Using the links for
virtual machine downloads (KVM, VMware and VirtualBox)
A quite comprehensive manual for installing is also available in the technical manuals section: ... icalManual
Follow the original manual to install the virtual machine software (e.g. VirtualBox) and chipster!
The following description is for windows hosts but the chipster details are the same for linux hosts.
It is needed and tested for chipster 2.0.1 and may be obsolet for future versions.
Host is your physical machine, your PC. In the host the virtual machine (VM) is running (hosted).
Your host should not use the network ports 22(ssh), 8080, 8081 and 61616, because the VM is configured to forward connects through your host to the VM, so that clients in your local network can reach your VM by connecting to your host to the specific ports.
Administrating the virtual system is much easier if you use putty (putty.exe from ... nload.html) to open a new shell in your VM. Just run putty.exe and enter localhost or in the field "Host Name (or IP address)" and click "Open". You will be asked for username and password, which is "chipster" and "chipster" by default. (EVERYBODY CAN LOG INTO YOUR VIRTUAL MACHINE IF YOU DON'T CHANGE IT! CHANGE IT WITH THE passwd COMMAND ON THE COMMAND LINE WHICH OPENS AFTER LOGIN)
The following steps are needed to make the virtual chipster installation working:
1) Open a shell on the VM (use the VM window or connect to the VM with ssh/putty).
2) In the VM shell run the commands
Code: Select all
cd /opt/chipster/
./chipster stop
The first IP address is for the ActiveMQ message broker. The default is the right choice if it is the IP address of your VM. Don't change it, just follow the original manual. Hit Enter. Neither change the protocol and the port of the message broker.
But change the IP address of the file broker host to
Don't change anything else unless you know why.
Hit enter until you are asked to enter "yes" to apply the changes.
4) We must change some IP addresses by hand:
The files
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
cp /opt/chipster/webstart/conf/chipster-config.xml /opt/chipster/webstart/conf/chipster-config.xml.bck
sed 's/' /opt/chipster/webstart/conf/chipster-config.xml > /opt/chipster/webstart/conf/
mv /opt/chipster/webstart/conf/ /opt/chipster/webstart/conf/chipster-config.xml
Code: Select all
cp /opt/chipster/webstart/web-root/chipster-config.xml /opt/chipster/webstart/web-root/chipster-config.xml.bck
sed 's/' /opt/chipster/webstart/web-root/chipster-config.xml > /opt/chipster/webstart/web-root/
mv /opt/chipster/webstart/web-root/ /opt/chipster/webstart/web-root/chipster-config.xml
Code: Select all
cp /opt/chipster/webstart/web-root/chipster.jnlp /opt/chipster/webstart/web-root/chipster.jnlp.bck
sed 's/' /opt/chipster/webstart/web-root/chipster.jnlp > /opt/chipster/webstart/web-root/
mv /opt/chipster/webstart/web-root/ /opt/chipster/webstart/web-root/chipster.jnlp
5) Configuration is done and chipster must be started:
Code: Select all
./chipster start
Your local chipster client on your host system should start and you should be possible to login with "chipster" "chipster" again. (Its still this combination even if you changed the password above, because its the chipster internal user and password combination. What you may have changed is the password of the linux user chipster of your VM).