Hartmann GH, Karger CP, Heeg P, Vatnitsky S: A Calibration procedure for beam monitors in a scanned beam of heavy charged particles. Medical Physics, 31(5) (2004) 1009-1013.
Jäkel O: Radiation hazard during a manned mission to Mars. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 14(4) (2004) 267-272.
Jäkel O, Krämer M, Schulz-Ertner D, Heeg P, Karger CP, Didinger B, Nikoghosyan A, Debus J: Treatment planning for carbon ion radiotherapy in Germany: Review of clinical trials and treatment planning studies. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 73(Suppl.2) (2004) S86-S91.
Jäkel O: Introduction to medical physics aspects of Hadron therapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 73(Suppl.2) (2004) S63.
Karger CP, Jäkel O, Schulz-Ertner D, Scholz M, Debus J: Comments to the forum of M. Goitein (Z. Med. Phys. 14, 1-3, 2004). Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 14(3) (2004) 200.
Karger CP, Hartmann GH: Correction of ionic recombination for pulsed radiation according to DIN 6800- 2 and TRS-398. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 14 (2004) 260-266.
Krämer M, Jäkel O, Haberer T, Rietzel E, Schardt D, Scholz M, Wang JF, Weber U, Weyrather W: Treatment planning for scanned ion beams. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 73(Suppl.2) (2004) S80-S85.
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Levegrün S, Hof H, Essig M, Schlegel W, Debus J: Radiation-induced changes of brain tissue after radiosurgery in patients with arteriovenous malformations: correlation with dose distribution parameters. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 59(3) (2004) 796-808.
Levegrün S, Hof H, Essig M, Schlegel W, Debus J: Radiation-induced changes of brain tissue after radiosurgery in patients with arteriovenous malformations: Dose/Volume-Response Relations. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 180(12) (2004) 758-767
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Münter MW, Karger CP, Hoffner SG, Hof H, Thilmann C, Rudat V, Nill S, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Evaluation of salivary gland function after treatment of head-and-neck tumors with intensity-modulated radiotherapy by quantitative pertechnetate scintigraphy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 58 (2004) 175-184.
Nikoghosyan A, Schulz-Ertner D, Didinger B, Jäkel O, Zuna I, Höss A, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Evaluation of therapeutic potential of heavy ion therapy for patients with locally advanced prostate cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 58 (2004) 89-97.
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Schäfer M, Münter MW, Thilmann C, Sterzing F, Häring P, Combs SE, Debus J: Influence of intra-fractional breathing movement in step-and-shoot IMRT. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 49(12) (2004) N175-N179.
Schulz-Ertner D, Nikoghosyan A, Thilmann C, Haberer T, Jäkel O, Karger CP, Kraft G, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Results of carbon ion radiotherapy in 152 patients. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 58(2) (2004) 631-640.
Thilmann C, Sroka-Perez G, Krempien R, Höss A, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Inversely planned intensity modulated radiotherapy of the breast including the internal mammary chain: a plan comparison study. Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment, 3(1) (2004) 69-75.
Unkelbach J, Oelfke U: Inclusion of organ movements in IMRT treatment planning via inverse planning based on probability distributions. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 49(17) (2004) 4005-4029.
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Herfarth KK, Hof H, Bahner ML, Lohr F, Höss A, van Kaick G, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Assessment of focal liver reaction by multiphasic CT after stereotactic single-dose radiotherapy of liver tumors. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 57(2) (2003) 444-451.
Hof H, Herfarth KK, Münter MW, Hoess A, Motsch J, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Stereotactic single-dose radiotherapy of stage I Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 56(2) (2003) 335-341.
Jäkel O, Schulz-Ertner D, Karger CP, Nikoghosyan A, Debus J: Heavy ion therapy: Status and perspectives. Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment, 2(5) (2003) 377-387.
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Karger CP, Schulz-Ertner D, Didinger B, Debus J, Jäkel O: Influence of setup errors on spinal cord dose and treatment plan quality for cervical spine tumours: a phantom study for photon IMRT and heavy charged particle radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 48(19) (2003) 3171-3189.
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Milker-Zabel S, Zabel A, Thilmann C, Schlegel W, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Clinical results of retreatment of vertebral bone metastases by stereotactic conformal radiotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 55(1) (2003) 162-167.
Münter MW, Thilmann C, Hof H, Didinger B, Rhein B, Nill S, Schlegel W, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Stereotactic intensity modulated radiation therapy and inverse treatment planning for tumors of the head and neck region: clinical implementation of the step and shoot approach and first clinical results. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 66(3) (2003) 313-321.
Münter MW, Nill S, Thilmann C, Hof H, Höss A, Häring P, Partridge M, Manegold C, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Stereotactic intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) and inverse treatment planning for advanced pleural mesothelioma. Feasibility and initial results. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 179(8) (2003) 535-541.
Oelfke U, Bortfeld T: Optimization of physical dose distributions with hadron beams: Comparing photon IMRT with IMPT. Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment, 2(5) (2003) 401-412.
Pirzkall A, Debus J, Häring P, Rhein B, Grosser K-H, Höss A, Wannenmacher M: Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for recurrent, residual, or untreated skull-base meningiomas: preliminary clinical experience. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 55(2) (2003) 362-372.
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Szymanowski H, Oelfke U: CT calibration for two-dimensional scaling of proton pencil beams. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 48(7) (2003) 861-874.
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Schulz-Ertner D, Haberer T, Jäkel O, Thilmann C, Krämer M, Enghardt W, Kraft G, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Radiotherapy for chordomas and low-grade chondrosarcomas of the skull base with carbon ions. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 53(1) (2002) 36-42.
Schulz-Ertner D, Haberer T, Scholz M, Thilmann C, Wenz F, Jäkel O, Kraft G, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Acute radiation-induced toxicity of heavy ion radiotherapy delivered with intensity modulated pencil beam scanning in patients with base of skull tumors. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 64 (2) (2002) 189-195.
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Thilmann C, Zabel A, Nill S, Rhein B, Hoess A, Häring P, Milker-Zabel S, Harms W, Schlegel W, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Intensity-modulated radiotherapy of the female breast. Medical Dosimetry, 27(2) (2002) 79-90.
Thilmann C, Zabel A, Kuhn S, Bendl R, Rhein B, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Invers geplante intensitätsmodulierte Strahlenbehandlung bei einer Patientin mit rechtsseitigem Mammakarzinom und Trichterbrust. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 178(11) (2002) 637-643.
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Zabel A, Thilmann C, Milker-Zabel S, Schlegel W, Zuna I, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: The Role of stereotactically guided conformal radiotherapy for local tumor control of esthesioneuroblastoma. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 178(4) (2002) 187-191.
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Debus J, Wuendrich M, Pirzkall A, Hoess A, Schlegel W, Zuna I, Engenhart-Cabillic R, Wannenmacher M: High efficacy of fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy of large base-of-skull meningiomas: long term results. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 19 (2001) 3547-3553.
Debus J, Wuendrich M, Pirzkall A, Hoess A, Schulz-Ertner D, Engenhart-Cabillic R, Wannenmacher M: Fractionated radiotherapy of inoperable menigiomas without histological verification: Long-term results in 59 patients. Three-Dimensional Radiation Treatment, 34 (2001) 123-129.
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Jackson A, Skwarchuk MW, Zelefsky MJ, Cowen DM, Venkatraman ES, Levegrün S, Burman CM, Kutcher GJ, Fuks Z, Leibel SA, Ling CC: Late rectal bleeding after conformal radiotherapy of prostate cancer (II): Volume effects and dose-volume histograms. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 49 (2001) 685-698.
Jäkel O, Krämer M, Karger CP, Debus J: Treatment planning for heavy ion radiotherapy: clinical implementation and application. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46 (2001) 1101-1116.
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Karger CP, Hartmann GH: Determination of tolerance dose uncertainties and optimal design of dose response experiments with small animal numbers. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 177 (2001) 37-42.
Karger CP, Hartmann GH, Heeg P, Jäkel O: A method for determining the alignment accuracy of the treatment table axis at an isocentric irradiation facility. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46 (2001) N19-N26.
Karger CP, Jäkel O, Debus J, Kuhn S, Hartmann GH: Three-dimensional accuracy and interfractional reproducibility of patient fixation and positioning using a stereotactic head mask system. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 49 (2001) 1493-1504.
Kuebler AC, Reuther T, Staff C, Haase T, Flechtenmacher C, Benner A, Scheer M, Zillmann U: Klinische Wirksamkeit von m-THPC-PEG in einem neuen xenogenen Tumor-Tiermodell für humane Plattenepithelkarzinome. Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie 5 (2001) 105-113.
Levegrün S, Jackson A, Zelefsky MJ, Skwarchuk MW, Venkatraman ES, Schlegel W, Fuks Z, Leibel SA, Ling CC: Fitting tumor control probability models to biopsy outcome after three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy of prostate cancer: pitfalls in deducing radiobiologic parameters for tumors from clinical data. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 51 (2001) 1064-1080.
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Milker-Zabel S, Debus J, Thilmann C, Schlegel W, Wannenmacher M: Fractionated stereotactically guided radiotherapy and radiosurgery in the treatment of functional and nonfunctional adenomas of the pituitary gland. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 50 (2001) 1279-1286.
Münter MW, Karger CP, Schröck H, de Vries A, Schneider H-M, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Strahlenspätveränderungen nach kleinvolumiger radiochirurgischer Bestrahlung des Rattenhirns. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 177 (2001) 354-361.
Oelfke U, Bortfeld T: Inverse planning for photon and proton beams. Medical Dosimetry, 26 (2001) 113-124.
Oelfke U, Rhein B, Häring P: Dosimetric procedures and problems of IMRT. Physica Medica, XVII (Suppl. 4) (2001) 30-32.
Partridge M, Aldridge S, Donovan E, Evans P: An intercomparison of IMRT delivery techniques: a case study for breast treatment. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46 (2001) N175-N185.
Pfeiffer K, Bendl R: Real-time dose calculation and visualization for the proton therapy of ocular tumours. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46 (2001) 671-686.
Pfeiffer K, Dobler B, Rethfeld C, Schlegel W, Bendl R: OCTOPUS: A planning tool for proton Therapy of Eye Tumours. Physica Medica, Vol XVII Suppl 3 (2001) 59-62.
Spies L, Ebert M, Groh BA, Hesse BM, Bortfeld T: Correction of scatter in megavoltage cone-beam CT. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46 (2001) 821-833.
Spies L, Bortfeld T: Analytical scatter kernels for portal imaging at 6 MV. Medical Physics, 28 (2001) 553-559.
Spies L, Partridge M, Groh BA, Bortfeld T: An iterative algorithm for reconstructing incident beam distributions from transmission measurements using elctronic portal imaging. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46 (2001) N203-N211.
Thilmann C, Zabel A, Grosser KH, Hoess A, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Intensity-modulated radiotherapy with an integrated boost to the macroscopic tumor volume in the treatment of high-grade gliomas. International Journal of Cancer, 96 (2001) 341 -349.
Zabel A, Debus J, Thilmann C, Schlegel W, Wannenmacher M: Management of benign cranial nonacoustic schwannomas by fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy. International Journal of Cancer, 96 (2001) 356-362.
Bortfeld T, Oelfke U, Nill S: What is the optimum leaf width of a multileaf collimator? Medical Physics, 27 (2000) 2494-2502.
Debus J, Haberer T, Schulz-Ertner D, Jäkel O, Wenz F, Enghardt W, Schlegel W, Kraft G, Wannenmacher M: Bestrahlung von Schädelbasistumoren mit Kohlenstoffionen bei der GSI. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 176 (2000) 211-216.
Evans PM, Partridge M: A method of improving the spatial resolution of treatments that involve a multileaf collimator. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45 (2000) 609-622.
Evans PM, Donovan EM, Partridge M, Childs P, Convery DJ, Eagle S, Hansen VN, Suter B, Yarnold JR: The delivery of intensity modulated radiotherapy to the breast using multiple static fields. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 57 (2000) 79-89.
Gahlen J, Winkler S, Prosst RL, Rheinwald M, Haase T, Herfarth Ch: Adjuvante intraoperative Photodynamische Therapie (PDT) nach Photosensibilisierung mit mTHPC im CC531 Kolokarzinom Model der Nacktmaus. Chirurgisches Forum 2000, 29 (2000) 139-142.
Gahlen J, Winkler S, Prosst RL, Pressmar J, Laubach H-H, Rheinwald M, Haase T, Sinn H, Herfarth Ch.: Spektrometrische Untersuchungen zum Anreicherungsverhalten von ALA, mTHPC und Photofrin im Colon-Karzinom Tumormodell (CC531). Lasermedizin, 29 (2000) 139-142
Herfarth KK, Debus J, Lohr F, Bahner ML, Fritz P, Höss A, Schlegel W; Wannenmacher M: Extracranial stereotactic radiation therapy: set-up accuracy of patients treated for liver metastases. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 46 (2000) 329-335.
Herfarth KK, Pirzkall A, Lohr F, Schulz-Ertner D, Spoo J, Frank C, Bahner ML, Pastyr O, Debus J: Erste Erfahrungen mit einem nichtinvasiven Patientenfixierungssystem für die stereotaktische Strahlentherapie der Prostata. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 176 (2000) 217-222.
Jäkel O; Hartmann GH; Karger CP; Heeg P; Rassow J: Quality assurance for a treatment planning system in scanned ion beam therapy. Medical Physics, 27 (2000) 1588-1600.
Jäkel O, Debus J: Selection of beam angles for radiotherapy of skull base tumours using charged particles. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45 (2000) 1229-1241.
Jäkel O, Hartmann GH, Heeg P, Schardt D: Effective point of measurement of cylindrical ionization chambers for heavy charged particles. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45 (2000) 599-607.
Jäkel O: Reply to 'On the effective point of measurement of cylindrical ionization chambers for proton beams and other heavy charged particle beams'. (Letter to the editor). Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45 (2000) L23-L24.
Karger CP, Hartmann GH, Jäkel O, Heeg P: Quality management of medical physics issues at the German heavy ion therapy project. Medical Physics, 27 (2000) 725-736.
Krämer M, Jäkel O, Haberer T, Kraft G, Schardt D, Weber U: Treatment planning for heavy-ion radiotherapy: physical beam model and dose optimization. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45 (2000) 3299-3317.
Kremer P, Wunder A, Sinn H, Haase T, Rheinwald M, Zillmann U, Albert FK, Kunze S: Laser-induced fluorescence detection of malignant gliomas using fluorescin-labeled serum albumin: experimental and preliminary clinical results. Neurological Research, 22 (2000) 481-489.
Levegrün S, Jackson A, Zelefsky MJ, Venkatraman ES, Skwarchuk MW, Schlegel W, Fuks Z, Leibel SA, Ling CC: Analysis of biopsy outcome after three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy of prostate cancer using dose distribution variables and tumor control probability models. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 47 (2000) 1245-1260.
Lohr F, Pirzkall A, Debus J, Rhein B, Höss A, Schlegel W, Wannenmacher M: Conformal three-dimensional photon radiotherapy for paranasal sinus tumors. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 56 (2000) 227-231.
Oelfke U, Bortfeld T: Intensity modulated radiotherapy with charged particle beams: Studies of inverse treatment planning for rotation therapy. Medical Physics, 27 (2000) 1246-1257.
Partridge M, Evans PM, van Herk M, Ploeger L, Budgell GJ, James HV: Leaf position verification during dynamic beam delivery: a comparison of three applications using electronic portal imaging. Medical Physics, 27 (2000) 1601-1609.
Partridge M: Reconstruction of megavoltage photon spectra from electronic portal imager derived transmission measurements. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45 (2000) N115-N131.
Partridge M, Evans PM, Symonds-Tayler JRN: IMRT verification with camera-based electronic portal imaging system. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45 (2000) N183-N196.
Pirzkall A, Lohr F, Rhein B, Höss A, Schlegel W, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Conformal radiotherapy of challenging paraspinal tumors using a multiple arc segment technique. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 48 (2000) 1197-1204.
Pirzkall A, Carol M, Lohr F, Höss A, Wannenmacher M, Debus J: Comparison of intensity-modulated radiotherapy with conventional conformal radiotherapy for complex-shaped tumors. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 48 (2000) 1371-1380.
Schlegel W: New technologies in conformal radiation therapy. Three-Dimensional Radiation Treatment Frontiers of Radiation Therapy and Oncology, 34 (2000) 26-39.
Schneider W, Bortfeld T, Schlegel W: Correlation between CT numbers and tissue parameters needed for Monte Carlo simulations of clinical dose distributions. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45 (2000) 459-478.
Schulz-Ertner D, Debus J, Lohr F, Frank C, Höss A, Wannenmacher M: Fractionated stereotactic conformal radiation therapy of brain stem gliomas: outcome and prognostic factors. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 57 (2000) 215-223.
Skwarchuk MW, Jackson A, Zelefsky MJ, Venkatraman ES, Cowen DM, Levegrün S, Burman CM, Fuks Z, Leibel SA, Ling CC: Late rectal toxicity after conformal radiotherapy of prostate cancer (I): multivariate analysis and dose-response. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 47 (2000) 103-113.
Spies L, Evans PM, Partridge M, Hansen VN, Bortfeld T: Direct measurement and analytical modeling of scatter in portal imaging. Medical Physics, 27 (2000) 462-471.
Staubert A, Pastyr O, Echner G, Oppelt A, Vetter T, Schlegel W, Bonsanto MM, Tronnier VM, Kunze S, Wirtz CR: An integrated head-holder/coil for intraoperative MRI in open neurosurgery. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 11 (2000) 564-567.
Zeisler SK, Becker DW, Pavan RA, Moschel R, Rühle H: A water-cooled spherical niobium target for the production of [18F]fluoride. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 53 (2000) 449-453.
Zurlo A, Lomax A, Höss A, Bortfeld T, Russo M, Goitein G, Valentini V, Marucci L, Capparella R, Loasses A: The role of proton therapy in the treatment of large irradiation volumes: a comparative planning study of pancreatic and biliary tumors. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 48 (2000) 277-288.
Bahner ML, Debus J, Zabel A, Levegrün S, van Kaick G: Digitally reconstructed radiographs from abdominal CT scans as a new tool for radiotherapy planning. Investigative Radiology, 34 (1999) 643-647.
Bortfeld T, Oelfke U: Fast and exact 2D image reconstruction by means of Chebyshev decomposition and backprojection. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 44 (1999) 1105-1120.
Bortfeld T: Optimized planning using physical objectives and constraints. Seminars in Radiation Oncology, 9 (1999) 20-34.
Bortfeld T, Oelfke U: CT-reconstruction from fan data using parallel backprojection (letter). Medical Physics, 26 (1999) 2036.
Dams J, Schlegel W: Neurochirurgie: Auf den Punkt genau. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, (1999) 92-94.
Debus J, Kocagöncü, KO, Höss A, Wenz F, Wannenmacher M: Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSRT) for optic glioma. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 44 (1999) 243-248.
Debus J, Pirzkall A, Schlegel W, Wannenmacher M. Stereotaktische Einzeitbestrahlung (Radiochirurgie). Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 175 (1999) 47-56.
Dörr W, Alheit H, Appold S, Enghardt W, Haase M, Haberer T, Hinz R, Jäkel O, Kellerer AM, Krämer M, Kraft G, Kumpf R, Nitzsche H, Scholz M, Voigtmann L, Hermann T, Response of pig lung to irradiation with accelerated 12C-ions. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 38 (1999) 185-194.
Enghardt W, Debus J, Haberer T, Hasch BG, Hinz R, Jäkel O, Krämer M, Lauckner K, Pawelke J: The application of PET to quality assurance of heavy-ion tumor therapy. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, Supplement II, 175 (1999) 33-36.
Gahlen J, Pietschmann M, Laubach H-H, Prosst R, Rheinwald M, Haase T, Herfarth Ch: Minimal invasive Mö,glichkeiten zur Fluoreszenz-optischen Detektion intraperitonealer Metastasen. Lasermedizin, 14 (1999) 86-90.
Gahlen J, Prosst RL, Pietschmann M, Rheinwald M, Haase T, Herfarth Ch: Spectrometry supports fluorescence staging laparoscopy after intraperitoneal aminolaevulinic acid lavage for gastrointestinal tumours. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 52 (1999) 131-135
Gardey KU, Oelfke U, Lam GKY: Range modulation in proton therapy: An optimization technique for clinical and experimental applications. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 44 (1999) N81-N88.
Hartmann GH, Jäkel O, Heeg P, Karger CP, Kriessbach A: Determination of water absorbed dose in a carbon ion beam using thimble ionization chambers. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 44 (1999) 1193-1206.
Heeg P, Hartmann GH, Jäkel O, Karger CP, Kraft G: Quality assurance at the heavy-ion therapy facility at GSI. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie Supplement II, 175 (1999) 36-38.
Jäkel O, Hartmann GH, Heeg P, Jacob C, Karger CP, Krä,mer M, Kress J, Kriessbach A, Lappe C, Debus J: Erste Schwerionenbestrahlung von Patienten in Europa: Medizinphysikalische Aspekte. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 9 (1999) 88-95.
Jäkel O, Krämer M, Hartmann GH, Heeg P, Karger CP, Kraft G: Treatment planning for the heavy-ion facility at GSI. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie Supplement II, 175 (1999) 15-17.
Jäkel O, Debus J, Krämer M, Scholz M, Kraft G: Treatment planning for light ions: How to take into account relative biological effectiveness (RBE). Strahlentherapie und Onkologie Supplement II, 175 (1999) 12-14.
Karger CP, Jäkel O, Hartmann GH, Heeg P: A system for three-dimensional dosimetric verification of treatment plans in intensity-modulated radiotherapy with heavy ions. Medical Physics, 26 (1999) 2125-2132.
Keller-Reichenbecher MA, Bortfeld T, Levegrün S, Stein J, Preiser K, Schlegel W: Intensity modulation with the "step and shoot", technique using a commercial mlc: a planning study. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 45 (1999) 1315-1324.
Kübler A, Haase T, Kremer P, Rheinwald M, Kunze S, Mühling J: An argon-dye laser system for photodynamic therapy and diagnosis. Neurological Research, 21 (1999) 103-107.
Kübler A, Haase T, Staff C, Kahle B, Rheinwald M, Mühling J: Photodynamic therapy of primary nonmelanomatous skin tumours of the head and neck. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 25 (1999) 60-68.
Kübler A, Haase T, Kremer P, Rheinwald M, Barth T, Kunze S, Mühling J: Ein Lasersystem für die klinische Anwendung der Photodynamischen Therapie und Diagnostik. Medical Laser Application, 15 (1) (1999) 8-14.
Lohr F, Debus J, Frank C, Herfarth K, Pastyr O, Rhein B, Bahner ML, Schlegel W, Wannenmacher M: Noninvasive patient fixation for extracranial stereotactic radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 45 (1999) 521-527.
Lomax AJ, Bortfeld T, Goitein G, Debus J, Dykstra C, Tercier PA, Coucke PA, Mirimanoff RO: A treatment planning inter-comparison of proton and intensity modulated photon radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 51 (1999) 257-271.
Mahr A, Levegrün S, Bahner ML, Kress J, Zuna I, Schlegel W: Usability of semiautomatic segmentation algorithms for tumor volume determination. Investigative Radiology, 34 (1999) 143-150.
Münter M, Karger CP, Reith W, Schneider MH, Peschke P, Debus J: Delayed vascular injury after single high-dose irradiation in the rat brain: histologic, immunohistochemical, and angiographic studies. Radiology, 212 (1999) 475-482.
Oelfke U, Bortfeld T: Inverse planning for x-ray rotation therapy: a general solution of the Inverse Problem. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 44 (1999) 1089-1104.
Panten T, Höss A, Bohsung J, Becker G, Sroka-Pérez G: Time requirements in conformal radiotherapy treatment planning. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 51 (1999) 211-214.
Reinacher PC, Blum C, Grass P, Karger CP, Debus J: Quantification of microglial late reaction to stereotactic irradiation of the rat brain using computer-aided image analysis. Experimental Neurology, 160 (1999) 117-123.
Schlegel W, Kneschaurek P: Inverse Bestrahlungsplanung. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 175 (1999) 197-207.
Schramm O, Fuhrmann M, Hilsebecher J, Sroka-Pérez G: Evaluation der Bildgü,teparameter am Portal Imaging System Siemens Beamview Plus für den klinischen Routineeinsatz. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 9 (1999) 61-68.
Schreuder AN, Jones DTL, Symons JE, De Kock EA, Hough JK, Wilson J, Vernimmen FJA, Schlegel W, Höss A, Lee M: The NAC proton treatment planning system. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, Supplement II 175 (1999) 10-12.
Vatnitsky S, Moyers M, Miller D, Abell G, Slater JM, Pedroni E, Coray A, Mazal A, Neuhauser W, Jäkel O, Heese J, Fukumura A, Futami Y, Verhey L, Daftari I, Grusell E, Molokanov A, Bloch C: Proton dosimetry intercomparison based on the ICRU report 59 protocol. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 51 (1999) 273-279.
Dams J, Bille JF, Schlegel W, Sturm V: Wie Laser Tumore herausfräsen sollen. Forschung Wissen Transfer, 1 (1998) 16-17.
Debus J, Fuss M, Engenhart-Cabillic R, Holz F, Pastyr O, Rhein B, Bortfeld T, Wannenmacher M: Stereotaktische konformierende Bestrahlung von Aderhautmetastasen. Der Ophtalmologe, 95 (1998) 163-157.
Debus J, Jäkel O, Kraft G, Wannenmacher M: Is there a role for heavy ion beam therapy?. Recent Results in Cancer Research, 150 (1998) 170-182.
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Jäkel O, Krämer M: Treatment planning for heavy ion irradiation. Physica Medica, XIV (1998) 53-62.
Kübler A, Haase T, Rheinwald M, Barth T, Mühling J: Treatment of oral leukoplakia by topical application of 5-aminolevulinic acid. Int J Oral Maxillofacial Surg, 27 (1998) 466-469.
Kübler A, Haase T, Kremer P, Rheinwald M, Barth T, Kunze S, Mühling J: Ein Lasersystem fü,r die klinische Anwendung der Photodynamischen Therapie und Diagnostik. A laser system for the clinical application of photodynamic therapy and diagnosis. Lasermedizin, 14 (1998) 8-14.
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Preiser K, Bortfeld T, Hartwig K, Schlegel W, Stein J: Inverse Strahlentherapieplanung für intensitätsmodulierte Photonenfelder. Radiologe, 38 (1998) 228-234.
Schlegel W: Einsatz von Multi-Leaf-Kollimatoren. mta, 13 (1998) 328-335.
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Bedford JL, Oldham M, Höss A, Evans PM, Shentall GS, Webb S: Methods for transferring patient and plan data between radiotherapy treatment planning systems. British Journal of Radiology, 70 (1997) 740-749.
Bortfeld T: An Analytical Approximation of the Bragg Curve for Therapeutic Proton Beams. Medical Physics, 24 (1997) 2024-2033.
Burman C, Chui CS, Kutcher GJ, Leibel SA, Zelefsky M, LoSasso T, Spirou S, Wu Q, Yang J, Stein J, Mohan R, Fuks Z, Ling CC: Planning, delivery, and quality assurance of intensity-modulated radiotherapy using dynamic multileaf collimator: a strategy for large-scale implementation for the treatment of carcinoma of the prostate. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 39 (1997) 863-873.
Debus J, Engenhart-Cabillic R, Holz FG, Pastyr O, Rhein B, Bortfeld T: Stereotactic precision radiotherapy in the treatment of intraocular malignancies with a micro-multileaf collimator. Frontiers in Radiation Therapy and Oncology, 30 (1997) 39-46.
Delorme S, Keller-Reichenbecher M-A, Zuna I, Schlegel W, van Kaick G: Usual interstitial pneumonia: quantitative assessment of HRCT findings by computer assisted texture-based image analysis. Investigative Radiology, 32 (1997) 566-574.
Ésik O, Bortfeld T, Bendl R, Németh G, Schlegel W: Inverse radiotherapy planning for a concave-convex PTV in cervical and upper mediastinal regions. Strahlenther Onkol, 173 (1997) 193-200.
Gardey KU, Bortfeld T, Schlegel W, Rhein B: A fast algorithm for the dose calculation of irregularly shaped fields in stereotactic convergent beam irradiation. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 42 (1997) 717-724.
van Kampen M, Levegrün S, Wannenmacher M: Target volume definition in radiation therapy. British Journal of Radiology, 70 (1997) S25-S31.
Karger CP, Hartmann GH, Peschke P, Debus J, Hoffmann U, Brix G, Hahn EW, Lorenz WJ: Dose-response relationship for late functional changes in the rat brain after radiosurgery evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 39 (1997) 1163-1172.
Lohr F, Schramm O, Schraube P, Sroka-Pérez G, Seeber S, Schlegel W, Wannenmacher M: Simulation of 3D-treatment plans in head and neck tumors aided by simulator images. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 45 (1997) 199-207.
Miralbell R, Lomax A, Bortfeld T, Rouzaud M, Carrie C: Potential Role of Proton Therapy in the Treatment of Medulloblastoma / Primitive Neuro-Ectodermal Tumors: Reduction of the Supratentorial Target Volume. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 38 (1997) 477-484.
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Schlegel W, Götz M: Mit Unsichtbarem zielsicher treffen. BioRegio, (1997) 23-29.
Stein J, Mohan R, Wang XH, Bortfeld T, Wu Q, Preiser K, Ling CC, Schlegel W: Number and orientations of beams in intensity-modulated radiation treatments. Medical Physics, 24 (1997) 149-160.
Tronnier VM, Wirtz CR, Knauth M, Lenz G, Pastyr O, Bonsanto MM, Albert FK, Kuth R, Staubert A, Schlegel W, Sartor K, Kunze S: Intraoperative diagnostic and interventional magnetic resonance imaging in neurosurgery. Neurosurgery, 40 (1997) 891-900.
Waschek T, Levegrün S, van Kampen M, Glesner M, Engenhart-Cabillic R, Schlegel W: Determination of target volumes for three-dimensional radiotherapy of cancer patients with a fuzzy system. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 89 (1997) 361-370.
Webb S, Bortfeld T, Stein J, Convery D: The effect of stair-step leaf transmission on the 'tongue-and-groove problem' in dynamic radiotherapy with a multileaf collimator. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 42 (1997) 595-602.
Bortfeld T, Schlegel W: An Analytical Approximation of Depth-Dose Distributions for Therapeutic Proton-Beams. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 41 (1996) 1331-1339.
Bortfeld T, Schlegel W, Dykstra C, Levegrün S, Preiser K: Physical vs Biological Objectives for Treatment Plan Optimization [letter, comment]. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 40 (1996) 185
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Dykstra C, Bortfeld T, Debus J, Lomax A, Harrop R, Schlegel W, Munkel G: Characterization of dose distribution in radiation therapy plans. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 41 (1996) 281-284.
Henke K, Hartmann GH, Peschke P, Hahn EW: Stereotactic radiosurgery of the rat dunning R3327-AT1 prostate tumor. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics, 36 (1996) 385-391.
Leemüller R, Bendl R, Schlegel W: Bildgestützte Therapieplanung für die interventionelle stereotaktische Therapie von Hirntumoren. Radiologe, 36 (1996) 737-743.
Ling CC, Burman C, Chui CS, Kutcher GJ, Leibel SA, LoSasso T, Mohan R, Bortfeld T, Reinstein LE, Spirou S, Wang XH, Wu Q, Zelefsky M, Fuks Z: Conformal radiation treatment of prostate cancer using inversely-planned intensity-modulated photon beams produced with dynamic multileaf collimation [see comments]. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 35 (1996) 721-730.
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Mohan R, Wu Q, Wang XH, Stein J: Intensity modulation optimization, lateral transport of radiation and margins. Medical Physics, 23 (1996) 2011-2021.
Suhm N, Götz MH, Fischer JF, Loesel F, Schlegel W, Sturm V, Bille JF, Schröder R: Ablation of Neural Tissue by Short-pulsed Lasers - A Technical Report. Acta Neurochirurgica, 138 (1996) 346-349.
Trendelenburg MF, Zatsepina OV, Waschek T, Schlegel W, Tröster H, Rudolph D, Schmahl G, Spring H: Multiparameter microscopic analysis of nucleolar structure and ribosomal gene transcription. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 106 (1996) 167-192.
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Beck T, Hartmann GH, Lorenz WJ: Untersuchung der dosimetrischen Eigenschaften von Diamantdetektoren in Photonenfeldern. Zeitschrift für medizinische Physik, 4 (1994) 151-157.
Bortfeld T, Boyer AL, Schlegel W, Kahler DL, Waldron TJ: Realization and Verification of 3-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy with Modulated Fields. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 30 (1994) 899-908.
Bortfeld T, Schlegel W, Stein J, Preiser K: Intensitätsmodulation und inverse Planung: von der Theorie zum Phantomexperiment [Tagungsbericht]. Zeitschrift für medizinische Physik, 4 (1994) 105-106.
Bortfeld T, Kahler DL, Waldron TJ, Boyer AL: X-ray field compensation with multileaf collimators. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 28 (1994) 723-730.
Fischer JP, Dams J, Götz MH, Kerker FH, Loesel F, Messer CJ, Niemz MH, Suhm N, Bille JF: Plasma-mediated ablation of brain tissue with picosecond laser pulses. Applied Physics B, 58 (1994) 493-499.
Gardey KU, Bortfeld T, Schlegel W, Rhein B: Einfluss von Näherungen auf die schnelle 3-D Dosisberechnung irregulärer Felder in der stereotaktischen Konvergenzbestrahlung. Zeitschrift für medizinische Physik, 4 (1994) 84-89.
Hartmann GH: Quality assurance programme on stereotactic radiosurgery. Acta Neurochirurgica, 62 (1994) 94-96.
Hartmann GH, Bauer-Kirpes B, Serago CF, Lorenz WJ: Precision and accuracy of stereotactic convergent beam irradiations from a linear accelerator. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics, 28 (1994) 481-492.
Menke M, Hirschfeld F, Mack T, Pastyr O, Sturm V, Schlegel W: Photogrammetric Accuracy Measurements of Head Holder Systems Used for Fractionated Radiotherapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 29 (1994) 1147-1155.
Mohan R, Wang XH, Jackson A, Bortfeld T, Boyer AL, Kutcher GJ, Leibel SA, Fuks Z, Ling CC: The potential and limitations of the inverse radiotherapy technique. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 32 (1994) 232-248.
Otto-Oelschläger S, Schlegel W, Lorenz WJ: Different collimators in convergent beam irradiation of irregularly shaped intracranial target volumes. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 30 (1994) 175-179.
Rudat V, Flentje M, Oetzel D, Menke M, Schlegel W, Wannenmacher M: Influence of the positioning error on 3D conformal dose distributions during fractionated radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 33 (1994) 56-63.
Schmidt R, Schiemann T, Schlegel W, Höhne KH, Hübener K-H: Consideration of Time-Dose-Patterns in 3D Treatment Planning. Strahlenther Onkol, 170 (1994) 292-301.
Stein J, Bortfeld T, Doerschel B, Schlegel W: Dynamic x-ray compensation for conformal radiotherapy by means of multi-leaf collimation. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 32 (1994) 163-173.
Voges J, Treuer H, Erdmann J, Schlegel W, Pastyr O, Müller RP, Sturm V: Linac radiosurgery in brain metastases. Acta Neurochir Suppl., 62 (1994) 72-76.
Bille JF, Schlegel W, Sturm V: Stereotaktische Laser-Neurochirurgie. Physik in unserer Zeit, 24 (1993) 280-286.
Bortfeld T, Schlegel W, Rhein B: Decomposition of pencil beam kernels for fast dose calculations in three-dimensional treatment planning. Medical Physics, 20 (1993) 311-318.
Bortfeld T, Schlegel W: Optimization of beam orientations in radiation therapy: some theoretical considerations. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 38 (1993) 291-304.
Flentje M, Hensley F, Gademann G, Menke M, Wannenmacher M: Renal tolerance to nonhomogeneous irradiation: comparison of observed effects to predictions of normal tissue complication probability from different biophysical models. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 27 (1993) 25-30.
Gademann G, Schlegel W, Debus J, Schad L, Bortfeld T, Höver KH, Lorenz WJ, Wannenmacher M: Fractionated stereotactically guided radiotherapy of head and neck tumors: a report on clinical use of a new system in 195 cases. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 29 (1993) 205-213.
Gademann G, Schlegel W, Buerkelbach J, Laier C, Behrens S, Brieger S, Wannenmacher M: Dreidimensionale Bestrahlungsplanung. Untersuchungen zur klinischen Integration. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 169 (1993) 159-167.
Schlegel W, Pastyr O, Bortfeld T, Gademann G, Menke M, Maier Borst W: Stereotactically guided fractionated radiotherapy: technical aspects. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 29 (1993) 197-204.
Sturm V, Schlegel W, Pastyr O, Treuer H, Voges J, Muller RP, Lorenz WJ: Linac-accelerator-radiosurgery. Acta Neurochirurgica, 58 (1993) 89-91.
Treuer H, Boesecke R, Schlegel W, Hartmann GH, Mueller RP, Sturm V: The source-density function: Determination from measured lateral dose distributions and use for convolution dosimetry. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 38 (1993) 1895-1909.
Voges J, Treuer H, Schlegel W, Pastyr O, Sturm V: Interstitial irradiation of cerebral gliomas with stereotactically implanted iodine-125 seeds. Acta Neurochirurgica Supplementum, 58 (1993) 108-111.
Voges J, Gaus C, Schlegel W, Pastyr O, Wowra B, Sturm V. Interstitial irradiation of a large, low grade ependymoma with stereotactically implanted iodine-125 seeds. Case report. Acta Neurochirurgica, 122 (1-2) (1993) 127-129.
Voges J, Schröder R, Treuer H, Pastyr O, Schlegel W, Lorenz WJ, Sturm V. CT-guided and computer assisted stereotactic biopsy. Technique, results, indications. Acta Neurochirurgica, 125 (1-4) (1993) 142-149.
Anton HW, Junkermann H, Schlegel W, Müller A, Wannenmacher M, von Fournier D: Rezidive, operative und radiologische Nebenwirkungen und neue Entwicklungen bei der brusterhaltenden Behandlung des Mammakarzinoms. Strahlenther Onkol, 168 (1992) 141-153.
Elliot PJ, Knapman JM, Schlegel W: Interactive image segmentation for radiation treatment planning. IBM Systems Journal, 31 (1992) 620-634.
Herbold G, Hartmann GH, Lorenz WJ: The influence of mineralising radionecrosis on the dose distribution in interstitial radiation therapy of brain tumours. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 25 (1992) 12-18.
Jacobi P, Rockel V, Mugler K, Schlegel W: Positionsbestimmung mittels radiografischer Verfahren. Zeitschrift für medizinische Physik, 2 (1992) 210-216.
Lohrum R, Becker G, Boesecke R, Werner T, Schlegel W, Lorenz WJ: A medical workstation for the evaluation of alternative 3D radiotherapy treatment plans. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 16 (1992) 301-309.
Schad LR, Gademann G, Knopp MV, Zabel HJ, Schlegel W, Lorenz WJ: Radiotherapy treatment planning of basal meningiomas: Improved tumor localization by correlation of CT and MR imaging data. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 25 (1992) 56-62.
Schlegel W, Pastyr O, Bortfeld T, Becker G, Schad L, Gademann G, Lorenz WJ: Computer systems and mechanical tools for stereotactically guided conformation therapy with linear accelerators. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 24 (1992) 781-787.
Serago CF, Houdek PV, Hartmann GH, Saini DS, Serago ME, Kaydee A: Tissue maximum ratios (and other parameters) of small circular 4, 6, 15 and 24 MV x-ray beams for radiosurgery. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 37 (1992) 1943-1956.
Boesecke R, Becker G, Alandt K, Pastyr O, Doll J, Schlegel W, Lorenz WJ: Modification of three-dimensional treatment planning system for the use of multi-leaf collimators in conformation radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 21 (1991) 261-268.
Ésik O, Buerkelbach J, Boesecke R, Schlegel W, Németh G, Lorenz WJ: Three-dimensional photon radiotherapy planning for laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers. 2. Conformation treatment planning using a multileaf collimator. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 20 (1991) 238-244.
Ésik O, Schlegel W, Boesecke R, Németh G, Lorenz WJ: Three-dimensional photon radiotherapy planning for laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers. 1. Conventional rotational technique. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 20 (1991) 229-237.
Fritz P, Schraube P, Becker HD, Löffler E, Wannenmacher M, Pastyr O: A new applicator, positionable to the center of tracheobronchial lumen for HDR-IR-192-afterloading of tracheobronchial tumors. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 20 (1991) 1061-1066.
Hodapp N, Boesecke R, Schlegel W, Bruggmoser G, Wannenmacher M: Three-dimensional treatment planning for conformation therapy of a bronchial carcinoma. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 20 (1991) 245-249.
Richter J, Neumann M, Bleher M, Bratengeier K, Schlegel W: Qualitätssicherung für dynamische Bestrahlungstechniken. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 167 (1991) 227-232.
Schlegel W: Tomographic imaging: Application to therapy. Revue Européenne de Technologie Biomédicale, 13 (1991) 45-47.
Schlegel W: 3D-Rekonstruktionen in der Bestrahlungsplanung. Radiologe, 31 (1991) 457-466.
Serago CF, Lewin AA, Houdek PV, Gonzales-Arias S, Hartmann GH, Abitol AA, Schwade JG: Stereotactic target point verification of an X ray and CT localizer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 20 (1991) 517-523.
Sturm V, Kimmig B, Engenhart R, Schlegel W, Pastyr O, Treuer H, Schabbert S, Voges J: Radiosurgical treatment of cerebral metastases. Method, indications, and results. Stereotactic Functional Neurosurgery, 57 (1991) 7-10.
Treuer H, Hartmann GH, Schlegel W: Calculation of photon dose to lung using convolution methods. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 167 (1991) 143-144.
Boesecke R, Bruckner T, Ende G: Landmark based correlation of medical images. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 35 (1990) 121-126.
Bortfeld T, Bürkelbach J, Boesecke R, Schlegel W: Methods of image reconstruction from projections applied to conformation radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 35 (1990) 1423-1434.
Ésik O, Bürkelbach J, Boesecke R, Schlegel W, Németh G, Lorenz WJ: A gége- és hypopharynx-daganatok háromdimenziós besugárzástervezése. Konformácios besugárzástervezéses multileaf kollimátor alkamazásával. Magyar Onkologia, 34 (1990) 39-49.
Ésik O, Schlegel W, Doll J, Németh G, Lorenz WJ: A gége- es hypopharynx-daganatok háromdimenziós besugárzástervezése fantomviszgálatok alapján I. Nyílt mezök. Magyar Radiologia, 63 (1990) 129-139.
Ésik O, Schlegel W, Doll J, Németh G, Lorenz WJ: Three-dimensional photon radiotherapy planning for laryngeal and hypopharyngeal tumours. Acta Oncologica, 29 (1990) 439-446.
Gademann G, Hartmann GH, Kraft G, Lorenz WJ, Wannenmacher M: The medical heavy ion project at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung facility in Darmstadt. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 166 (1990) 34-39.
Gademann G, Hartmann GH, Schlegel W, Wannenmacher M: Dreidimensionale Bestrahlungsplanung mit dem Mevaplan-System und ihre klinische Anwendung bei Kopf-/Halstumoren. Electromedica, 58 (1990) 56-60.
Németh G, Schlegel W: A szem-, orbita-, retroorbitalis tumorok 15-MV-X-sugártherá piája különös tekintettel a szemlencse sugárvé delmére. Szemészet, 127 (1990) 225-230.
Németh G, Schlegel W: CT-felvételeken alapulo háromdimenzios (3-D) besugárz ástervezés pajzsmirigytumoroknál, irreguláris mez ökön át történö telekobalt besugárzáskor. Magyar Onkologia, 34 (1990) 123-126.
Németh G, Schlegel W: A doziselosztás vizsgálata 15 MV X-sugárzás kül önbözö formáinál, különös tekintettel a Multi- Collimator-Ring (MCR) alkamazásánál. Magyar Onkologia, 34 (1990) 139-146.
Németh G, Schlegel W, Naszaly A: A korai-, és késöi-sugárreakciok csökkentés ének lehetösége sinus maxillaris- és ethmoidomaxillaris-tumorok kezelésénél, uj kollimá torrendszer segitségével. Magyar Radiologia, 64 (1990) 184-188.
Voges J, Sturm V, Berthold F, Pastyr O, Schlegel W, Lorenz WJ: Interstitial irradiation of cerebral gliomas in childhood by permanently implanted 125-iodine-preliminary results. Klinische Paediatrie, 202 (1990) 270-274.
Ésik O, Schlegel W, Boesecke R, Németh G, Lorenz WJ: A gége- és hypopharynx-daganatok háromdimenzios besug árzástervezése - Hagyományos mozgomezös besug árzás. Magyar Onkologia, 33 (1989) 155-171.
Ésik O, Schlegel W, Doll J, Németh G, Lorenz WJ: A gége- és hypopharynx-daganatok háromdimenzios besug árzástervezése fantomvizsgálatok alapján. II. Ekszürök alkalmazása. Magyar Radiologia, 63 (1989) 141-149.
Németh G, Schlegel W: A gége- és hypopharynx-tumorok sugárreakciojának és a sugárther pia késöi következményeinek cs ökkentése uj kollimátorrendszerrel. Fül-Orr-Gégegyogyászat, 35 (1989) 196-198.
Németh G, Schlegel W: Háromdimenzionalis besuárzástervezés körkörö s kollimátorrendszernél (MCR-nél). Magyar Onkologia, 33 (1989) 43-47.
Németh G, Schlegel W: Mesopharynx tumorok besugárzásának optimalizál ása Multi-Collimator-Ring (MCR) segitségével. Magyar Radiologia, 63 (1989) 186-190.
Németh G, Schlegel W, Szabo G: [Reducing the possibility of developing mandibular osteoradionecrosis by using a new irradiation method]. Fogorvosi Szemle, 82 (1989) 295-299.
Németh G, Schlegel W, Szabo G: [A new irradiation method for the protection of intact tissues of the oral cavity during radiotherapy of tumors in the mandibular region]. Fogorvosi Szemle, 82 (1989) 263-267.
Pastyr O, Hartmann GH, Schlegel W, Schabbert S, Treuer H, Lorenz WJ, Sturm V: Stereotactically guided convergent beam irradiation with a linear accelerator: Localisation-technique. Acta Neurochirurgica, 99 (1989) 61-64.
Semmler W, van Kaick G, Schlegel W, Strauss LG: Imaging methods in oncology. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 14 (1989) 264-277.
Bauer-Kirpes B, Sturm V, Schlegel W, Lorenz WJ: Computerized optimization of I-125 implants in brain tumors. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 14 (1988) 1013-1023.
Boesecke R, Doll J, Bauer B, Schlegel W, Pastyr O, Lorenz WJ: Treatment planning for conformation therapy using a multi-leaf collimator. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, 164 (1988) 151-154.
von Fournier D, Junkermann H, Schlegel W, Heep J, Loffler E, Anton HW, Bauer M: Heutiger Wert der Strahlentherapie nach ablativer und brusterhaltender Behandlung des Mammakarzinoms. Radiologe, 28 (1988) 109-120.
Herbold G, Hartmann GH, Treuer H, Lorenz WJ: Monte Carlo calculation of energy build-up factors in the range from 15 keV, with special reference to the dosimetry of 125-I seeds. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 33 (1988) 1037-1053.
Linsmeier KD, Seebass M, Huerter W, Reinbold F, Schlegel W, Lorenz WJ: Simulation of interstitial microwave hyperthermia using the finite element method. Recent Results Cancer Res., 107 (1988) 99-103.
Schlegel W: Transverse computerized tomography for radiotherapy planning. Physica Medica, 4 (1988) 47-63.
Schlegel W: Medical display systems: Computer systems architectures. Physica Medica, 3 (1988) 47-52.
Bauer-Kirpes B, Schlegel W, Boesecke R, Lorenz WJ: Display of organs and isodoses as shaded 3-D objects for 3-D therapy planning. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 13 (1987) 135-140.
Fischer H, Hartmann G, Sturm V, Schwechheimer K, Krauss O, Schackert G, Kunze S: In vitro model for the response to irradiation of different types of human intracranial tumours. Acta Neurochirurgica, 85 (1987) 46-49.
Németh G, Schlegel W, Kuttig H: Three-dimensional dose distributions for radiotherapy of sinus maxillary tumours. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 8 (1987) 231-236.
Németh G, Schlegel W: Radiation therapy of intrathoracic paraaortic lymph node metastases. Acta Oncologica, 26 (1987) 203-206.
Schad LR, Boesecke R, Schlegel W, Hartmann G, Sturm V, Strauss LG, Lorenz WJ: Three dimensional image correlation of CT, MR, and PET studies in radiotherapy treatment planning of brain tumors. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 11 (1987) 948-954.
Schlegel W: Medical Display Systems: Computer Systems Architectures. Physics in Medicine, 3 (1987) 47-52.
Sturm V, Kober B, Hoever KH, Schlegel W, Boesecke R, Pastyr O, Hartmann G, Schabbert S, Zum Winkel K, Kunze S, Lorenz WJ: Stereotactic percutaneous single dose irradiation of brain metastases with a linear accelerator. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 13 (1987) 279-282.
Boesecke R, Hartmann GH, Scharfenberg H, Schlegel W: Dose calculations for irregular fields using tree-dimensional first- scatter integration. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 31 (1986) 291-298.
Németh G, Kuttig H, Schlegel W: Térbeni doziseloszlás a sinus maxillaris tumorainak telekobaltterápiája, illetve ultrafeszültségü röntgenbesugarárzása esetében. Magyar Onkologia, 30 (1986) 255-258.
Németh G, Schlegel W: Háromdimenzionális besugárzástervezés csigolyatumorok excentrikus ultrafeszültségü röntgenbesug árzásánál. Magyar Radiologia, 60 (1986) 246-251.
Németh G, Schlegel W: Háromdimenzionális besugárzástervezés paraaortális nyirokcsomo metasztázisoknál. Magyar Onkologia, 30 (1986) 259-266.
Németh G, Kuttig H, Schlegel W: Háromdimenzionális besugárzástervezés nyelö csötumoroknál. Magyar Radiologia, 60 (1986) 65-70.
Németh G, Kuttig H, Schlegel W: Háromdimenzionális besugárzástervezés nyel öcsötumoroknál. Magyar Onkologia, 30 (1986) 189-194.
Schlaps D, Schlegel W: Bildgebende Verfahren für die medizinische Diagnostik. Grundlagen, Leistungsfähigkeit, Risiken. Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 83 (1986) 461-468.
Strauss LG, Busch H, Prager P, Hartmann GH, Müller A, Clorius JH, Lorenz WJ: Computer processed fluoroscopic images for digital intravenous renal angiography. European Journal of Radiology, 6 (1986) 78-81.
< 1986
Hartmann GH, Schlegel W, Sturm V, Kober B, Pastyr O, Lorenz WJ: Cerebral radiation surgery using moving field irradiation at a linear accelerator facility. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 11 (1985) 1185-1192.
Schlegel W: Strahlenbehandlung simuliert. Comp Pers, 2 (1985) 113-115.
Hartmann G, Coyne JJ, Morhart A, Schuhmacher H: Investigation of an experimental method for the determination of dose equivalent in the ICRU sphere. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 9 (1984) 207-210.
Netzeband G, Sturm V, Georgi P, Sinn HJ, Schnabel K, Schlegel W, Schabbert S, Marin-Grez M, Gahbauer H: Results of stereotactical intracavitary irradiation of cystic craniopharyngeomas. Comparison of the effects of yttrium-90 and rhenium-186. Acta Neurochirurgica, 33 (1984) 341-344.
Schlegel W: The use of computer tomography for radiotherapy treatment planning. Nucl Gen Bull, 6 (1984) 133-134.
Gahbauer H, Sturm V, Schlegel W, Pastyr O, Scharfenberg H, Zabel HJ, van Kaick G, Netzeband G, Scheer KE, Schabbert S: Combined use of stereotaxic CT and angiography for brain biopsies and stereotaxic irradiation. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 4 (1983) 715-718.
Hartmann GH, Scharfenberg H, Schlegel W, Thieme R: Methoden der Bestrahlungsplanung bei der Therapie mit irregulären Feldern: zwei Verfahren der Dosisberechnung im Vergleich. Electromedica, 51 (1983) 107-110.
Hartmann GH, Schlegel W, Scharfenberg H: The three-dimensional dose distribution of 125I seeds in tissue. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 28 (1983) 693-699.
Schlegel W: Digital processing and images in diagnostic procedures. Informa, 69 (1983) 6-16.
Schnabel K, Berberich W, Schlegel W, Scharfenberg H, Steinau U, Lorenz WJ: [Radiation side effects of neutron and photon therapy of soft tissue sarcomas. Results of a 4-year pilot study]. Strahlentherapie, 159 (1983) 537-542.
Sturm V, Pastyr O, Schlegel W, Scharfenberg H, Zabel HJ, Netzeband G, Schabbert S, Berberich W: Stereotactic computer tomography with a modified Riechert-Mundinger device as the basis for integrated stereotactic neuroradiological investigations. Acta Neurochirurgica, 68 (1983) 11-17.
Vaknine R, Schlegel W, Lorenz WJ, Bruehl P: Application of the Laplace operator to scintigraphic images: comparison with conventional scintigraphy and digital filtering. Eur J Nucl Med, 8 (1983) 416-420.
Kayser K, Schlegel W: Pattern recognition in histo-pathology: basic considerations. Methods Inf Med, 21 (1982) 15-22.
Schlegel W: Digitale Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin. Die Umschau, 82 (1982) 710-715.
Strauss L, Sturm V, Georgi P, Schlegel W, Ostertag H, Clorius JH, van Kaick G: Radioisotope therapy of cystic craniopharyngomas. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 8 (1982) 1581-1585.
Schlegel W, Scharfenberg H, Sturm V, Penzhold H, Lorenz WJ: Direct visualization of intracranial tumours in stereotactic and angiographic films by computer calculation of longitudinal CT-sections: a new method for stereotactic localization of tumour outlines. Acta Neurochirurgica, 58 (1981) 27-35.
Schlegel W, Scharfenberg H, Bader R, Hartmann G, Schnabel K, Lorenz WJ: Computer algorithms for calculation of isodose distributions from CT-matrices. British Journal of Radiology, I Suppl, 15 (1981) 118-121.
Fichter J, Doll J, Schlegel W, Lorenz WJ, Georgi P, Edler L: [Discriminant analysis in the quantitative evaluation of lung scintigrams (author's transl)]. Nuklearmedizin, 19 (1980) 191-194.
Clorius JH, Huber W, Kjelle-Schweigler M, Schlegel W, Georgi P, Zelt ? Evidence of possible association of nephrolithiasis and nephroptosis. Nephron, 22 (1978) 382-385.
Schlegel W, Fauser G, Johnson AF, Lorenz WJ: A computer display system for nuclear medicine imaging. KERNTECHNIK, 20 (1978) 70-73.
Schnabel K, Hoever KH, Schlegel W, Herrmann HJ: Computertomographie zur Bestrahlungsplanung thorakaler Malignome. Medita, (1978) 69-75.
Schlegel W, Scharfenberg H, Müller W, Bader R, Lorenz WJ: Computereinsatz zur Bearbeitung und Auswertung von CT-Aufnahmen. Electromedica, 5 (1977) 189-196.
Schnabel K, Guillaume R, Herrmann HJ, Schlegel W, Zabel HJ: [Computed tomography of the whole body as a means of radiation planning (author's transl)]. Strahlentherapie, 153 (1977) 51-56.
Bohne W, Fuchs H, Kluge H, Morgenstern H, Oeschler H, Schlegel W: Observation of weakly coupled 2p-1h states in 41-Ca from proton transfer on 40-K. Nuclear Physics, A240 (1975) 171-188.
Burger G, Grünauer F, Schraube H, Lorenz WJ, Höver KH, Wolber G, Hartmann G: Calculation of depth dose and beam profile for the fast neutron beam of the Heidelberg compact cyclotron. European Journal of Cancer, 10 (1974) 328-329.
Helb HD, Dück P, Hartmann G, Ischenko G, Siller F, Voit H: Elastic-scattering of C-13 from C-13. Nuclear Physics, A 206 (1973) 385
Voit H, Hartmann G, Helb HD, Ischenko G, Siller F: Resonance in excitation-functions of alpha-particle and proton exit channel of O-16 C-12 near Coulomb barrier. Zeitschrift für medizinische Physik, 255 (1972) 425-430.
Schlegel W, Schmitt D, Santo R: Investigation of the (3-He, p)-reaction on the Ca-Isotopes A = 42,43,44 and 48. Nuclear Physics, A153 (1970) 502-523.