IT Specialist, System Integration (m/f/d)

Your training as an IT specialist in ­the field of system integration at the DKFZ

As an IT specialist in system integration, you will plan and configure IT systems for the academic and administrative staff at the university. You will set up these systems according to customer requirements and learn how to operate and manage them. This also includes being able to systematically isolate and rectify faults that occur using diagnostic systems. You will advise our employees on the selection of devices. You will also solve application and system problems. During your training, you will get to know different focal points and can specialize in these and deepen your knowledge in this area.

Do you have questions or would you­ like to speak directly to a tra­iner?

Get in touch with us

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Benjamin Dinner
Trainer IT specialists and DHBW students in the field of computer science

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