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6th Summer School in Medical Physics 2024: Radiation Detector Concepts for Medical Physics

Schedule of event:

27/09/2024, 09:30

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23/09/2024, 13:00
24/09/2024, 09:30
25/09/2024, 09:30
26/09/2024, 09:30


Jürgen Debus, E050, Dr. Tim Gehrke, E040, Oliver Jäkel, E040, Dr. Laurent Kelleter, E040, Dr. Maria Martisikova, E040, Dr. Jose Alberto Vedelago, E040


Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) Heidelberg / Heidelberger Institut für Radioonkologie (HIRO)




The 6th Summer School is subdivided into an online phase of about four weeks and an attendance phase of one week. The attendance phase is organized as hybrid model, such that all sessions of the attendance phase are additionally available online as a live online phase via Zoom. So, participants can decide to follow the course online and on site or 100% virtually. The online phase with pre-recorded lectures and online sessions introduces the basics in medical physics for radiation therapy and radiology. The most important mechanisms and applications of radiation detectors for medical physics will be explained in a broad context ranging from high-energy physics to newest developments in medical imaging. The hybrid attendance phases will then focus on specific detector applications for dosimetry & QA in radiotherapy, for image guidance and last but not least for research, e.g. related to FLASH therapy, photon-counting CT or measuring radiation quality for advancements in dosimetry. The summer school is designed for PhD/MD, MSc or BSc students. More information including application is available on our website:


virtual OR German Cancer Research Center Communication Center, Seminar room K1/K2

Registration necessary:


Registration deadline:


Registration fee:

125,0000 €

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