Radiobiological Modeling

Figure 1. Tumor response model (TRM) simulating the radiation response of hypoxic tumors using the results of the TOM as input.

Hypoxia is one of the most important resistance factors in radiotherapy and correctly predicting the response of hypoxic tumors would allow optimizing the spatio-temporal dose distribution to obtain improved clinical results. Our group developed a tumor oxygenation model (TOM) describing the microscopic oxygen distribution based on intravascular oxygen tension, vascular fraction and vascular architecture. Based on the TOM, a tumor response model (TRM) has been developed describing the impact of proliferation, angiogenesis, tumor growth, irradiation, cell resorption and tumor shrinkage on the spatio-temporal tumor development. Currently, these models are validated using 3D vascular architectures (TOM) and dose response curves (TRM) obtained from preclinical tumors. Additional studies aim to model hypoxic tracer uptake and adaptive radiotherapy strategies.

Figure 2. Oxygen distribution simulated with the tumor oxygenation model (TOM) for vascular fractions of 3% and 7%.

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Prof. Dr. Christian Karger
Research Group Leader

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