Our team
We are a diverse team of researchers and engineers dedicated to advancing AI for medical imaging and beyond. Our expertise spans machine learning, computer vision, and probabilistic modeling, with a strong focus on developing robust, interpretable, and scalable solutions. By combining methodological excellence with cutting-edge software infrastructure, we bridge the gap between research and real-world applications. Committed to open science, we actively contribute to open-source projects.

Division Head & Scientific Management
Prof. Dr. Klaus Maier-Hein
Head of Division
Dr. Nina Sophia Decker
Science Manager
Dr. Daniel Walther
Science Manager
Michaela Gelz
Nina Kraft
Stefanie Strzysch
Board Members
Dr. Ralf Omar Floca
Dr. Fabian Isensee
Dr. Peter Neher
Dr. Marco Nolden
Clinical Principal Investigators
Prof. Dr. Philipp Vollmuth
Scientists & Postdocs
Ünal Akünal
Rajesh Baidya
Dr. Stefan Dinkelacker
Stefan Dvoretskii
Odile Elias
Selen Erkan
Lorenz Feineis
Hanno Gao
Partha Ghosh
Karol Gotkowski
Hamideh Haghiri
Dr. Ole Johannsen
Ali Emre Kavur
Lars Krämer
Lucas Kulla
Dr. Tobias Norajitra
Ashis Ravindran
Stephen Schaumann
Elisa Stegmeier
Jeremias Traub
Dr. Darya Trofimova
Sebastian Ziegler
Dr. David Zimmerer
PhD Students
Till Bungert
Jonas Bohn
Dimitrios Bounias
Markus Bujotzek
Stefan Denner
Nico Disch
Katharina Eckstein
Alexandra Ertl
Maximilian Fischer
Benjamin Hamm
Kim-Celine Kahl
Yannick Kirchhoff
Lukas Klein
Balint Kovacs
Moritz Langenberg
Carsten Lüth
Andres Martinez Mora
Robin Peretzke
Santhosh Parampottupadam
Maximilian Rokuss
Saikat Roy
Philipp Schader
Raphael Stock
Constantin Ulrich
Tassilo Wald
Shuhan Xiao
Maximilian Zenk
Master Students
Marlin Hanstein