Baden-Württemberg Cancer Registry
The Baden-Württemberg Epidemiological Cancer Registry provides comprehensive data on cancer trends in the region. It supports research into cancer causes and contributes to quality assurance in the early cancer detection. It is based at the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg and is part of the Baden-Württemberg Cancer Registry (KRBW).

Detailed information on the Baden-Württemberg Cancer Registry is available at
Why a cancer registry?

As a cancer registry, our task is to record all cancers in Baden-Württemberg and to document, process and evaluate their treatment and progression. The aim of cancer registration is to advance research and improve cancer treatment, and to reduce the burden of disease. The effectiveness of the registry relies on the completeness and quality of the data collected. For this reason, t is essential that all cancer cases be reported.
Every report contributes to
- Describing the incidence of cancer in Baden-Württemberg
- Identifying regional variation of cancer incidences
- Evaluating the effectiveness of cancer screening programs
- Assessing treatment outcomes
- Analysing the quality of oncological care with the goal of improving practices
- Conducting and supporting clinical-epidemiological research

In addition to conducting its own clinical-epidemiological research, the registry supports other researchers by providing data and assisting with study participants recruitment.

Interactive reporting
The interactive data portal provides up-to-date information on new cancer cases and cancer-related deaths in Baden-Württemberg. You can filter and display the data according to various criteria, allowing you to explore the information in greater detail.

Aggregated and anonymized individual case data
On request, aggregated or anonymized (individual case) data can be provided for scientific research projects. Further information can be found → here.

Recruitment assistance
The KRBW supports researchers in identifying and recruiting potential study participants based on specific inclusion criteria.
Please note: Due to the time delay between diagnosis and registry notification, this access route is not suitable for recruiting newly diagnosed individuals. For more information, please refer to → this link

Cohort matching
In external cohort studies, data collected can be supplemented with information from the Baden-Württemberg Cancer Registry, provided that study participants have given their written consent to a cohort comparison. Of course, this comparison must have been approved by the responsible ethics committee. Further information can be found → here.
Research projects
Cohort matching:
Data from the following studies have been matched with the KRBW to date:
- FiX
- BRE-4-Med-Pilotstudie
- CroKuS
Recruitment assistance:
The following studies have utilized the KRBW's recruitment assistance to date:
- FiX
- Momentum
- CroKuS
Screening programs
The KRBW has the legal mandate to evaluate screening programs related to early cancer detection. The focus is on the effectiveness and efficiency of these programs. The aim is to determine whether screening programs contribute meaningfully to the early detection of cancer.
A key aspect of this evaluation are the interval cancers, - tumors that occur between two regular screening examinations. These tumors are detected after an inconspicuous screening but before the next scheduled examination. By evaluating data documented at the Cancer Registry, the screening findings of these cases can be re-examined, helping improve the quality of cancer screening.
Our interdisciplinary team encompasses a wide range of skills such as medicine, epidemiology, biostatistics, medical informatics, nutritional sciences and medical documentation.
Prof. Dr. Volker Arndt
Susanne Bergbold
Organisational management and deputy management EKR
Kathrin Bezold
Data management, lecturer
Ansgar Brandhorst
Data management
Jana Brandhorst
Data management
Dr. Silke Hermann
Senior scientist
Dr. Lina Jansen
Senior scientist
Iris Nath
Selected publications
Jansen L, Hermann S, Bergbold S, Arndt V.
Doege D, Frick J, Eckford RD , Koch-Gallenkamp L, Schlander M, Baden‐Württemberg Cancer Registry, Arndt V.
Jansen L, Schwettmann L, Behr C, Eberle A, Holleczek B, Justenhoven C, Kajüter H, Manz K, Peters F, Pritzkuleit R, Schmidt-Pokrzywniak A, Sirri E, Tetzlaff F, Voigtländer S, Arndt V.
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