Internships before and during your studies

Internships for interested students before their studies

If you are interested in an academic career, the Life Science Lab offers many opportunities and a great program for interested students.

The Life Science Lab currently also offers a BOGY internship program.

Internships during your studies

Are you already studying and would like to do an internship in one of the DKFZ's departments? Then you can find out more about the DKFZ's research areas with the help of the organization chart and directly on the homepage. In a second step, you can then apply directly to a department of your choice (including an administrative department).

Are you a student from a non-European country? You need the approval of the Federal Employment Agency to be admitted to the internship. This approval is only possible if you have already completed four semesters in the current degree program before starting the internship. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Heike Langlotz, +49 6221 42-2967.


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