Worldwide, each year about 14.1 million people are diagnosed with cancer and 8.2 million die from the disease. Taking population growth and aging into account, the number of new cancer diagnoses is expected to increase to 21.7 million in 2030. About 40% of these cases could be prevented by systematic efforts to reduce lifestyle and environmental risk factors, such as smoking and poor diet, and by establishing and promoting vaccination and immunoprevention strategies. Additionally, early detection and screening approaches can substantially improve survival of cancer patients. Further advances in early detection may increase opportunities for curative treatment in the coming decades.
The DKFZ CONFERENCE 2018 on Preventive Oncology will bring together internationally leading researchers who will present their recent work and expert views in the field of cancer prevention. As well as providing a broad overview of the diverse ongoing research activities in this area, the conference will provide an excellent networking platform for researchers to identify common interests and foster cooperative projects in cancer prevention.
Hope to see you at this exciting conference at the DKFZ in Heidelberg!
Prof. Dr. Michael Baumann
Chairman and Scientific Director
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
on behalf of the Scientific Program Committee