Seminar "Medical Physics"

Summer Semester 2024

DKFZ, Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology (E040)

Im Neuenheimer Feld 223 (Radiologisches Entwicklungszentrum, REZ), F.02.082 + Virtual Zoom Seminar Room, Wednesdays 2pm (s.t.)

Registration for non-DKFZ (e.g., University) participants: Please send an e-mail to mps(at)

The seminar is planned to start on 8th of May 2024. Speakers / Titles will be anounced here and by e-mail!
One credit point upon request, no grade

  • May 8 (in-person / hybrid)
    Dr. Gavin Poludniowski (Karolinska University Hospital)
    From Kramers to SpekPy - a brief history of semiempirical models of the X-Ray tube
  • May 15
    No seminar!
  • CANCELLED! May 22 (online/hybrid tbc)
  • Rescheduled to Tuesday May 28 (online)
    Dr. Philipp Süss (Fraunhofer ITWM)
    Multicriteria Treatment Planning – past and future
  • June 5 (in-person / hybrid)
    Prof. Hrvoje Brkić (Faculty of Medicine Osijek, Croatia)
    Radiotherapy during pregnancy – Monte Carlo simulations and pregnant phantom development
  • June 12 (online)
    Dr. Ludovic de Marzi (Institut Curie)
    Ultrahigh dose-rate (FLASH) radiotherapy with very high-energy electrons (VHEE)
  • June 19 (in-person in K1/K2) - Presentation within the Health + Life Science Alliance
    Prof. Beatriz Sánchez (Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile)
    Analytical model for personalized photon peripheral dose calculation in radiotherapy: second cancer estimation and impact on the immune system can now be considered in a clinical setting.
  • June 26 (in-person / hybrid)
    Rosario Astaburuaga (HU Berlin)
    Single-cell analysis of radiation resistance in head-and-neck tumors: unraveling heterogeneity and molecular mechanisms
  • July 3 (in-person / hybrid) - starts 1 hour later at 15:00!
    Prof. Francesca Spadea (KIT)
    Digital Twin in Radiotherapy: from a descriptive representation to a system inquiring into clinical outcome
  • July 10 (online)
    Dr. Michael Douglass (Central Adelaide Local Health Network, Australia)
    MedBlend: Advancing Medical Physics Visualisation
  • July 17 (online)
    Dr. Daniel Robertson (Mayo Clinic)
    Clinical management of proton range uncertainties through scintillator detectors and proton radiography
  • July 24 (online):
    Dr. Juan Diego Azcona (Clínica Universidad de Navarra)
    TBA (Preliminary: Lung motion management, image guidance, and deformable image registration for adaptive therapy)

Hosts: Prof. Dr. Oliver Jäkel, Prof. Dr. Joao Seco, Dr. Alexander Pryanichnikov, Dr. Niklas Wahl, Prof. Dr. Mark E. Ladd


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