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Dr. Silvia Calderazzo

Dr. Silvia Calderazzo

Dr. Silvia Calderazzo




+49 6221 42 2387


+49 6221 42 2397


TP 4



Areas of interest

  • Bayesian statistics
  • Bayesian clinical trial design
  • Markov models
  • Dose-response modeling


Education and Background

  • PhD in Statistics, University of Warwick, UK (2017)
  • Master degree in Statistics, University of Padua, Italy (2012)
  • Bachelor degree in Statistics, population and society, University of Padua, Italy (2010)


Selected publications

  • Wiesenfarth, M., & Calderazzo, S. (2019). Quantification of prior impact in terms of prior effective historical and current sample size. Biometrics.
  • Calderazzo, S., Tavel, D., Zurich, M.-G., & Kopp-Schneider, A. (2019). Model-based estimation of Lowest Observed Effect Concentration from replicate experiments to identify potential biomarkers of in vitro neurotoxicity. Archives of toxicology, 1-10.
  • Kopp‐Schneider, A., Calderazzo, S., & Wiesenfarth, M. (2019). Power gains by using external information in clinical trials are typically not possible when requiring strict type I error control. Biometrical Journal.
  • Brenner, H., Calderazzo, S., Seufferlein, T., Ludwig, L., Dikopoulos, N., Mangold, J., ... & Kopp-Schneider, A. (2019). Effect of a Single Aspirin Dose Prior to Fecal Immunochemical Testing on Test Sensitivity for Detecting Advanced Colorectal Neoplasms: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA, 321(17), 1686-1692.
  • Calderazzo, S., Brancaccio, M., & Finkenstädt, B. (2018). Filtering and inference for stochastic oscillators with distributed delays. Bioinformatics, 35(8), 1380-1387.









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