Research Group

Clinical Cooperation Unit Neurooncology

Research of the clinical cooperation unit (CCU) neurooncology has the overarching goal to more comprehensively understand the biologic mechanisms underlying glioblastoma and primary CNS lymphoma and their respective treatment resistance. We strive for the identification and validation of diagnostic, prognostic and predictive biomarkers for guiding clinical decision-making and ultimately develop new points/molecules for therapeutic intervention that are to be tested in follow-up clinical trials.


(A) T2-FLAIR-MRI of a glioblastoma patient. (B) Heterogeneity within glioblastoma demonstrated by different lengths of tumor microtubes (green, nestin) of several cells (blue, DAPI). (C) The connectivity signature is a prognostic biomarker in glioblastoma.

The current and future focus of the research in the Neurooncology Clinical Cooperation Unit (CCU) is based on central research questions derived from Heidelberg University Hospital neurooncology program, with the clear aim of translating the pre-clinical observations back into the clinic in a bench-to-bedside approach. Our CCU Neurooncology is strongly linked to the CCU Neuroimmunology and Brain Tumor Immunology (D170), CCU Neuropathology (B300) and has vital collaborations to the Department of Hematology, Oncology, and Rheumatology as well as to the experimental imaging departments at both the Head Clinic and the DKFZ. Moreover, close collaborations exist within the UNITE glioblastoma consortium ( Integration into a national as well as international network additionally strengthens and is of utmost importance for the rapid transfer of research results to the clinic.



  • Employee image

    Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Wick

    Head of the Division

  • Employee image

    Dr. Tobias Kessler


  • Employee image

    Robin Wagener


  • Employee image

    Dr. Leon Kaulen


  • Employee image

    Dirk Hoffmann


  • Employee image

    Dr. Uwe Warnken


  • Employee image

    Alexandros Kourtesakis


  • Employee image

    Hiu Nam Hannah Chow

    PhD Student

  • Employee image

    Melissa Hahn

    PhD Student

  • Employee image

    Hannah Rohdjeß

    PhD Student

  • Employee image

    Sebastian Schulz

    MD Student

  • Employee image

    Normann Mußnig

    MD Student

  • Employee image

    Tim Windheim

    MD Student

  • Employee image

    Pascal Lehnert

    MD Student

  • Employee image

    Gina Marie Cebulla

    MD Student

  • Employee image

    Sonja Pusch


  • Employee image

    Petra Rübmann


  • Employee image

    Denise Reibold

    BTA (on parental leave)

  • Employee image

    Lena Ehret-Maßholder


  • Employee image

    Viktoria Meier

    BTA (apprentice)

Get in touch with us

Employee image
Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Wick

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