Advisory Council

The Advisory Council of the German Cancer Research Center, a circle of friends and sponsors, is made up of outstanding personalities from business, politics and the public. The Advisory Council was established in 2007 and has been continuously expanded since then. Maximilian Viessmann is the Chairman of the Advisory Council.

Gruppe von 17 Personen in formeller Kleidung steht auf einer Treppe und blickt in die Kamera. Die Personen tragen Anzüge, Blazer und elegante Kleidung. Der Hintergrund zeigt eine moderne Innenarchitektur mit weißen Wänden und kleinen Fenstern.

Impulses from personalities from business, politics and society

The members of the Advisory Council meet regularly at the DKFZ and inform themselves about current research projects and infrastructure measures as well as research policy strategies and framework conditions. They use their extensive experience to advise and support the DKFZ Board of Directors and see themselves as ambassadors for the German Cancer Research Center. They establish contacts and are also committed to tapping into private research funding resources.


Coordination and inquiries

  • Employee image

    Sarah Zimmermann

    Coordination Advisory Council


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