Dr. Leyun Pan

Dr. Leyun Pan

Education/ Degrees

  • 1993.9-1997.7 Jinan University, B.S. in Computer Science
  • 1997.9-2000.1 Shandong University, M.S. in Computer Science
  • 2000.4-2004.8 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ph.D in Computer Science & Engineering

Research topics

  • Kinetic Modeling and Parametric imaging of dynamic PET data
  • Development of Quantitative PET software
  • Development of Gene PET software
  • Development of new models for the evaluation of dynamic PET data
  • AI-based Dynamic PET Data Analysis


  • Since 10.09.2004, Scientific employee, Clinical Cooperation Unit Nuclear Medicine, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
  • Since 19.10.2018, Senior Scientist, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

Activities and Projects in the scientific community

  • 2023-now, Multicenter study in patients with multiple myelomas (HD-8). Coop.-Partner: Hämatologie und Onkologie Uni HD, NCT (Prof. Hartmut Goldschmidt)
  • 2022-now, Parametric imaging: direct Patlak-reconstruction, comparison to postprocessing Patlak calculation. Coop. with Siemens (Dr. Maurizio Conti, Hasan Sari)
  • 2021-now, Automated analysis, segmentation and quantification of PET/CT imaging studies: application of artificial intelligence tools (AI-tools) in PET/CT to develop and validate methods for automated analysis and quantification of these imaging studies. Coop. with Prof. Dr. L. Edenbrandt, Univ. of Gothenburg, Sweden and Research Consortium for Medical Image Analysis (RECOMIA)
  • 2020-now, Automatic segmentation of PET-CT images for the calculation of the total functional tumor volume. Coop. with Prof. Dr. George Matsopoulos, Division of Information Transmission Systems and Material Technology, National Technical Univ. of Athens
  • 2018-now, Precise Cancer Diagnosis based on Big Data: classification models and algorithms for small training set, graph representation model and learning methods for heterogeneous patient data, deep learning algorithms and systems for PET-CT imaging data and visualization system for kinetic modeling and patient data mining. Coop. with Prof. Yumin Ye, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen (HITSZ)
  • 2010-2018 PET projects within the Network Transregio SFB-TR 79 (sponsored by the German Research Society): „Werkstoffe für die Geweberegeneration im systemisch erkrankten Knochen"
  • 2009-2011 PET projects within the network of DOT-MOBI (sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF): „Softwareplattform für die multimodale Diagnostik onkologischer Erkrankungen und Therapieoptimierung durch molekulare Bildgebung"
  • Feb, 2005-May, 2009 R&D member of PMOD Technologies Ltd.
  • Since 2005, more than 20 presentations in SNMMI and EANM meeting
  • June 18-22, 2005 Attended the European Association of Nuclear Medicine 2005 Annual Congress. Gave an oral presentation titled as "Software platform for combined analysis of PET and gene chip data" which is included in 2005 SNM Highlights Lecture
  • 2004-2005, TENPET (Transeuropean Network for Positron Emission Tomography), EU-Project.


Publications > 50

H-Index 23

Citations 1516



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