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SCIENCE@DKFZ - "DNA lesion segregation in cancer evolution"

Schedule of event:

11/06/2024, 16:00

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Main Talk
? Prof. Dr. Duncan Odom (FSP-B) DNA lesion segregation in cancer evolution
Short Talks
? Dr. Marteinn Snaebjornsson (FSP-A) 13C-SpaceM: Spatial single-cell isotope tracing reveals heterogeneity of de novo fatty acid synthesis in cancer
? Verena Bitto (FSP-B) Enhancing mass spectrometry imaging accessibility using convolutional autoencoders for deriving hypoxia-associated peptides from tumors
? Dr. David Gomez-Zepeda (FSP-D) Thunder-DDA-PASEF enables high-coverage immunopeptidomics and is boosted by MS2Rescore with MS2PIP timsTOF fragmentation prediction model
? Lorenzo Corazzi (FSP-B) Linear interaction between replication and transcription shapes DNA break dynamics at recurrent DNA break Clusters

Keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Duncan Odom
An in-person only event at DKFZ lecture hall
For general information on the seminar series see


DKFZ communication center (lecture hall)


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