Claro study

Cancer literacy as an essential factor for lifestyle behavior changes: An observational and interventional study

Project coordination

Prof. Dr. Karen Steindorf, Dr. Florian Herbolsheimer, Dr. Alexander Haussmann

Why is the CLARO study relevant?

A healthy lifestyle plays an essential role in the development of cancer. It is estimated that up to 40% of all cancers could be prevented by a healthy lifestyle. However, international studies show that many people are not aware of the connection between lifestyle factors and cancer risk. Consequently, primary cancer prevention begins by identifying and closing gaps in knowledge. For this, it is relevant that as many people as possible are able to recognize reliable sources of information and understand the presented information. This knowledge and the associated skills needed to acquire and apply the relevant knowledge are referred to as "cancer literacy".

How will be the CLARO study conducted?

A representative survey of about 800 participants in the Stuttgart area will record cancer literacy for the first time in Germany. This includes knowledge of cancer risk factors, attitudes towards cancer prevention and information search in connection with cancer. At the same time, the participants will be presented with various information materials in the form of texts and animations in different communication styles (formal or narrative).

What are the goals of the CLARO study?

The project will assess the current state of knowledge on cancer prevention in Germany and additionally develop strategies on how to better reach people with low cancer literacy in particular. In the process, information materials will be created to sustainably increase awareness of the ability to change one's own cancer risk. The information materials will then be made available to the general public and, among other things, will be included in the range of services offered by the emerging National Cancer Prevention Center in Heidelberg.

Who is involved in the CLARO study?

The German Cancer Research Center in cooperation with the Cancer Information Service, the National Cancer Prevention Center and the Hanover University of Music, Drama, and Media is conducting the CLARO study. The study is part of the Graduate College for Cancer Prevention, funded by the German Cancer Aid.

Current status



  • Mona Illmann

    Mona Illmann

    PhD student

  • Florian Herbolsheimer

    Dr. Florian Herbolsheimer

    Senior Scientist


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