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Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research

CAncEr Survivorship - A multi-Regional (CAESAR) study

To better understand the quality of life and needs of long-term (>5 years post-diagnosis) cancer survivors, the German Cancer Research Center initiated the CAESAR study in cooperation with selected federal cancer registries in Germany.  The study, funded by the German Cancer Aid, aimed to:

1) Better understand long-term effects of cancer and its treatments,

2) Develop approaches to prevent long-term health restrictions, and to

3) Improve the follow-up care and health of long-term cancer survivors.

Study design

The first study round was conducted in 2009/2011 on a population basis in six federal states of Germany (Schleswig-Holstein, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Hamburg, Bremen and Saarland). More than 7,000 people, diagnosed with breast, colon or prostate cancer at least 5 years previously, participated in the study. Below are the publications based on this initial study. 

A follow-up study was carried out in 2018/2019. Participants of the initial survey who had given their consent to be contacted again and are alive, were eligible. More than 2,700 participants took part in the follow-up survey. In addition, attending physicians of the participants were also invited to complete a questionnaire to provide in-depth details on treatments and comorbidities. 


Thong, M. S. Y., Doege, D., Weißer, L., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Jansen, L., Bertram, H., . . . Arndt, V. (2023). Persisting Deficits in Health-Related Quality of Life of Colorectal Cancer Survivors 14–24 Years Post-Diagnosis: A Population-Based Study. Current Oncology, 30(3), 3373-3390.

Doege, D., Thong, M. S. Y., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., Holleczek, B., . . . Arndt, V. (2022). Clinical and sociodemographic determinants of disease-specific health-related quality of life in long-term breast cancer survivors. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 148(12), 3461-3473.

Schneider, J., Hernandez, D., CAESAR Study Group, Schlander, M., Arndt, V. (2022). Out-of-pocket payments and loss of income among long-term breast cancer survivors in Germany: a multi-regional population-based study. J Cancer Surviv.

Thong, M. S. Y., Doege, D., Weisser, L., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., . . . Arndt, V. (2022). Health and life insurance-related problems in very long-term cancer survivors in Germany: a population-based study. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 148(1), 155-162.

Doege, D., Thong, M. S. Y., Weisser, L., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Jansen, L., Bertram, H., . . . Arndt, V. (2021). Health-Related Quality of Life in Very Long-Term Cancer Survivors 14-24 Years Post-Diagnosis Compared to Population Controls: A Population-Based Study. Cancers (Basel), 13(11), 2754.

Liu, Z., Thong, M. S. Y., Doege, D., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., . . . Arndt, V. (2021). Prevalence of benefit finding and posttraumatic growth in long-term cancer survivors: results from a multi-regional population-based survey in Germany. Br J Cancer, 125(6), 877-883.

Liu, Z., Doege, D., Thong, M. S. Y., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., . . . Arndt, V. (2021). Distress mediates the relationship between cognitive appraisal of medical care and benefit finding/posttraumatic growth in long-term cancer survivors. Cancer, 127(19), 3680-3690.

Adam, S., Doege, D., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Thong, M. S. Y., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., . . . Arndt, V. (2020). Age-specific health-related quality of life in disease-free long-term prostate cancer survivors versus male population controls-results from a population-based study. Support Care Cancer, 28(6), 2875-2885.

Doege, D., Thong, M. S. Y., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Jansen, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., . . . Arndt, V. (2020). Age-specific prevalence and determinants of depression in long-term breast cancer survivors compared to female population controls. Cancer Med, 9(22), 8713-8721.

Adam, S., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., Holleczek, B., Pritzkuleit, R., . . . Arndt, V. (2019). Health-related quality of life in long-term survivors with localised prostate cancer by therapy-Results from a population-based study. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl), 28(5), e13076.

Arndt, V., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., Holleczek, B., Pritzkuleit, R., . . . Brenner, H. (2019). Return to work after cancer. A multi-regional population-based study from Germany. Acta Oncol, 58(5), 811-818.

Doege, D., Thong, M., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., Holleczek, B., . . . Arndt, V. (2019). The role of psychosocial resources for long-term breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer survivors: prevalence and associations with health-related quality of life. Support Care Cancer, 27(1), 275-286.

Doege, D., Thong, M. S., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., Holleczek, B., . . . Arndt, V. (2019). Health-related quality of life in long-term disease-free breast cancer survivors versus female population controls in Germany. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 175(2), 499-510.

Thong, M. S. Y., Doege, D., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., Holleczek, B., . . . Arndt, V. (2019). Age at Diagnosis and Sex Are Associated With Long-term Deficits in Disease-Specific Health-Related Quality of Life of Survivors of Colon and Rectal Cancer: A Population-Based Study. Dis Colon Rectum, 62(11), 1294-1304.

Thong, M. S. Y., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Jansen, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., Holleczek, B., . . . Arndt, V. (2019). Age-specific health-related quality of life in long-term and very long-term colorectal cancer survivors versus population controls - a population-based study. Acta Oncol, 58(5), 801-810.

Thong, M. S. Y., Wolschon, E. M., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Waldmann, A., Waldeyer-Sauerland, M., Pritzkuleit, R., . . . Arndt, V. (2018). "Still a Cancer Patient"-Associations of Cancer Identity With Patient-Reported Outcomes and Health Care Use Among Cancer Survivors. JNCI Cancer Spectr, 2(2), pky031.

Arndt, V., Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Jansen, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., Holleczek, B., . . . Brenner, H. (2017). Quality of life in long-term and very long-term cancer survivors versus population controls in Germany. Acta Oncol, 56(2), 190-197.

Koch-Gallenkamp, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., Holleczek, B., Schmid-Hopfner, S., Waldmann, A., . . . Arndt, V. (2016). Fear of recurrence in long-term cancer survivors-Do cancer type, sex, time since diagnosis, and social support matter? Health Psychol, 35(12), 1329-1333.

Zeissig, S. R., Singer, S., Koch, L., Zeeb, H., Merbach, M., Bertram, H., . . . Arndt, V. (2015). Utilisation of psychosocial and informational services in immigrant and non-immigrant German cancer survivors. Psychooncology, 24(8), 919-925.

Zeissig, S. R., Singer, S., Koch, L., Blettner, M., & Arndt, V. (2015). Inanspruchnahme psychoonkologischer Versorgung im Krankenhaus und in Krebsberatungsstellen durch Brust-, Darm- und Prostatakrebsüberlebende. [Utilisation of Psycho-oncological Services in Hospitals and Outpatient Counselling Centres by Survivors of Breast, Colon and Prostate Cancer]. Psychother Psychosom Med Psychol, 65(5), 177-182.

Koch, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., Holleczek, B., Schmid-Hopfner, S., Waldmann, A., . . . Arndt, V. (2014). Fear of recurrence in long-term breast cancer survivors-still an issue. Results on prevalence, determinants, and the association with quality of life and depression from the cancer survivorship--a multi-regional population-based study. Psychooncology, 23(5), 547-554.

Koch, L., Bertram, H., Eberle, A., Holleczek, B., Schmid-Höpfner, S., Waldmann, A., . . . Arndt, V. (2013). Lebensqualität von Langzeitüberlebenden nach Brust-, Darm- und Prostatakrebs. Forum, 28(1), 43-47.

Koch, L., Jansen, L., Brenner, H., & Arndt, V. (2013). Fear of recurrence and disease progression in long-term (>/= 5 years) cancer survivors--a systematic review of quantitative studies. Psychooncology, 22(1), 1-11.

Koch, L., Jansen, L., Herrmann, A., Stegmaier, C., Holleczek, B., Singer, S., . . . Arndt, V. (2013). Quality of life in long-term breast cancer survivors - a 10-year longitudinal population-based study. Acta Oncol, 52(6), 1119-1128.

Jansen, L., Herrmann, A., Stegmaier, C., Singer, S., Brenner, H., & Arndt, V. (2011). Health-related quality of life during the 10 years after diagnosis of colorectal cancer: a population-based study. J Clin Oncol, 29(24), 3263-3269.

Project leading

PD Dr. med. Volker Arndt,
Prof. Dr. med. Hermann Brenner
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Abteilung Klinische Epidemiologie und Alternsforschung
Im Neuenheimer Feld 581
69120 Heidelberg


Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
Abteilung Klinische Epidemiologie und Alternsforschung
Im Neuenheimer Feld 581
69120 Heidelberg
Tel. 06221-421337


Dr. Daniela Doege

Tel. 06221-422331



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