Responsibility and Animal Welfare
The aim of our work at the German Cancer Research Center is to decipher the causes of cancer development, to develop new treatment options and to derive new ways of early detection and prevention. Our focus is on the well-being and health of people.

Our positions
To make progress in the fight against cancer, we use all available methods and model systems: We conduct research with molecules or proteins, with cell and tissue cultures, with tumor tissue samples, organoids or with computer models. Epidemiological and clinical studies also provide valuable results. But cancer is a disease that affects the whole body. As the tumor grows and spreads, the cancer cell comes into close contact with countless other cells and tissues in the body, to which it sends signals and from which it in turn receives messages. All these interactions contribute significantly to the development and progression of cancer. This complexity can only be mapped in a living organism, which is why we cannot do without studies on animals in cancer research.
Basic research
In addition to research directly aimed at improving cancer medicine, basic biomedical research accounts for a significant proportion of our scientific activities . This involves understanding cell biology and the disorders that can lead to the development of cancer. In order to answer such fundamental questions, studies on animals are indispensable. The results of such basic research often provide the basis on which novel therapeutic approaches can be developed.
3R rule
When dealing with animals, we are committed to the legally prescribed "3R rule": We carry out as few animal experiments as possible (reduction), we try to reduce the burden on animals through constant further development (refinement) and, wherever possible, to replace them with alternatives (replacement). We are aware of our ethical responsibility in dealing with laboratory animals.
Compulsory training
At the DKFZ, we carry out the obligatory training in laboratory animal science as a prerequisite for animal experimentation. We also offer a wide range of different further training courses for scientists working in animal experiments.