2024 News
Luca gives a talk about his organoid models at the CSHL Development & 3D Modeling of the Human Brain conference in NY, USA. He was awarded a Kind-Philipp-Foundation award for pediatric oncology research Travel Grant. Congrats Luca!
The DFG grant funds our work on studying neurodevelopmental principles to better understand medulloblastoma formation.
Lena speaks at Institute Curie Orsay.
The Kutscher-Zuckermann labs win the annual PhD hat competition for their great work on Fred's PhD hat. Pringles for the entire advent!
Lena presents Lisa's work on the development of unipolar brush cells using multicontent imaging.
Elli joins the lab for an 8-week internship as part of her MSc in Developmental Biology. She will investigate cell death using the Müllerian duct system.
Vuslat Akcay joins us for her PhD, where she'll investigate what developmental signaling pathways are hijacked by tumor cells. Welcome Vuslat!
Fred successfully defended his PhD to become the first student to graduate from the lab. Congrats Fred!
Paula and Tessa join the lab as MSc interns, as part of their MSc Neuroscience degree. They will work with Jan to investigate dependencies in PLAG-driven gliomas. Welcome!
Lena and Prof. Dr. Simone Mayer co-hosted the first Cerebellum Development and Disease conference in Heidelberg. 55 cerebellum researchers gathered at the Academy of Science in the Old Town to discuss all things Cb.