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Jasper Ubels, MSc

Jasper Ubels, MSc

Jasper Ubels, MSc





+49 6221 42-1909


+49 6221 42-1919

Jasper Ubels is a doctoral researcher who submitted his dissertation. His dissertation focuses on the capability approach as an alternative measure of quality of life to improve health outcomes measurement for economic evaluation. In addition, he is working on multiple other projects, including exploring how the socioeconomic impact of cancer can be understood and measured.

Jasper completed his Master of Science in Public Health with a specialization in Health Economics at Umeå University, Sweden. During his master's studies, his worked mainly on two topics. First, he conducted a systematic literature review on cost-effectiveness thresholds. Additionally, he analysed the cost-effectiveness of rheumatic heart disease echocardiographic screening in Brazil.


Selected Publications

J. Ubels, K. Hernandez-Villafuerte, M. Schlander:
The value of freedom: a review of the current developments and conceptual issues in the measurement of capability.
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 2022: 23 (3) 327-353.
DOI: 10.1080/19452829.2022.2053506.

D. Cameron, J. Ubels, F. Norström:
On what basis are medical cost-effectiveness thresholds set? Clashing opinions and an absence of data: A systematic review.
Global Health Action, 2018: 11(1) 1447828.
DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2018.1447828.

J. Ubels, C. Sable, A. Z. Beaton M.C.P. Nunes, K.K.B. Oliveira, L.C. Rabelo, I.M. Teixeira, G.Z.L. Ruiz, L.M.M. Rabelo, A.R. Tompsett, A.L.P. Ribeiro, K.G. Sahlen, B.R. Nascimento, PROVAR+ (Programa de RastreamentO da VAlvopatia Reumática e Outras Doenças Cardiovasculares) investigators:
Cost-Effectiveness of Rheumatic Heart Disease Echocardiographic Screening in Brazil: Data from the PROVAR+ Study: Cost-effectiveness of RHD screening in Brazil.
Global Heart, 2020: 15(1) 18.
DOI: 10.5334/gh.529.


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