Our team

Our team is an interdisciplinary group of cell biologists, biochemists, and synthetic organic chemists, working together to discover and develop new small molecule probes and drug leads.


Lena Böhringer (Master's Rotation) 

Julius Günther (Master's Thesis) → PhD with Roman Sarott (Max Planck Institute for Medical Research)

Malte Hanne (Master's Thesis) → PhD with Matthias Gehringer (Uni Tübingen)

Stephanie Meyer (Postdoc) → Lab Head at BASF

Matteo Amberg (Bachelor's Thesis) → Master's at ETH

Levi Ziegenhausen (Master's Rotation)

Peter Bauernschmitt (Master's Thesis) → Further study at LMU

Yanyi Chen (Master's Thesis)

Karel Klika (Head of NMR facility)

Johanna Hummel-Eisenbeiß (Technician) → Retired

Lukas Trippe (Postdoc) → Akademische Rat with Til Opatz (Uni Mainz)

Annika Jeschke (Master's Rotation)

Raphael Steimbach (PhD) → Servier (France)

Philip Slawetski (Master's Thesis) → PhD with Andres Jäschke (Uni Heidelberg)

Katja Fusser (Master's Rotation)

Nikola Knoll (Master's Rotation)

Jakob Kerbl-Knapp (Master's Rotation)

Alina Müller (Master's Rotation)

Matteo Spatuzzi (Master's Rotation)

Mauricio Castillo (Master's Rotation)

Piotr Fabrowski (Postdoc) → European Patent Office

Laura Grob (Master's Thesis) → Solution specialist at Roche

Daniel Isak (Master's Thesis) → PhD with Alois Fürstner (MPI Kohlenforschung)

Sven Jänner (Master's Thesis) → PhD with Karl Gademann (Uni Zürich)

Michael Morgen (Postdoc) → Roche Penzberg

Andreas Baumann (Postdoc) → Roche Penzberg

Katharina Jetzinger (Master's Rotation)

Hannah Steffke (Fulbright Scholar) → MD at Harvard

Savannah Jackson (Technician)

Ana Cobos Galvez (Master's Thesis) → PhD with Jan Ellenberg (EMBL Heidelberg)

Gabriele Schwebel (NMR Technician) → Retired

Taddäus Strunden (Bachelor's Thesis)

Jazmin Täubert (Master's Thesis) → PhD at Leiden University Medical Center

Marie Czech (Master's Thesis) → PhD with Robert Zeiser (Uni Freiburg)

Teresa Marker (Master's Thesis ) → PhD with Tobias Dick (DKFZ)

Eberhard Amtmann (Staff Scientist) → Retired

Ansgar Volkmann (Bachelor's Thesis)

Mona Malz (Postdoc) → Scientist at Evotec

Arhonti Kalketinidou (Master's Rotation)

Arion Förtsch (Master's Rotation) → PhD with Asifa Ahktar (MPI Freiburg)

Elena De Vita (PhD) → Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London

Magalie Géraldy (Postdoc) → Lab Head at Bayer Wuppertal

Peter Schüler (Postdoc) → Head of Manufacturing at Lipoid, Ludwigshafen

Santiago Barroso (Postdoc) → Process Chemist at BASF

Tom Debnar (Postdoc) → Scientist at Siegfried AG

Els van Hees (Master's Thesis)

Sven Kullmann (Master's Thesis) → PhD with Bernhard Breit (Uni Freiburg)

Eliza Wensink (Master's Thesis)

Tobias Herrmann (Master's Thesis) → Immatics

Angela Bella Carreno (Master's Thesis) → Postdoc at IBiS Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla

Eugenie Wong (Master's Thesis)

Melanie Schwab (Master's Thesis) → Ipsen

Steffie Revia (Master's Thesis) → Lab Head Merck Darmstadt

Reida Rutte (Diploma Thesis)

Christian Jöst (Diploma Thesis) → Corden Pharma

Anders Krosky (Diploma Thesis)

Roman Gräbner (Bachelor's Thesis) → PhD with Franziska Thomas (Uni Heidelberg)

Davide Moi (Visiting PhD Student) → Researcher at Uni Cagliari

Gergely Tihanyi (Master's Rotation) → PhD with Luca Giorgetti (Uni Basel)

Toman Borteçen (Master's Rotation) → PhD with Joroen Krijgsveld (DKFZ)

Anthony Razov (Master's Rotation) → Pfizer

Benedikt Baumgartner (né Winkler) (Master's Rotation) → PhD with Oliver Thorn-Seshold now Carl Zeiss

Nawid Albinger (Master's Rotation) 

Julian Engelke (Master's Rotation)

Liza Harbrecht (Master's Rotation)

Jonas Gross (Master's Rotation)

Jonas Kolibius (Master's Rotation)

Max Hülsey (Master's Rotation) → Assistant Professor at TMU

Julius Hornung (Master's Rotation) → Freudenberg e-Power systems

Asat Baischew (Master's Rotation) → Postdoc with Andrea Sinz (Uni Halle)

Catharina Lotsch (Master's Rotation)

Karolin Berneiser (Master's Rotation) → Postdoc with Timm Maier (Uni Basel)

Lars Hellweg (Master's Rotation) → MPI Heidelberg

Ulrike Wagner (Technician)

Bettina Kraft (Technician)

Vani Verma (Summer Intern) → Postdoc in Antwerp

Maya Beano (Summer Intern)

Adib Youssef (Research Intern)

Alexander Hammer (Master's Rotation)

Sonja Doubrovinskaia (Summer Intern)

Louisa Willner (Intern)




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